
  • 网络Withdrawing in Advance
  1. 提前支取行为对存款利率定价的影响

    The Effects of Premature Withdrawal on Deposit Interest Rate Pricing

  2. 请问我能凭我的信用卡提前支取一笔钱吗?

    Could I withdraw a sum of money beforehand against my credit card ?

  3. 如果提前支取会不会有罚金?

    Was there a penalty for early withdrawal ?

  4. 在存款期满前,你们是否允许我提前支取?

    Can you release the deposit before maturity ?

  5. 整存整取定期储蓄存款可以部分或全部提前支取,也可以办理异地托收。

    Partial or full amount withdrawal in advance and collection from other places are permitted .

  6. 提前支取按支取日挂牌公告的活期储蓄存款利率计息。

    For the withdrawal amount in advance , the interest is computed at the current rate quoted on the day of withdrawal .

  7. 本文通过分析存款人提前支取及其付息情况对银行风险补偿的影响来研究银行存款利率定价问题。

    Through an analysis of premature withdrawal , the corresponding interests payment and the following impacts on bank risk compensation , this paper studies the issue of deposit interest rates pricing .

  8. 在当今全球经济不景气之际,泰国为促进经济增长,允许退休公务员在活着的时候提前支取死后所得抚恤金的一半。

    BANGKOK ( Reuters ) - In a bid to bolster the economy at a time of global gloom , Thailand is to allow retired civil servants to spend up to half their death benefits while they are still alive .

  9. 由于我国一直实行利率管制,使得我国商业银行长期对利率风险未引起足够的重视,特别是对于存贷款中的提前支取和提前偿付行为所引起的信用风险和利率风险长期忽视。

    Because of interest rate control has been implemented , making long-term interest rate of commercial banks did not attract enough attention to risk , especially for the early withdrawal of deposits and loans in the prepayment behavior and caused long-term credit risk and interest rate risks ignored .

  10. 储蓄账户存在银行里一个固定的期间,或者与客户达成谅解,客户可以在提前通知后支取。

    Savings account held in a bank for a fixed term , or with the understanding that the customer can withdraw only by giving advanced notice .