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  • liner;ocean liner
邮轮 [yóu lún]
  • [ocean liner] 航行于大洋的班轮;邮船

  1. 安公主飞赴阿姆斯特丹,主持国际援助大楼的开幕典礼及一艘邮轮的启航仪式。

    Ann flew to Amsterdam , where she dedicated the new International Aid Building and an ocean liner .

  2. 第一次世界大战期间,英国远洋邮轮卢西塔尼亚号被德国潜艇用鱼雷炸沉。

    The Lusitania was a British ocean liner that was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine during the First World War .

  3. 然而,这些豪华邮轮都在公海上遭遇了可怕的事故。

    However , all suffered terrible accidents on the open seas .

  4. 该级别的邮轮共有三艘,分别是奥林匹克号、不列颠号和泰坦尼克号。

    The Olympic class included the Olympic , the Britannic and the Titanic .

  5. 1912年,众所周知,泰坦尼克号撞上了一座巨大的冰山,成为第一艘沉没的奥林匹克级邮轮。

    The Titanic was the first to sink after famously hitting a huge iceberg in 1912 .

  6. 你可能不知道的是,泰坦尼克号甚至不是奥林匹克级邮轮的旗舰。

    What you may not know is that the Titanic wasn 't even the flagship of this class .

  7. 总而言之,奥林匹克级邮轮是海上工程的奇迹,但他们似乎注定要遭受灾难性的命运。

    All in all , the Olympic class ships were marvels of sea engineering , but they seemed cursed to suffer disastrous fates .

  8. 奥林匹克级邮轮是北爱尔兰的哈兰德与沃尔夫船厂为英国白星航运公司建造的。

    The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland & Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line company .

  9. 这些邮轮共有九层甲板,白星航运公司决定把重点放在将它们打造成水上最豪华的船只。

    The ships had nine decks , and White Star Line decided to focus on making them the most luxurious ships on the water .

  10. 奥林匹克级邮轮长达269。13米,是舰船技术的奇迹,每个人都认为在很长时间内,这些轮船都会保持这个桂冠。

    Stretching 269.13 meters , the Olympic class ships were wonders of naval technology , and everyone thought that they would continue to be so for quite some time .

  11. 他补充称,嘉年华可能还将与中国船舶工业集团公司(ChinaStateShipbuildingCorporation)和中国招商局集团(ChinaMerchantsGroup)共同创办一家合资企业,来打造中国本土邮轮品牌。

    He adds that Carnival may also launch a joint venture with the China State Shipbuilding Corporation and China Merchants Group to build a domestic Chinese cruise brand .

  12. 2011年,迪士尼(Disney)推出了一艘巨型邮轮&可容纳4000人的迪士尼梦想号(DisneyDream)。

    In 2011 , Disney launched a behemoth sea craft & a 4,000-person occupancy vessel called the Disney Dream .

  13. 今年,该公司的“水晶交响号”(CrystalSymphony)开始巡游中国香港和大陆地区,之前两年该邮轮都没有在这些地方开展业务。

    This year , the company 's liner , Crystal Symphony , began visiting Hong Kong and China following a two-year absence .

  14. 去年11月,SanctuaryRetreats邮轮公司刚启用了有20个套房的SanctuaryAnanda号。

    Sanctuary Retreats just launched the new 20-suite Sanctuary Ananda in November .

  15. “虽然泰坦尼克II号承载人数为1680人左右,但为了创造规模经济的,大多数邮轮公司为迎合市场需求会将乘客数量增加到2000左右。”

    While the Titanic II would carry around 1680 passengers , most modern cruise ships create economies of scale by catering for more than 2000 passengers , he said .

  16. 美国西雅图的荷美邮轮公司(HollandAmerica)则计划在将在明年下水的新船“荷美科林丹号”(MSKoningsdam)上,为单人旅行者增加12个新的海景舱。

    And Holland America , based in Seattle , plans to add 12 new ocean-view cabins for solo travelers next year on its forthcoming ship , the MS Koningsdam .

  17. 不过,据伦敦海运研究机构oceanshippingconsultants预测,2010年亚洲邮轮乘客将由2005年时的大约110万人次增至150万人次。

    But the number of Asian passengers is projected to grow to 1.5 million in 2010 from about 1.1 million in 2005 , according to the London-based Ocean Shipping Consultants .

