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tóu dì yuán
  • postman;messenger;mailman
投递员 [tóu dì yuán]
  • [mailman;postman;letter carrier] 亦叫邮递员,邮局中负责送邮件和电报的人

  1. 当投递员穿过边的方向不同,费用就不同时,中国投递员问题就成为带风向的投递员问题(WPP)。

    When the cost of traversing an edge depends upon the direction of a postman traversing , the Chinese postman problem will become the windy postman problem ( WPP ) .

  2. 乡村投递员问题的多面体

    The polyhedron of the rural postman problem

  3. 他干过很多种工作:打字员、推销员、投递员等。

    He has done many jobs : typist , salesman , deliverer and so forth .

  4. 他已成为一名投递员。

    He has become a deliverer .

  5. 他做过很多种工作,打字员、推销员、投递员,等等。

    He has done many jobs : typist salesman , deliverer and so forth .

  6. 中国投递员问题综述

    A Survey on the Chinese Postman Problem

  7. 几类多投递员中国邮路问题

    Many Postmen Chinese Postmen Problem s

  8. 黎明前的黑暗很正常(否极泰来)&也是你偷邻居家报纸的最佳时机。(注,美国家庭订的报纸通常每天很早被投递员扔到家门口)

    It 's always darkest before the dawn-so that 's the best time to steal your neighbour 's newspaper .

  9. 在儿子参战之后,她总是害怕在家附近看到电报投递员。

    After his son joined the battle , she was always afraid of seeing any cable messengers near her house .

  10. 当所给风向图是欧拉图时,由这一近似算法求得的投递员路线是最优的投递员路线。

    It is also shown that the postman route obtained by this approximation algorithm is optimal if the given windy graph is Eulerian .

  11. 许多业务人员,比如侍者、汽车技师,投递员、都用计算机跟踪顾客。

    Many service professionals , such as waiters , auto technicians , and delivery people , use computers to keep track of customers .

  12. 人们一直在呼吁解决这个问题,包括建议对丢弃皮筋的投递员罚款,但全都没有效果。

    There have been constant calls for an answer , including the suggestion that littering postmen get fined , but all to no avail .