
  • 网络Congratulatory letter;A letter of Congratulation;congratulation letter
  1. 我们收到了许许多多的祝贺信。

    We had thousands of letters of congratulation .

  2. 大批祝贺信像潮水般地涌来。

    Letters of congratulation flooded in .

  3. 她选举获胜他就寄去了祝贺信。

    He sent her a note of congratulation on her election victory .

  4. 其次,提前几天将贺卡或祝贺信寄出,以留出收信人收信的时间。

    Then send your cards or letters a few days earlier to allow time for your recipients to receive them .

  5. 李约瑟博士为中国&知识的摇篮展览在伯明翰博物馆及美术馆开幕而写的祝贺信

    Dr. Joseph Needham 's Letter of Congratulations on the Opening of the Exhibition " China , Cradle of Knowledge "

  6. 第一枚炸弹爆炸的时候,肯尼亚外交部长萨姆·盎格利正在看来自肯尼亚总统的祝贺信。

    Kenyan Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Ongeri was reading a letter of congratulations from the Kenyan president , when the first bomber struck .

  7. 遵循简单的,你写出的商务假日祝贺信就能让每个收到祝福的人都喜笑颜开。

    By following these simple steps , you 'll be able to create a business holiday letter that all your contacts will be pleased to receive .

  8. 数百名未被费城德雷塞尔大学录取的学生随后却收到了来自该校的祝贺信,该校已就此失误向申请者们道歉。

    Drexel University in Philadelphia is apologizing to hundreds of applicants who were denied admission but then mistakenly received follow-up emails congratulating them on getting in .

  9. 浏览邮箱通讯录、单据、名片,或者电脑数据库,以确定你备齐了应发送贺卡或祝贺信的所有人。

    Go through your email address book , collection or business cards , or computerized database to make sure you 're remembering everyone who should hear from you .

  10. 这位来自加州的小神童在去年也上了头条,因其10岁就高中毕业,还获得了总统奥巴马的祝贺信。

    The talented kid from California made headlines last year as well , for completing high school at the age of ten and earning a congratulatory letter from President Barack Obama .

  11. 伊丽莎白结婚的时候,接到丽迪雅的一封祝贺信。她看得很明白,即使韦翰本人没有存那种指望,至少他太太也有那种意思。

    The congratulatory letter which Elizabeth received from Lydia on her marriage , explained to her that , by his wife at least , if not by himself , such a hope was cherished .