  18. 他把欧盟(eu)比作在劫难逃的邮轮泰坦尼克号(titanic),认为乘客们只有齐心协力找到解决方案才能得救。

    He compared the European Union to the doomed liner Titanic , saying that passengers would be saved only if all worked together to find a solution .

  19. 今年10月,AvalonWaterways邮轮公司将推出有36个套房的AvalonMyanmar号,这些套房临河的一面全是落地窗。

    This October , Avalon Waterways will introduce the Avalon Myanmar , with 36 window-walled suites . Seaplane

  20. 投行摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)所做的较为保守的预测是,中国每年将有300万人乘坐邮轮,占全球邮轮市场的10%。

    A more conservative prediction from Morgan Stanley , the investment bank , is for 3m annual passengers , or 10 per cent of the market .

  21. 一旦精致邮轮(Celebrity)、维珍邮轮(Virgin)、地中海邮轮(MSC)、水晶邮轮(Crystal)所下订单的融资和技术问题得以解决——很可能在未来数月内解决——全球邮轮订单总数将增至51艘。

    Once financing and technical issues are settled on orders placed by Celebrity , Virgin , MSC and Crystal - probably within the next few months - the total will jump to 51 .

  22. 嘉年华邮轮(CarnivalCruiseLines)是一家总部位于美国的邮轮公司,其意大利分支机构歌诗达邮轮(CostaCrociere)去年在上海设立了一家办事处用于开展亚洲业务。

    Costa Crociere , the Italian branch of U.S. - based Carnival Cruise Lines , opened an office in Shanghai last year to launch its Asia operations .

  23. 澳大利亚和新西兰国际邮轮委员会的集团总经理雷德贾丁认为,相比于当今邮轮标准,泰坦尼克II号算不上庞大,但足以位居奢侈品市场上的首位。

    Brett Jardine , general manager for Australia and New Zealand in the industry group International Cruise Council , said Titanic II would be small by modern standards but could prove viable at the top end of the luxury market .

  24. 今年3月份,美国波士顿附近的一家内河邮轮公司汤姆哈珀河旅行公司(TomHarperRiverJourneys)表示,将在2016年新增一艘邮轮,所有的特等舱和法式阳台客舱全对单人旅行者免收附加费。

    In March , Tom Harper River Journeys , a river cruise company based near Boston , said that in 2016 it would introduce a ship with supplement-free staterooms and French balconies for solo travelers .

  25. 就在几周前,英国的一家小型船舶(small-ship)邮轮公司雄伟游轮公司(MajesticLine)宣布,明年的每艘新船上,将有七个套间客舱中将有两间留给单人旅行者,而且不会收取任何单人附加费。

    A few weeks earlier , the Majestic Line , a small-ship cruising company based in Britain , announced that next year two of the seven en-suite cabins on a new ship will be for solo travelers and won 't have single supplements .

  26. 总部位于瑞士的地中海邮轮的首席执行官詹尼攠诺拉托(GianniOnorato)警告称,投资速度或许还不够快。

    Gianni Onorato , chief executive of Switzerland-based MSC Cruises , warned that the pace of investment might not be rapid enough .

  27. 而总部在摩纳哥的豪华邮轮公司SilverseaCruises最近也在新加坡成立了一家办事处。

    And high-end company Silversea Cruises , which is headquartered in Monaco , recently opened a regional office in Singapore .

  28. 今年在MERS疫情爆发后,一些邮轮不得不取消其前往韩国(为数不多的主要目的地之一)的行程。

    Several ships had to cancel their cruises to South Korea , one of a handful of key destinations , after an outbreak of the Mers virus this year .

  29. 一个有积极的企业团队,不只是我们的企业文化,它是那么的自然,当您工作,starboard邮轮公司是世界上最成功的旅游零售特许商之一。

    A positive , team-attitude is not only part of our corporate culture , it comes naturally when you 're working for one of the world 's most successful travel retail concessionaires .

  30. 船被拖回阿拉巴马州莫比尔的海岸后,这场不幸的航行变成了“大便漂流之旅”,进而臭名远扬。之后,有消息称嘉年华邮轮公司(Carnival)早已知道凯旋号存在问题。

    After being towed to shore in Mobile , Ala. , the ill-fated sail became known famously as " the poop cruise . " It 's since been revealed that Carnival ( CCL ) knew the ship had issues .