
gōng mù
  • cemetery;memorial park
公墓 [gōng mù]
  • [memorial park;cemetery] 古代诸侯王的墓地。今指公共墓地

  • 清明那天,前往烈士公墓凭吊的人群,络绎不绝

公墓[gōng mù]
  1. 我们曾经因为在公墓唱下流歌曲而被拘留过一次。

    We got arrested once , for singing bawdy songs in a cemetery .

  2. 我父亲葬在沿这条路往北几英里处的一个小公墓里。

    My father lies in the small cemetery a few miles up this road .

  3. 把公墓建成阵亡战士的永久性纪念碑的工作已经开始。

    Work began on establishing the cemeteries as permanent memorials to the fallen .

  4. 在利物浦朗雷恩公墓为布赖恩·爱泼斯坦举行了私人葬礼。

    Brian Epstein was buried in a private ceremony at Long Lane Cemetery , Liverpool .

  5. 朋友和仰慕者们挤进安葬梦露的洛杉矶小公墓的教堂里。

    Friends and admirers crammed the chapel at the small Los Angeles cemetery where Monroe is buried .

  6. 在长达一小时的悼念仪式结束后,他的遗体被抬到了城南的一所公墓。

    After the hour-long service , his body was taken to a cemetery in the south of the city .

  7. 尸体下葬在那个公墓。

    The body was interred at that cemetery .

  8. 那位老人死后,被埋在公墓里。

    The old man died and was buried in the cemetery .

  9. 他被葬在公墓。

    He was buried in the cemetery .

  10. 城市公益性公墓独立墓穴的单位占地面积不得超过0.5㎡,合葬墓穴的单位占地面积不得超过0.8㎡。

    A separate tomb should cover no more than 0.5 square meter , and a multi-burial grave is designated less than 0.8 square meter .

  11. 依照墓地的特点,本研究着眼于公墓选址的可持续适应性(sustainablesuitability)这一特殊维度。

    A particular dimension of sustainable suitability for cemetery location is analysed according to the special characters of burial land .

  12. 周五,小瓶将被葬在卡尔弗顿国家公墓(CalvertonNationalCemetery),这一待遇是因为斯戴克曾在美国海军服役。

    The vial will be buried Friday at Calverton National Cemetery in recognition of Stack 's service in the U.S. Navy .

  13. n.墓地;公墓墓地里有许多坟墓。

    cemetery There are many tombs in the cemetery .

  14. 2008年发表于《环境卫生期刊》(journalofenvironmentalhealth)的一篇题为《将祖母喝下肚》的论文,已就甲醛从公墓外泄流入地下水这一公共卫生风险向人们发出了警告。

    A paper published in the Journal of environmental health in 2008 , entitled " drinking grandma " , warned about the public-health risks of formaldehyde leaking from cemeteries into groundwater .

  15. 据NPR新闻的安德鲁·帕森斯报道,上百人在阿灵顿国家公墓出席了今天的纪念仪式。

    NPR 's Andrew Parsons reports hundreds attended commemorations today at Arlington National Cemetery .

  16. 格蕾丝·赛德尔(GraceSeidel)去世时,她不会被葬在公墓里,也不会被火化。

    When Grace Seidel dies , she 's not goingto be buried in a cemetery . She won 't be crematedeither .

  17. 3.1)corridor(n.)走廊,回廊才华扬溢的钢琴家暨作曲家萧邦逝于1849年10月17日,他被葬在法国的一处公墓。

    The body of the 1 ) brilliant pianist and 2 ) composer Frederic Chopin , who died on October 17 , 1849 , can be found in a Paris 3 ) cemetery .

  18. 埃尔萨巴在缅怀儿子时说:“他总是希望尽自己的一切力量做出奉献。”今晚,他与其他成千上万的英烈一起长眠于阿灵顿国家公墓(ArlingtonNationalCemetery)。

    In describing her son , Elsheba said , " He always wanted to help any way that he could . " Tonight , he 's buried alongside thousands of heroes in Arlington National Cemetery .

