
  • 网络indian dance;Indian dance styles
  1. 而特效、音乐、印度舞蹈、名流将晚会打造得精彩纷呈。

    Special effects , music , Indian dance routines , celebrities-really a spectacular event .

  2. 该节目为90分钟,其中有动感印度民间舞蹈、现场音乐表演和说书。

    The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance , live music and storytelling .

  3. 她是个受过印度传统舞蹈训练的舞蹈家。

    She is a classically trained lndian dancer .

  4. 教授印度传统舞蹈的德拉威寺庙学院,还有英国殖民时期的堡垒和教堂,都是行程中必不可少的景点。

    Must-see destinations include : Dravidian temples , institutes for Indian classical dance , British-era fortifications and churches .

  5. 甚至到了今天,任何印度经典舞蹈都是以舞王或者是舞神那吒罗阇的一个符咒为开头。

    Even today every recital of any Indian classical dance begins with an invocation to Nataraja or Nateshwara the god of dance .

  6. 作为一个舞者,我知道九情操(印度古典舞蹈中通过肢体或表情表达不同情绪的方式)愤怒、勇敢、厌恶、诙谐与恐怖。

    As a dancer , I know the nine rasas or the navarasas : anger , valor , disgust , humor and fear .

  7. 神奇的印度音乐与舞蹈

    The Magical Indian Music and Dance The Developing India

  8. 印度音乐与舞蹈都有着悠久的历史,印度文化的多样性特征、印度艺术同宗教千丝万缕的联系、印度艺术与原始思维的密切联系等等特点都在音乐和舞蹈中体现出来。

    With a long history , Indian music and dance embodies the diversification of Indian culture , countless ties between Indian art and religion , close relationship between Indian art and primitive thinking .

  9. 我相信中国人民一定会喜欢印度丰富多彩的舞蹈和歌曲。

    I 'm pretty sure that people in China will fall in love with colorful Indian dances and songs .

  10. 表演将体现印度不同的文化艺术元素,包括具有时尚元素的现代舞,传统的印度乡村、节日舞蹈,以及宝莱坞电影的精华&印度婚典歌舞。

    The production will blend modern dance , traditional country and festival dance , as well as wedding performances , the highlight of Bollywood movie .