
  1. 我们成为黑玫瑰酒吧的舞王与舞后。

    We were king and queen of la Rosa negra .

  2. 帕里斯为我们展示舞王式。

    Paris shows us the Natarajasana , or Lord of the dance , pose .

  3. 那个被你称作曼波舞王的家伙。

    That guy you call the Mambo king .

  4. 保罗:我们去威尼斯看《舞王》。

    Paul : Let 's go see Lord of the Dance at the Venetian .

  5. 但是现在是时候宣布今年返校舞会的舞王和舞后了

    But now it 's time to announce this year 's homecoming king and queen .

  6. 在这个独特的图式&舞王像里,湿婆正在为人们的无知而起舞。

    In this particular form , Nataraja , Shiva is dancing upon the ignorance of man .

  7. 甚至到了今天,任何印度经典舞蹈都是以舞王或者是舞神那吒罗阇的一个符咒为开头。

    Even today every recital of any Indian classical dance begins with an invocation to Nataraja or Nateshwara the god of dance .

  8. 而英国人正在以最传统的方式引入这种舞会,舞会上会有舞王和舞后,专业摄影师布置出色调柔和的背景。

    Britons , meanwhile , are adopting the prom at its most traditional , with prom queens and kings and professional photographers favoring pastel backdrops .

  9. 短短11天之后,这位执着的舞蹈家甘冒财务危机,倾其所有,一股脑地投入新作《舞王》的制作。

    Just eleven days later , the tenacious dancer risked financial ruin by sinking everything he had into a new production : Lord of the Dance .

  10. 你见过舞蹈之神的舞蹈吗(附:作为舞王),他只不过是跳舞的,不是吗?

    Have you not seen Nataraja ′ s dance ( added : Shiva as The Lord of Dance ), he is merely dancing , isn ′ t it ?

  11. 印度古代艺术创作的代表作品舞王湿婆雕塑,表现出印度传统艺术观念的诸多特点,从中可以考察印度古典戏剧的审美与价值观念的丰富内涵。

    We can inspect the aesthetic and value conception of Indian ancient drama from the representative sculptural production The Dancer SHI-Po , which manifests many characters of Indian traditional art conceptions .