  19. 2014年,虔诚的信徒还可以享受耗时数年之久的文物修复工程的劳动成果:圣彼得广场上贝尔尼尼的柱廊以及重新开放的凯旋大道公墓(ViaTriumphalis),这片古罗马时期的大型墓地群初次发掘于20世纪50年代。

    In 2014 , the faithful can also enjoy the fruits of restorations that have taken years , like that of Bernini 's colonnade in St. Peter 's Square and the reopening of the Via Triumphalis necropolis , a vast ancient Roman cemetery first uncovered in the 1950s .

  20. 下次当你被困在一个没有网路连接的地方的时候,要记住下面这件事儿:从2016年开始,莫斯科的一些公墓(没错儿,是公墓!)将会为访客提供免费的WiFi服务!

    Remember this next time you 're stuck in a place with no internet connection : even some cemeteries in Moscow will offer free WiFi visitors can use starting in 2016 .

  21. 它成了叶芝的另一处试金石地标――在他的诗作《本布尔本山下》(UnderBenBulben)中,他很诡异地引导着读者造访了他自己的墓地,就在此山附近的鼓崖公墓(cemeteryofDrumcliffe)内。

    It became another geographic touchstone for Yeats - so much so that in his poem " Under Ben Bulben , " he eerily directs the reader to his own grave , in the nearby cemetery of Drumcliffe .

  22. 他在这里断断续续住了15年,包括他人生的最后四年,他与妻子凯特琳(Caitlin)合葬在这座村庄的公墓。

    He lived in the area on and off for 15 years , including the last four , and is buried in the village cemetery with his wife , Caitlin .

  23. 德博拉巴尔的奥顿维尔,由她的哥哥,丹尼尔Doule美国海军羟色胺在周四,2010年11月11日在大湖国家公墓在霍利,密歇根州密歇根跪墓碑。

    Deborah Barr , of Ortonville , Michigan kneels by the gravestone of her brother , US Navy HT1 Daniel Doule on Thursday , Nov.11,2010 at the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly , Michigan .

  24. 卡地亚基金会(TheCartierFondation)和亨利·卡地亚-布雷松基金会(HenriCartier-Bresson)位于著名的蒙帕纳斯公墓(MontparnasseCemetery)两侧,两者在步行距离之内。它们的规模正好可以满足你对常规和先锋艺术的胃口。

    The Cartier Fondation and Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson , which are within walking distance of each other on opposite sides of the famed Montparnasse Cemetery , are sized to offer just the right dose of the familiar and the cutting edge .

  25. 我出生在墨西哥的CiudadJuarez,这儿郊区有一个破败的公墓,那些付不起葬礼费用的人经常就把他们故去的亲朋埋在这里。

    The Cemetery Mimic 01 There 's a defiled cemetery in the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez , Mexico , the city I was born in . People who can 't afford to pay funerary services often bury their loved ones here .

  26. 培训要求:虽然没有正规的培训要求,但是对于那些在国家131老兵公墓和阿林顿国家公墓进行工作和管理的人员,弗吉尼亚州的国家公墓管理局(NCA)培训中心提供实践课程和专业培训。

    Training : There is no formal training required , although the VA 's National Cemetery Administration ( NCA ) Training Center offers instruction and professional development to those who manage and operate the country 's 131 veterans ' cemeteries and the Arlington National Cemetery .

  27. 我只是RogelioBautista的姐姐,我之所以这样说出我弟弟的名字,是希望有更多的人可以记住他,我希望大家能记住公墓里的逝者,因为只有我们记得的时候,我们才会去送花给他们。

    I am the sister of Rogelio Bautista , and I say his name so you will hear it and be one more person that remembers him . I want everyone to remember all the boys , red and blue , in my cemetery . When we remember , we put flowers on their graves .

  28. 我想他们要把我们安葬在国家公墓。

    I thought they 'd bury us in the national cemetery .

  29. (三)切实加强公墓单位的内部管理。

    To conscientiously strengthen the internal management of units operating cemeteries .

  30. 只有两位美国总统葬于阿灵顿国家公墓。

    Only two American presidents are buried at Arlington National Cemetery .