
jué duì yì wù
  • absolute obligation;absolute duty
  1. 如果只含蓄表现为绝对义务,记住这很重要,因为。

    In this case our worth , our regard being prudent if only implicitly as a catagoric obligation .

  2. 绝对义务,以区别于,纯粹谨慎的义务,它包含在,前道德合同关系中,尼采说道,我无法偿还债务是。

    And to give it a name I propose to call it a categorical obligation in order to distinguish it from the purely prudential obligation involved in pre moral contractual relationships .

  3. “忠孝”思想观念是专制王权政治体系中最基本的政治道德规范,在政治生活中表现为臣民对君主具有绝对义务之政治观念。地域集团、萧沈对抗与刘宋政制

    Loyalty and filial piety are the basic political moral standards in the autocratic political system , and the manifestation of loyalty to the sovereignty . The Resistance Between Xiao Dao-Cheng and Shen You-Zhi and the Political System of the Song Dynasty

  4. 定居英国的移民有绝对的义务要融入英国社会。

    Immigrants to the UK must be given the absolute duty to integrate .

  5. 布鲁尼:我想说电影对于历史没有绝对的义务,就连历史学者都会挑拣要关注的问题,提出一些观点和论断,而不会面面俱到地顾及对于现实生活未经编辑、混乱的纪录中,所有细微的事实和微妙细节。

    Bruni : I 'd say that movies don 't have any absolute duty to history . Even historians pick and choose what to focus on and come up with a perspective or argument that doesn 't do full justice to all of the small facts and subtleties in the unedited , messy record of real life .

  6. 我们绝对有这个义务的,没错。

    Cuse : We have an obligation to do that , absolutely .

  7. 假如你吃了室友的食物,换一份新的绝对是你的义务。

    If you eat your roommate 's food , it is absolutely your responsibility to replace it .

  8. 然而,任何权利和义务应该是对等的,享有多少权利就应该向其相反方向承担绝对值相等的义务。

    However , any rights and obligations should be peer , how much should enjoy the rights to the opposite direction for absolute value equal obligations .