
  • 网络pacifier;comforter;soother;conciliator
  1. 在大城市,几乎肯定能找到一个和你意气相投、让你觉得舒心的心灵抚慰者。

    In a large city you 're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable .

  2. 盖伍德表示,外伤病例减少,但精神需要抚慰者渐多,许多人还难以摆脱恐怖地震的阴霾。

    Garwood says the number of trauma cases is declining , but there has been an increase in mental health needs .

  3. 我们国家依赖于那些照应邻里和用爱去抚慰迷失者的人们。

    Our nation relies on men and women who look after a neighbor and surround the lost with love .

  4. 借用圣经中的话,愿上帝保佑受难者的记忆,抚慰心碎者,助他们疗伤。

    May God bless the memory of the victims and , in the words of Scripture , heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds .