
  • 网络Identity discrimination;Discrimination against immigrants
  1. 就是对农民工的身份歧视。文章最后提出了解决这一问题的制度变迁的思路和对策。

    And at last , the writer proposed the thought and solutions to solve this problem .

  2. “三农”成为“问题”,原因很复杂,而身份歧视制度和财产权利制度中对农民的不公正待遇是“三农”问题积重难返的深刻的制度原因。

    This paper proposes that the institutions of discrimination against farmers and the unfair treatments of their property-right are the deep institutional causes .

  3. 因此,我们必须消除身份歧视制度,在制度安排上重视对农民财产权的保护,唯有如此,才有利于“三农”问题的解决。

    It also suggests that we should get rid of the institutions of discrimination and pay more attention to protecting the farmers ' property so as help solve the problems .

  4. 民营企业权益受到侵害的主要表现有:1。民营企业身份的歧视性国民待遇;

    The Private enterprise rights and interests receive the violation the main performance to include : 1.Private enterprise status prejudice national treatment ;

  5. 周二(11月3日),在休斯敦,投票者否决了一项被称为卫生间法令的措施,这项法令意在禁止基于性别身份的歧视。

    And on Tuesday in Houston , voters rejected a measure known as the bathroom ordinance , which would prohibit discrimination based on gender identity .

  6. 为此,应通过转变基础教育观念,强化基础教育的文化传递与改良功能,消除“身份”歧视意识,加强对留守农民工子女的监护,改革和完善课程结构等,有效促进农村基础教育健康发展。

    Therefore , the healthy development of rural fundamental education involves changing the concept about fundamental education , strengthening its function of cultural transmission , eliminating status discrimination , taking better care of the remained children of peasant workers , and reforming and perfecting the curriculum structure .

  7. 服刑人员的身份受到歧视、医疗、养老、失业保险受到社会排斥,就业安置率低,就业培训内容单一等,相关法律规定较为零散。

    The identity of the prisoners is discriminated against . It is excluded by society that medical insurance , pension insurance and unemployment insurance . There are some problems , for example low job placement , single contents about employment training and relevant laws and regulations are more scattered .

  8. 她接着开始着手发动一项宣传运动,面对面地教导教职员工、工作人员和管理人员,为何措辞上的敏感态度对于学生的自尊心如此重要——她还协助学生修补学校的政策漏洞,明文禁止基于性别身份的歧视言行。

    She then set to work waging a campaign to educate , face to face , members of the faculty , staff and administration on why language sensitivity was so important to a student 's self-respect - and assisted students in getting school policy amended to specifically prohibit discrimination based on gender identity .

  9. 法律基本上要求雇主不要雇请非法外国人,但是,法律又要求雇主不要因国籍身份而有歧视言行。

    Basically the law requires employers not to hire illegal discriminate on the bases of national origin .

  10. 然而,许多法官和立法人员由于担心信息公开化会导致盗用他人身份、就业歧视或其他不法行为,而对电子文件信息的公开进行限制。

    But many judges and legislators , driven by fear that access will facilitate identity theft , employment discrimination , or other illegal conduct , instead curtail access to electronic files .

  11. 最后,作者指出华人通过反歧视斗争重新获得政治身份并不意味着歧视的完全消除。

    And the author points out that their regaining of political identity through the anti-racist movement does not suggest the elimination of racial discrimination .

  12. 他的新佛教旨在为贱民获得一个新的宗教身份,从而获得一个政治身份和社会身份,摆脱受歧视和奴役的命运。

    His Neo-Buddhism aimed to the untouchables get a new religious identity , to gain a political identity and social identity , in the end get rid of discrimination and slavery fate .

  13. 现行的户籍制度除了对公民的身份做了不公正的界定之外,在某种程度上甚至成为了有关职业、地域和身份歧视的制度性保障。

    In addition to the existing household registration system , national identity outside the definition of injustice done , to some extent even to become the professional , geographical and institutional discrimination , protection of identity .