
  1. 身份权请求权在诉讼上表现为给付之诉。

    And the claim of paternity right is applicable for the action of performance .

  2. 身份权请求权是民事权利保护的请求权体系中的一种。

    The claim of paternity right is in the system of claims to protect civil rights .

  3. 因此身份权请求权应当分为两种,一种是针对身份义务人的请求权,一种是针对身份关系之外的第三人的请求权。

    Therefore , right to petition of right of status should be divided into two kinds , one is right to petition directed against the obligor of status , and the other is right to petition directed against third person beyond the relation of paternity .

  4. 基于身份权的现代特质,身份权请求权具有独特而必要的法律地位。

    According to this the claim of paternity right is special and necessary .