
  • 网络indian air force;Iaf
  1. 作为这个计划的一个衍生物,印度空军重新规划了他的行动计划,而且目标被重新定义,以与改变的方法和方向同调。

    As an offshoot of the same , IAF redrew its operational plans and objectives were redefined in tune with the changed modus-operandi and directions .

  2. 巴勒斯坦通讯社报道,印度空军马安直升机发射响应事件,而以色列国防军发言人拒绝证实或否认导弹进入加沙地带。

    Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported that IAF helicopters fired missiles into the Strip in response to the incident , which the IDF spokesperson declined to confirm or deny .

  3. 在南部城市班加罗尔,印度空军飞行员驾驶两架由美国波音公司制造的F-18超级大黄蜂战机进行了单机飞行。

    In the southern city of Bangalore , Indian air force pilots have carried out sorties of two F18 " Super hornet " fighter jets manufactured by U.

  4. 与此同时,印度空军还打算重新启用拉达克邦东部的另外两个机场,这两个机场也都靠近中国边境。

    This comes as the Air Force plans to revive two more bases in eastern Ladakh , both close to the Chinese frontier .

  5. 星期六,印度空军飞行员驾驶一架俄罗斯制造的安东诺夫-32型运输机在印控克什米尔地区拉达克邦的斗拉特别奥里地空军基地降落。

    On Saturday the Indian Air Force pilots landed a Russian-built Antonov-32 transport aircraft at the Daulatbeg Oldi air base in Ladakh province of Indian administered Kashmir .

  6. 2016年7月22日,印度空军一架安-32双擎运输机在孟加拉湾附近失踪。

    On July 22 , 2016 , an Antonov An-32 twin-engine transport aircraft belonging to the Indian Air Force disappeared while flying over the Bay of Bengal .

  7. 在更靠西部的地方,印度空军直升机与尼泊尔军官对受灾最严重村庄展开的联合空中勘察发现了大面积的受灾情况。

    Further west , aerial surveys of the worst affected valleys , carried out jointly by Indian Air Force helicopters and Nepali military officials , revealed widespread devastation .

  8. 随着两架光辉战机周五服役,印度空军组建起第一个由国产光辉战机组成的中队

    BENGALURU : Indian Air Force will raise the first squadron of home-grown Light Combat Aircraft ( LCA ) Tejas with the induction of two aircraft into the force in Bengaluru on Friday .

  9. 搭载尼泊尔士兵的印度空军直升机在受灾最严重的山区多次执行侦察任务、以评估灾害情况,并制定计划向被困的幸存者分发救援物资。

    Indian air forced helicopters carried Nepali soldiers on numerous reconnaissance missions in the worst affected mountainous areas to assess the damage , and laid plans to distribute relief supplies to the stranded survivors .

  10. 加快现代化进程的印度航空工业和空军力量

    India Aerospace Industry and Air force in Modern Upgrade

  11. 印度开始为本国空军选择战斗机而进行试飞。

    India Begins Trials to Select Air Force Combat Jets In India , trials have begun to select a fighter aircraft for the country 's air force .

  12. 印度报业托拉斯援引空军部门消息人士的话说,重启斗拉特别奥里地基地是为了加强印度在这个战略地区的空中和陆地侦察能力。

    The news agency Press Trust of India quoted Air Force sources as saying that the Daulatbeg Oldi Base was revived to bolster India 's aerial and land reconnaissance capability in the strategic region .

  13. 空军新闻稿说,来自印度天文机构和印度空军的10人科学小组计划乘飞机拍摄此次日食。

    A10-member team of scientists from the premier Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore and the Indian air force plan to fly and film the eclipse , an air force press release said .

  14. 国有印度斯坦航空公司将会向印度空军移交两架光辉战机,组建第一个光辉战机中队“飞刀”。

    State-run Hindustan Aeronautics Limited ( HAL ) will hand over the first two Tejas aircraft to the Air Force which will make up the ' Flying Daggers " 45 , the name of the first squadron of the LCA .

  15. 但是,印度究竟根据什么样的标准让美国战斗机出局,印度空军并没有公开标准。

    The Indian air force has not made public any of the criteria it used in eliminating the American fighters from consideration .