
  • 网络duty of support;duty to provide support
  1. 儿童抚养义务法律适用公约;

    Convention sur la LOI applicable aux obligations alimentatires envers les enfants ;

  2. 第五部分是完善我国离婚夫妻之子女抚养义务立法的建议。

    The fifth part is proposals on how to consummate the legislation on obligation of child support of divorced spouse .

  3. 签署婚前协议是为了确定,一旦离婚,如何划分资产以及子女的抚养义务。

    Pre-nuptial agreements are intended to help determine how commonly held assets , as well as childcare responsibilities , will be shared in the event of a divorce .

  4. 父母不履行抚养义务时,未成年的或不能独立生活的子女,有要求父母付给抚养费的权利。

    Where the parents fail to perform their obligations , the underage children and the children without the ability to live an independent life shall be entitled to ask their parents to pay aliments .

  5. 单亲家庭是指子女只能跟随父母其中一方生活,另一方可能是亡故或因离异等原因而几乎完全放弃了对幼儿的监护和抚养义务的家庭。

    A Single-parent-family is a family in which a child or children can only live with one of the two parents , because the other one has died or divorced and almost given up the custodial and foster rights completely .

  6. 对未成年人负有抚养义务而拒绝抚养,情节恶劣的,依照刑法第一百八十三条的规定追究刑事责任。

    Where a person has the obligation to support a minor but refuses to do so , and if the circumstances are flagrant , criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions in Article 183 of the Criminal Law .

  7. 针对精神损害赔偿,本文将赔偿范围扩大至婴幼儿的父母及有抚养义务的近亲属,这样有利于减轻近亲属的压力和痛苦,符合社会的公平观念。

    According to the mental damage compensation , this paper will compensate for the scope to expand the infant parents and have the obligation to support and close relatives of the , this helps to reduce the pressure of close relatives and pain , and conform to social fair idea .

  8. 作为一名有着抚养女儿义务的父亲,

    as a parent with the privilege of raising a daughter

  9. 第二十一条父母对子女有抚养教育的义务;

    Article 21 Parents shall have the duty to bring up and educate their children ;

  10. 父母有抚养子女的义务。

    Parents are obligated to support their children .

  11. 丧失劳动能力或无独立生活能力的残疾人,有要求负有抚养、赡养义务的家庭成员抚养或赡养的权利。

    The disabled who cannot work or live independently have the right to require other family members to support them .

  12. 安吉丽娜朱莉指控布拉德皮特,在两人长期的离婚过程中,未在经济上履行抚养孩子的义务。

    Angelina Jolie has accused Brad Pitt of failing to support their kids financially amid the couple 's long-running divorce .

  13. 在挪威,男女平等的观念由来已久。在70%的家庭中,夫妻二人会共同承担抚养子女的义务。

    Norway has a long tradition of gender equality and childrearing is shared equally between mothers and fathers in 70 per cent of cases .

  14. 第二十一条父母对子女有抚养教育的义务;子女对父母有赡养扶助的义务。

    Parents shall have the duty to bring up and educate their children ; children shall have the duty to support and assist their parents .

  15. 最好的父母不也就是孩子们的好朋友吗?他们毫无保留地承受抚养孩子的义务,并让孩子知道他们是可以信赖的。

    Aren " t the best parents also good friends to their children , accepting them without reservation and telling them they can be counted on ?

  16. 尽管父母在离婚之后仍然对子女有抚养和教育的义务,但是婚姻的破裂对子女的负面影响却是深远的。

    Although parents after divorce still have the obligation of child support and education , the breakup of marriage has profound influence which is negative to child .

  17. 她的希望是把林惇交给他,就像他从前和她在一起一样;她自己也情愿相信,这孩子的父亲根本不想担起抚养和教育他的义务。

    Her hope was , that Linton might be left with him , as he had been with her : his father , she would fain convince herself , had no desire to assume the burden of his maintenance or education .

  18. 第二十八条有负担能力的祖父母、外祖父母,对于父母已经死亡或父母无力抚养的未成年的孙子女、外孙子女,有抚养的义务。

    Article 28 Grandparents or maternal grandparents who can afford it shall have the duty to bring up their grandchildren or maternal grandchildren who are minors and whose parents are dead or have no capacity of bringing them up .

  19. 欺诈性抚养是指在婚姻关系存续期间或离婚以后,受欺诈的配偶方对婚姻关系存续期间所生之非婚生子女所承担的抚养义务。

    Legally , fraudulent custody is referred to the acts or the condition in which the cheated spouse bear with the liability to support the illegitimate children during the marriage relationship or after divorce .