
  1. 德国立即向企业家们投资创业公司的股票征税。

    German entrepreneurs are immediately taxed on equity they put into a start-up .

  2. NextLaw正在投资创业型法律科技公司。

    NextLaw is backing legal technology start-ups .

  3. 公司地处风景秀丽,环境幽雅的中国塑料机械王国宁波鄞州投资创业中心开发区。

    Our company locates in the provincial Economic Development Area of NingBo city with beautiful landscape surrounded nearby .

  4. 规划建设大规模标准工业厂房,降低投资创业成本。

    With large scale construction of standard industrial plants and workshops , investment cost will be largely reduced .

  5. 5000年玉文化孕育的祥云瑞气,注定这是一处投资创业的福地。

    Liangzhu is blessed by the jade culture of5000 years as a treasured land for investment and business .

  6. 开发区以优质的服务竭诚欢迎国内外企业前来投资创业。

    With sound and amiable services , we sincerely welcome enterprises from home and abroad to invest in XETZ !

  7. 南方基金证券分析师杨德龙建议投资者在投资创业板股票时应更加谨慎。

    Analyst Yang Delong from southern fund securities suggests that investors be more cautious about investing in GEM stocks .

  8. 良好的投资创业环境是衡量一个地区核心竞争能力和潜在发展能力的重要标志。

    Good investment environment is a pivotal symbol to measure the ability of an area 's core competition and potential development .

  9. 粤商企业对东盟投资创业的区位选择&基于引力模型的分析

    On the Location Choice of FDI in ASEAN for Cantonese Businessmen , Enterprises & An Analysis Based on the Gravity Model

  10. 新公司法旨在保护股东利益,鼓励投资创业。

    The Company Law of China castigated recently aims to arouse the investment and carving by protecting the interests of stockholders .

  11. 发行机构提交有价证券声请上市小本投资创业登记表并告知何时需要资金,借款方根据预先的条款按对方要求为其筹集资金。

    The Issuer files a registration statement and when monies are desired , the borrower can draw down against that offering under predetermined terms .

  12. 应该说前一功能是功利和短视的,后一功能是人文的和长远的,更有利于促进投资创业。

    The former is of utility and superficiality , and the latter is of humanist and long-term which may help to prompt the investment .

  13. 我们非常欢迎中国的企业来比利时投资创业,也希望这个趋势能继续发展下去。

    We warmly welcome Chinese companies to make investment and start business in Belgium and we do hope such a trend can be sustainable .

  14. 为了能营造一个健康、有序的投资创业环境,我们把控好各项输入输出设备。

    Is environmental to be able to construct a healthy , orderly investment business founding , the equipment that we export controling every input .

  15. 创业板上市公司虽然具有很高的成长性,但是相对于投资者来说,投资创业板上市公司的风险也要比投资主板市场上市公司高得多。

    GEM companies though high growth , but relative to the investors , investment risk of GEM companies than investment motherboard market listed company much higher .

  16. 而且,税收还会降低人们投资创业的动力,因为任何投资的未来回报率都因为税收而减少。

    Taxation reduces the incentive to invest as well , because future rates of return on any investment will be reduced by taxes on positive income .

  17. 本文对外商投资创业投资企业法律制度的研究正契合了这一主题。

    In this article , we research on the legal system of foreign venture capital investing institution , which is just corresponding to this newest trend .

  18. 同时,越来越多的企业希望通过特许经营快速扩大企业规模、占领更多的市场份额,越来越多的个人希望通过特许经营进行投资创业。

    At the same time , more and more entrepreneurs want to enlarge them scale , take up more market share by franchise , and more and more person want to invest and earn money though it .

  19. 民间借贷是最原始的一种借贷方式,长期以来都是个人投资创业的融资形式之一,而且还是中小企业最基本的原始资本和风险资本的来源。

    Folk loan is a loan of the most primitive , has long been one of the forms of financing of personal investment venture , but also small and medium enterprises the basic original capital and risk capital source .

  20. 经济要升级,就必须保护知识产权,否则既不利于外国企业赴华投资创业,也难以调动中国企业、创业者、科研人员的积极性。

    To upgrade the economy , it is imperative to protect IPR . Otherwise , foreign companies will be discouraged from making investment and setting up business in China and it will be difficult to keep Chinese companies , entrepreneurs and researchers motivated .

  21. 对于“双创人才”,北京将给予优惠政策,“双创人才”包括得一定规模创业投资的创业人才、投资团队以及投资公司,高新技术企业以及文化产业市场领军人物。

    Beijing will give priority to what it calls " innovative2 and entrepreneurial talent " , which includes startups with a certain level of investment , investors3 and investment companies , high-tech4 companies and market leaders in the cultural industry .

  22. 在本文的最后,围绕WTO的有关规则提出了政策建议和风险投资、创业投资资金等政府导向的创新型战略性贸易政策工具。

    In the last , this thesis puts forward the relevant policy suggestions according to WTO rules , and raises up the innovative strategic trade policy tools such as venture investment and venture investment funds guided by the government .

  23. 风险投资与创业板市场质量体系认证中的委托代理关系

    Venture Investment and the Startup Capital Commissioning Relations in the Authentication

  24. 光对你有意投资的创业者进行背景调查还不够。

    Doing a background check on your entrepreneur is not enough .

  25. 风险投资对创业者的用处不仅仅是他们的钱。

    VCs are good for much more than just their money .

  26. 他们想让他们投资的创业者也受到关注。

    They want their entrepreneurs to be noticed as well .

  27. 绝大多数获得投资的创业家是男性白人。

    The overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs who are funded are white men .

  28. 风险投资中创业者素质评估及风险防范措施研究

    On the Evaluation of the Entrepreneur in Risk Investment and Countermeasures Against Risk

  29. S&T周期理论。风险投资与创业企业的金融成长周期

    Venture Capital and Venture 's Finance Growing Cycle

  30. 天使投资参与创业投资之内在逻辑与制度供给研究

    Internal Logic and Institution Supply Research that Angel Investment Takes Part in Venture Capital