首页 / 词典 / good


wéi pàn
  • I hope;I'm looking forward to;That is what I expect.
  1. 早日回复为盼。

    I 'm looking forward to your early reply .

  2. 请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼。

    Please rush me your current catalogue .

  3. 请接见他,为盼。

    I hope you will be good enough to see him .

  4. 你处市场据说不错,但订单不成比例,请尽力照顾为盼。

    Your market report active but your order disproportionate try utmost .

  5. 请尽快把空袋退回为盼。

    Kindly see the empty sack is returned as promptly as possible .

  6. 请准予续假三天为盼。

    Please give an extension of leave for three days .

  7. 请立即装运下列货物为盼。

    Please send by freight at once the following .

  8. 总督大人要我恳请你。恳请惠予考虑本人之申请为盼。

    I hope that you will be kind enough to consider my application favorably .

  9. 如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。

    Should you wish to place an order , please telex or fax us .

  10. 如欲订货,请发电子邮件或传真为盼。

    If you would like to place an order , please Email or fax us .

  11. 该货将在10天内运出。同时,请保持联系为盼。

    The goods will be forwarded to you within ten days and further communications will follow .

  12. 请认真对待这一订单为盼,早日得到装货通知。

    We recommend this order to your particular attention , and await your early advice of shipment .

  13. 请互相告知为盼。

    Please tell each other .

  14. 请即按照确认书内规定的交货期准时发运为盼。

    We look forward to punctual shipment of this order according to the delivery date stipulated in the confirmation .

  15. 预先感谢你们的关照。请早日回复为盼。

    Thank you in advance for your concern and attention . Please let me hear form you as soon as possible .

  16. 时间远离了从前,仿佛写满了悲歌。佳人垂泪,只为盼君归来。

    Time away from the past , as if full of elegy written . I hope you cry , just beautiful return .

  17. 在此期间,我们将保留上述箱子,听候你方处理。你方对此作何处理请告知为盼。

    Meanwhile we are holding the above - mentioned case at your disposal , please let us know what you wish to do with it .

  18. 注意所附费率表,并请早日指示为盼。

    We shall be glad if you will take note of the enclosed tariff , and trust soon to be favoured with your kind instructions .

  19. 望将上述价格再略降一些,并请尽可能重视一下商品的包装为盼。

    I hope you will is able to reduce the above price somewhat , and that you will take care that the goods is carefully packed .

  20. 如蒙惠顾,请寄订单为盼。我请求他为我施用他的影响力。

    Shall you think favourably of our application , kindly hand us your order - sheet . I requested that he ( should ) use his influence on my behalf .

  21. 我的儿子林萧今天早上吃过早饭后肚子感到疼痛,并想呕吐,我要带他去看医生,望准假一天为盼。

    Lin Xiao , my son , had a stomachache after breakfast this morning and wanted to vomit . I am going to take him to see the doctor today . I would appreciate it very much if he got your approval to one day 's absence form class .

  22. 是为至盼。

    That is our sincerest hope .

  23. 他都为你祈祷盼你早日实现

    He prays your triumph soon to see

  24. 贵行此次定货,殊为感激,并盼源源赐顾。

    We thank you for this order and hope to receive your repeat orders .

  25. 总价为2600美元,盼能再降120美元。

    Total cost usd2600 of which we hope to reduce a future sum up to usd120 .

  26. 请贵司按发票金额开立以我司为付款人的汇票,并及时通知我方为盼。

    You may draw upon me for the amount of the invoice , at the same time advising me that you have do so .

  27. 希望为贵公司拓销机械,请将你司在本地的独家代理赋予敝公司为盼。

    We are willing to push the trade in your machines , and hope you will give us the sole agency for our place .

  28. 为实现研究精密机械热态特性的新方法&一热激励法,作者研制了以微机为核心盼热激励装置。

    Based on the thermal susceptible theory of precision machine , a new heat-excitation method is presented in order to study thermal characteristics of precision machine .