
  1. 人们可以直接或通过邮件向有邮管处购买或从邮票商处购买联合国邮票。

    The stamps are available from UNPA offices in person or by mail , and from stamp dealers .

  2. 邮票策划及拓展处网页现已加入本地邮学会网页的超连结,包括香港邮学会及中国邮学会。

    Hyperlinks to the websites of local philatelic societies , including The Hong Kong Philatelic Society and China Philatelic Association , have been added to Hongkong Post Stamps website .

  3. 粘贴邮票时,将贴邮票处上的蜡纸揭掉,粘上邮票压紧即可。

    When sticking stamps , people tear off the wax paper on the stamp-sticking place and then stick and press the stamps .