
  • Cross regional operation;trans-regional management
  1. 十多年里,X城市商业银行经历了改制创新,快速发展,引入战略投资者等一系列过程,处于争取实现上市经营、跨区域经营的战略转型阶段。

    Within over 10 years , X city commercial bank experienced a series of process of rapid development such as restructuring innovation , introducing of strategic investors , etc. Now it is in the pursuit of market operators and inter-regional strategic business transformation .

  2. 依法确认城市商业银行的跨区域经营。

    To identify the trans-regional operation of the urban commercial banks .

  3. 青岛银行股份有限公司跨区域经营战略研究

    Research on Bank of Qingdao Cross-region Development Strategy

  4. 其中,跨区域经营成为城商行寻求发展突破的关键,本文将就此主题加以研究。

    Among them , the cross-regional business becomes the key to city commercial banks seeking for development breakthrough .

  5. 目前全国各地很多的城市商业银行纷纷改制,寻求跨区域经营以实现上市。

    At present , many urban commercial banks make reform , seeking to operate cross-regional to achieve the listing .

  6. 跨区域经营是全国主要城市商业银行近年发展的基本路径和战略取向。

    Cross-regional business is a basic path and strategic orientation of the major city commercial banks in recent years .

  7. 近几年,城市商业银行发展的步伐越来越快,跨区域经营成为其规模扩张中一种最为重要的方式。

    In recent years , the city commercial banks show tends of rapid development , cross-regional operations become the most important manner .

  8. 然而报业跨区域经营还处于起步阶段,对于新闻业界来说是一个崭新课题。

    The trans-region management of newspapering is still in the elementary step , and is the new phenomenon for the news circle .

  9. 随着跨区域经营的不断深入,源于核心竞争力发展的原动力不足问题逐渐显现。

    With the deepening of cross-regional operation , problems have becoming emerged , arising from the insufficient motive power of core competitiveness development .

  10. 并提出在城市商业银行跨区域经营的可采取的措施,以及监管部门对城商行进行跨区域经营时所能提供的指导建议。

    And we can put forward the countermeasures of city commercial Banks cross-regional operation , as well as regulatory guidelines for the bank advice .

  11. 在这样的背景下,跨国公司以及国内大型企业集团得到了高速的发展,企业跨国跨区域经营日益普遍。

    In this context , transnational corporations and domestic conglomerates have witnessed fast development , Enterprise operations are increasing frequently across the region and country .

  12. 通过回归技术分别讨论了影响银行效率的各种因素,同样得出跨区域经营并没有提高城商行效率的结果。

    Various factors effecting bank efficiency were discussed through Regression technique , and the result was also that inter-regional operation did not improve bank efficiency .

  13. 为此,制定一套行之有效的信用风险度量模型和治理机制对于城市商业银行跨区域经营的持续发展意义重大。

    For this reason , to set up an effective measurement model and right control mechanism of credit risk have a great significance on sustainable development of commercial banks .

  14. 同时,随着房地产企业的跨区域经营,安徽省市场出现了众多的省外房地产开发商。

    Furthermore , with the cross-regional operation of real estate corporations , the market of Anhui Province has a large of real estate developers that come from other province .

  15. 第六章根据上一章得出的结论,就城市商业银行跨区域经营的问题向城市商业银行提出了一定的政策建议。

    According to the result of the last chapter , chapter six proposes certain policy suggestions for city commercial banks in terms of cross-regional operation of city commercial banks .

  16. 本文同时还从整体上提出了解决兰州银行跨区域经营中信用风险控制问题的基本思路和建议。

    Additionally , the paper gives a train of thought about how to solve the problem of controlling the credit risk of trans-regional of the bank of Lanzhou from the overall .

  17. 近年来,我国传媒产业化、市场化步伐加快,报业在跨区域经营有了一定的政策空间和市场空间。

    In the recent years , with the acceleration of the enterprisation and market-orientation in the media , the newspapering has gained the political permission and some quotient in the market .

  18. 以上研究结论,也再次验证了国际营销学界标准化和本土化研究中的权变观点,期望能给其他跨国或跨区域经营的零售企业一些参考和借鉴。

    These conclusions are confirmed with the contingency perspective of international marketing research domain . The author hopes these conclusions can be a reference to the other multinational or multiregional retailers .

