
yìnɡ jí dēnɡ
  • emergency light
  1. 智能建筑的集散型应急灯控制系统

    A Control System of Distributed Emergency Light in Intelligent Buildings

  2. 应急灯应经常充电使用,请勿长时间搁置。

    The emergency light should be used and charged frequently .

  3. 在器件和工艺设计的基础上,阐述了应急灯控制芯片内部高压驱动管的设计、芯片的ESD保护方案和版图等后端设计。

    The emphasis is put on the regulation and the charge-controlling blocks . Based on the design of the structure for device , the internal HV-NMOS , ESD protection and the layout of the chip have been designed .

  4. 右舷救生艇登艇应急灯不亮。

    Starboard side lifeboat boarding light ( emergency ) not working .

  5. 明天早上我会把应急灯装好的。

    I will finish installing the emergency lights by tomorrow morning .

  6. 延长应急灯寿命的技术改进

    The Technical Improvement for Prolonging the Service Life of the Emergency Lamp

  7. 消防应急灯集中监控系统

    The Centralized Monitoring System of Emergency Light with Fire Control

  8. 间歇振荡器的物理特性及应急灯制作

    The Physical Characteristics of Interval Oscillator and Emergency Lamp Making

  9. 那些紧急事件出口标志是否装备有应急灯?

    Are there emergency exits signs that are equipped with emergency lights ?

  10. 小手电筒,应急灯,灯杯。

    Small flashlight , emergency lights , cup lights .

  11. 应急灯控制芯片设计及应用

    Design of an Emergency Lighting IC and Applications

  12. 本论文所设计的应急灯控制芯片应用于自带电源型消防应急灯具。

    The emergency lighting IC in this thesis is for the application of self-powered emergency lighting .

  13. 航行灯,应急灯均可由主、应急电源供电。

    The navigation lights and signal lights power is supplied both by main and emergency sources .

  14. 每层楼梯间应安装应急灯。

    Emergency lights at every stairwell .

  15. 无论白天或夜晚,市电恢复正常时,应急灯自动关断。

    Whether by day or night , electricity is restored , the emergency lights automatically turn off .

  16. 本公司主要经营:生活小家电,食物搅拌器,榨汁机,电熨斗,应急灯,电风扇等塑料配件,精细五金制品。

    The main products are : food mixer , blender , electric fan , electric iron etc plastic accessories , fine hardware products .

  17. 介绍了一种按照我国新标准要求而研制的应急灯电源,分析了它的设计特点及电路工作原理。

    An emergency luminaries power supply from new standard of our country was presented . Its character in design and circulit principle was also analysed .

  18. 以往经常用自备柴油发电机组、蓄电池、干电池和镍镉电池应急灯作为应急备用电源。

    Traditionally , diesel oil-based generators , storage battery , dry battery and emergency lighting equipped Ni-Cd battery are always used as standby emergency power supply .

  19. 介绍了消防应急灯集中监控系统的工作原理及组成,对软硬件的设计特点进行了一定的叙述。

    In this paper , principle and composition of the centralized monitoring system of emergency light with fire control is discussed , including features of hardware and software design .

  20. 可提供全系列照明产品,包括荧灯具、路灯、投光灯、应急灯、庭院灯、商业用灯、工业用灯、镇流器等。

    Can provide a full range of lighting products , including fluorescent lamps , street lamps , spot lights , emergency lights , garden lights , commercial lighting , industrial lamp , ballast and so on .

  21. 随着现代建筑楼宇面积越来越大并且结构也越来越复杂,楼宇内应急灯和通道指示灯的数量日益庞大,建立一个应急灯控制系统就显得非常必要。

    With modern construction of buildings having a growing area and increasingly complex structures , there are a large number of emergency lights and light channels , and it is necessary to establish an emergency light control system .

  22. 应急灯不要直接安装在逃生标志下方,因为当紧急情况发生时透过强烈的灯光很难看到逃生标志。

    It is not suggested to install the exit sign / mark directly under the emergency light , this is because it is very hard to see through the strong lights if the workers are looking for the exit sign during emergency situation .

  23. 消防应急标志灯用光源的发展

    Development of the Optical Source for Fire Emergency Light The Lamp

  24. 电致发光的应急标志灯电源

    The Lamp Emergency Luminaries Power Supply of Electroluminescence

  25. 土耳其东部,温度下降到零下,应急小组在聚光灯下,努力寻找周日地震的更多幸存者。

    Emergency teams in eastern Turkey are working by floodlight to find more survivors of Sunday 's earthquake as temperatures plummet to below zero .

  26. 转动旋转滑阀15和离合器手柄到应急位置,指示器应急灯亮。

    Turn both handles of the rotary slide valve ( pos. no.15 ) and the clutch to the emergency position , and the annunciator emergency is lit on .

  27. 目前产品覆盖充电应急照明台灯,手电,野营灯,通道应急灯和室内外的LED照明灯饰。

    Our products cover Torch , Camping light , Emergency light and LED indoor and outdoor lighting .