
zhù shòu
  • offer birthday congratulations;congratulate an elderly person on his birthday;congratulate one on his birthday
祝寿 [zhù shòu]
  • [congratulate one on his birthday] 向老年人祝贺生日

祝寿[zhù shòu]
  1. 他手下的一个小官听说他属“鼠”,为了巴结他,铸了一只金鼠作为寿礼,登门祝寿。

    A small official under him heard that he was born in the year of " the rat " . To curry2 the official 's favour , he had a gold rat cast as a birthday present and went to the official 's house to congratulate him on his birthday .

  2. 军队在女王面前进行步操仪式,为女王祝寿。

    The army marches before the Queen on her birthday .

  3. 一次逢王的生日,他的门生想给他祝寿。

    On his birthday , his students wanted to give him a party .

  4. 乡土语境中的艺术呈现&祝寿仪式中的宛梆音乐表演

    Art Demonstration in Local Context & The Performance of Wan bang Music in Birthday Ceremony

  5. 在祝寿宴会上她是宫庭里见到的最美丽的人。

    She is really the most beautiful creature that was seen at court upon the birthday .

  6. 于是,在他80岁生日的时候,下旨传召了很多地方上的戏剧表演团来京为他祝寿。

    On his80th birthday , he let local opera troupes come to Beijing to perform for him .

  7. 葫芦是‘福禄’的谐音,寄予吉祥、赐福、祝寿、镇宅的含义。

    Hulu is'foo'and euphony , and placed good fortune , blessing , birthday , the town house of the meaning .

  8. 在欢乐的一天,给完美无缺的伯父祝寿,真叫我喜悦满心间。

    It 's fun to send these wishes for an especially happy to an uncle who is nice in every way .

  9. 最后朝中文武百官高举酒杯齐声为玄宗祝寿。

    Finally , all civil and military officials in the court held high wine glasses to congratulate on Emperor Xuanzong birthday .

  10. 丹尼尔:还有我要向您祝寿,祝您有快乐健康的生活。

    Daniel : And I 'd like to propose a toast to you , wishing you a happy and healthy life .

  11. 两面都已埋到层层叠叠,宛然阔人家里祝寿时的馒头。

    Both sides were full of rows of tombs , which seemed like a bun used to celebrate birthday in a better-off family .

  12. 至于为什么要在千秋节送铜镜,其中的原因除了祝寿之外还有另外一层含义。

    As for the reason why the bronze mirrors were sent on Qianqiu Festival , it had another meaning except for congratulating on one 's birthday .

  13. 市民李先生说,自己之前没有看见过这种鱼,觉得很新鲜,准备为母亲祝寿的他锁定了这种“吉利”的鱼。

    Lee said he did not see before this kind of fish is very fresh , ready to lock his mother 's birthday this " auspicious " fish .

  14. 上半天,他非常的喜欢,大家给他祝寿,他大模大样的承受,仿佛觉出自己是鳌里夺尊的一位老英雄。

    The first half of the day he was in high spirits , grandly receiving everyone 's birthday greetings , like a hero who had accomplished some great feat .

  15. 卡通人物“蓝精灵”今年50岁啦!据主办方本周一介绍,为了给这群蓝色的小精灵“祝寿”,以“蓝精灵”为主题的系列新版动画片、图书和电影将与观众见面。

    The little blue cartoon Smurfs are planning to celebrate their50th birthday this year with a new TV series , books and a film , their human promoters said Monday .

  16. “蓝精灵”喜迎50岁生日!卡通人物“蓝精灵”今年50岁啦!据主办方本周一介绍,为了给这群蓝色的小精灵“祝寿”,以“蓝精灵”为主题的系列新版动画片、图书和电影将与观众见面。

    The little blue cartoon Smurfs are planning to celebrate their 50th birthday this year with a new TV series , books and a film , their human promoters said Monday .

  17. 为了巴结他,铸了一只金鼠作为寿礼,登门祝寿。

    To curry the official 's favour , he had a gold rat cast as a birthday present and went to the official 's house to congratulate him on his birthday .

  18. 刘四爷很满意有这么多人来给他磕头祝寿。更足以自傲的是许多老朋友也赶着来贺喜。

    Fourth Master Liu was gratified by the number of people who came to kowtow and congratulate him , and his elation increased with the arrival of many old friends to wish him a happy birthday .

  19. 四种表现分别为生命(或时间)流逝之叹、生命困顿之忧、死亡之哀叹、神仙养生保身与祝寿之辞。

    The four types of performance are sigh for elapsed life ( or time ), the sorrow at the difficult life , the grief of dead and the poems about celestial being , preserving one 's health and body , wishes for longevity .

  20. 祝贺你抵达了生命的又一个里程碑,愿你每天都象过生日一样充满喜悦。祝你生日无比快乐!在特别欢乐的一天,给完美无缺的伯父祝寿,真叫我喜悦满心间。

    Permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today . May each day be as happy as your birthday . Have a wonderful birthday ! It 's fun to send these wishes for an especially happy to an uncle who is nice in every way .

  21. 回甲节是朝鲜族庆贺60周岁的祝寿活动,回婚礼是结婚60周年时举办的庆典礼仪,现在有的地方将回婚礼纳入回甲节共同庆祝。

    Hui Jia festival is the congratulations on birthday maneuver that the Korean nationality congratulated 60 full years of life , and Hui wedding ceremony to be the celebration ceremony and propriety which held when getting married to 60 anniversaries , nowadays in some place , they are held together .