  19. 煤炭大集团企业非煤产业的发展战略研究成为企业发展的重要部分,多元化、跨区域经营是煤炭大企业集团非煤经济的发展战略。

    When the coal price is good and the enterprise fund is abundant , coal business enterprise should exert oneself to develop the non-coal industry , preparing early for the future resource .

  20. 地产集团因其产业特性,为获取最大的土地资源,保持企业的竞争优势,跨区域经营和发展已成为必然的趋势。

    Real estate group because of its industry characteristics , in order to get the maximum land resources , keep the enterprise competitive advantage , cross-regional operation and development has become an inevitable trend .

  21. 1994年我国实行了分税制的改革,主要解决了中央和地方的税收分配问题,而对地方政府间关于跨区域经营企业的税收分配安排仍然缺乏。

    In 1994 China adopted the reform of the tax system , mainly to solve the central and local allocation of tax , while local governments on the trans-regional enterprises still lack the revenue-sharing arrangements .

  22. 报业市场经过去年大范围、大力度整顿后,外延性扩张引起了许多报业集团决策者们高度重视,报业跨区域经营已是箭在弦上。

    After the potent regulation over a large scope in the newspapering last year , the exterior expansion attracts the full attention of the directors of newspapering and the trans-region management of newspapering becomes urgent .

  23. 一些经营情况较好的城市商业银行开始了新一轮的重组改造,进一步完善了法人治理结构,引入战略投资者,并逐步开展跨区域经营。

    Some operating on a better city commercial banks began a new round of restructuring , to further improve the corporate governance structure , the introduction of strategic investors , and then gradually develop cross-regional business .

  24. 2006年以后,随着年国家鼓励城市商业银行跨区域经营政策的出台,为了突破地域规模的限制,越来越多的城市商业银行在异地设立了分支机构。

    After 2006 , Along with the policy that government encourages the cross-region of city_commercial bank , more and more city_commercial banks have set up branches in other places in order to overcome the geographical limitations .

  25. 第三章介绍了有关城市商业银行跨区域经营的理论。从理论的角度重点分析了跨区域经营、地理距离以及分支分布策略对于城市商业银行效率的影响。

    Chapter three introduces theories about the cross-regional operation of city commercial banks and selectively analyzes the influence of cross-regional operation , geographical distance and branch distributed strategy on city commercial banks ' efficiency from theoretical aspects .

  26. 随着大量外资银行进入中国,城市性商业银行跨区域经营,竞争日益加强,股份制银行利润空间受到了冲击,单一的偏向大中型企业的经营战略迫切需要改变。

    With foreign banks enter into China and city commercial bank develops the cross-regional business , competition is increasingly strengthened , and also joint-stock banks profit is reducing , the single strategy preferring larger and medium-sized enterprises needs to be changed .

  27. 尤其是近几年,各家城市商业银行都忙于跑马圈地,跨区域经营扩张步伐越迈越快,跨区域程度越来越大,而一些潜在的问题也伴随着跨区域浪潮的来临而浮上水面。

    Especially in recent years , every city commercial bank encircles the ground in the horse race , then the expansion speed of cross-regional operation is faster and faster and the trans-regional degree is larger and larger along with some problems .

  28. 第五章在前两章的基础上运用多元回归方法对跨区域经营对城市商业银行的效率的影响进行了考察,结果表明城市商业银行跨区域程度和其效率是负相关的。

    On the basis of the previous two chapters , chapter five studies the influence of cross-regional operation on city commercial banks ' efficiency applying multiple regression method and the result shows that the trans-regional degree of city commercial banks is negatively correlated with its efficiency .

  29. 特别是在跨区域经营过程中,由于政治、经济、文化环境因素的复杂性、不确定性,使企业实际收益与预期收益目标相背离,甚至导致企业经营活动失败的可能性。

    Especially in trans-regional operation process , because the political , economic and cultural environment factors of complexity and uncertainty , causes the enterprise to the actual benefits and expected earnings target departure from the business activities of enterprises , and even cause failure of possibilities .

  30. 在实际发展过程中,一方面,跨区域经营确实能够稳定存款来源,扩展业务空间,分散银行风险,为一部分实力雄厚,以成长为全国性商业银行为目标的城商行创造了有利条件。

    In the actual development process , on the one hand , cross-regional business can really stable sources of deposits , expanding business , spread the risks of banks , which create favorable conditions for those large city commercial banks which want to grow into national commercial bank .