
  1. 三个女子中暑昏倒,但很快靠白兰地苏醒过来了。

    Three women fainted in the heat but were quickly brought round with brandy .

  2. 在印度,三个女子中大约只有一个有正式工作,虽然有数百万的女性在农场和家庭事务上挥洒汗水。

    In India only about one woman in three has a formal job , though millions sweat on farms and in family businesses .

  3. 当三个女子从容地转辗于文明人所发明的数码装备的狂拍中的时候,这是怎样的一个惊心动魄的伟大呵!

    When three females transfer the milling calmly in digital equipment crazy racket time which invents in the civilized person , this is what kind of one soul-stirring great !

  4. 徐一向抱独身主义,对女性的兴趣只限于有距离的欣赏,与三个女子都若即若离。

    Xu maintains celibacy throughout ; his interest in women is " limited to appreciation from a distance ," and he is neither close nor distant from the three women .