
  • 网络devi
  1. 诺罗顿最年长的女儿,布法•提毗则专门从事一种现被称为robamboran的古典舞蹈,她还为法国戴高乐将军和马歇尔•提托表演过。

    Norodom 's eldest daughter , Buppha Devi , specialised in a classical dance style known as robam boran , and performed for General de Gaulle and Marshall Tito .

  2. 这次艺术节的一个亮点—将在布鲁克林音乐学院上演—是“仙女梅拉的传奇”,当中包括因布法•提毗而成名的一种舞蹈。

    One of the festival 's highlights - to be shown at the Brooklyn Academy of Music - is " The Legend of Apsara Mera , " which includes a dance that Princess Buppha Devi made famous .

  3. 亚哈斯差遣使者去见亚述王提革拉毗列色,说,我是你的仆人,你的儿子。

    Ahaz sent messengers to say to Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria , 'I am your servant and vassal .

  4. 亚哈斯王上大马色去迎接亚述王提革拉毗列色,在大马色看见一座坛,就照坛的规模样式作法画了图样,送到祭司乌利亚那里。

    And King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglathpileser king of assyria , and saw an altar that was at damascus : and King Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest the fashion of the altar , and the pattern of it , according to all the workmanship thereof .