
  1. 从以应收账款质押向银行贷款、商业票据及公司债发行、开办购车储蓄业务、汽车金融信贷资产证券化等方面建立有效的融资渠道等来解决融资问题;

    Opening more finance channels for automobile finance from banking loans 、 issuing Asset-backed securities 、 saving for cars and automobile finance asset securitization ;

  2. 本文从介绍应收账款、应收账款质押的含义为切入,分析了我国中小企业的融资困境,再进一步揭示出我国中小企业以应收账款质押获得商业银行贷款融资的可行性。

    Then it analyzes the financing difficulties of SME in our country and further reveals the feasibility of the development of the account receivable pledged finance business in commercial banks .