
  • 网络public problem;public issue
  1. 基于Internet的公共问题群体研讨决策过程的信息表示研究

    Study on the Information Representation in the Course of Group Argumentation Decision Based on Internet for Public Issues

  2. 在相互依赖关系中,就中国与周边国家关系而言,区域公共问题逐渐成为中国外交中的重要议程。

    In the interdependence model , regional public issues are becoming important on the agenda for China and its neighbors .

  3. 但这只是将一个公共问题私人化。

    But this just makes a public problem private .

  4. 解决这一公共问题,政府是主角,政策是关键。

    Address this public issue , the government is the protagonist , the policy is the key .

  5. 关于开发者测试的公共问题

    Common issues with developer testing

  6. 由于政治丧失力量,公共问题难以形成,私人问题侵入公共空间。

    Because politics lose power , public matter can not come into , private matter invades public space .

  7. 传统的政策规划与政策分析研究,很少将注意力放在公共问题的本质及界定上。

    Traditional research on policy formation and policy analysis paid little attention to the nature and definition of public problems .

  8. 这应该被看作是个社会和公共问题,应该给予母乳喂养更多的利益上的鼓励。

    This should be considered a social and community issue and more impetus should be laid on the benefits of breastfeeding .

  9. 小册子(经常对公共问题发表议论)作者。

    The speaker was bombarded with questions . a writer of pamphlets ( usually taking a partisan stand on public issues ) .

  10. 社会公共问题的复杂性决定了公共政策价值取向的多维性。

    Summary of the essay : The complexity of social public issues decides the multidimensional nature for the value orientation of public policy .

  11. 从二战结束至今,美国在处理全球事务和治理全球公共问题中一直发挥着至关重要的作用。

    Since the end of World War ⅱ, the United States played a vital role in dealing with global affairs and the governance of global public problem .

  12. 国家安全威胁的实质是经过安全化机制运作的国际、国内公共问题的政治升级与社会建构。

    The essence of national security being threatened lies in the political escalation and social reconstruction of an international or domestic public problem through an operation of securitization .

  13. 因此,文章分析了区域公共问题的滋生及其成因,剖析了我国区域公共管理中存在的制度缺失,并探讨了创新区域公共管理制度的政策建议。

    The article analyzes the causes of public problems , the institutional deficit in China s regional public management and probes into the policy suggestions to innovate the institution of regional public management .

  14. 随着关中一天水区域经济发展,区域内各级地方政府所面临的公共问题逐渐向毗邻行政区域外溢、渗透和延伸,呈现出明显的区域化、无界化的发展趋势。

    With Guanzhong-Tianshui regional economic development , regional public problems faced by local government has gradually extended to the adjacent to the administrative regional spillovers , permeability and , showing a regionalization , the development trend of unbounded .

  15. 在全球化、信息化、区域经济一体化的等多重环境叠加作用下,原本禁锢于行政区划内的公共问题挣脱行政界限的束缚,衍变成区域公共问题。

    Under the action of multiple environment superpose by globalization , information , regional economic integration , the public problems which have detained in the administration divisions breaking from the shackles of boundaries , evolved into regional public problems .

  16. 最后文章通过借鉴国外区域公共问题治理的经验,结合广西实际情况,对广西北部湾经济区公共问题治理机制创新的基本思路与对策进行了一些探讨。

    At the end , the paper probes into the basic thoughts and countermeasures of innovating the institution of regional problems governance in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone by drawing on the experiences of regional problems governance of foreign country and inspecting the actual situation of Guangxi .

  17. 环境问题也是公共问题,政府作为公众利益的维护者,投入资金到环保项目,减少了环境污染、改善了生态环境,为公众健康生活提供了有效的保障。

    The environmental problem is a public problem also , government , as the defender of public interest , invests funds to environmental projects , in order to reduce the environmental pollution and improve the ecological environment and provide effective protection for healthy life of the public .

  18. 我们有一个迫在眉睫、需要优先处理的公共卫生问题。

    We have an urgent front-burner public health problem .

  19. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(ChronicObstructivepulmonaryDisease,COPD)的发病率、病死率高,社会经济负担重,已成为一个重要的公共卫生问题。

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) is an important public health problem cause of high incidence , high mortality and heavy economic and social burden .

  20. 诺贝尔经济学奖得主、麻省理工学院(mit)经济学家彼得戴蒙德(peterdiamond)认为,美国已出现失业危机和公共债务问题。

    Peter Diamond , Nobel laureate and MIT economist , argues that the US has an unemployment crisis and a public debt problem .

  21. [结论]1.重庆市某郊区学龄前儿童同时存在VAD和IDA的公共卫生问题。

    [ Conclusions ] 1.VAD and IDA are public health problems in suburb Chongqing .

  22. WTO和欧盟、加拿大等成员方的反倾销立法对公共利益问题作了不同规定,主要体现在公共利益条款和减幅征税条款中。

    WTO and its members like the EU and Canada have different provisions in their respective anti-dumping legislations , mainly in the form of public interest clause and lesser duty rule .

  23. 尽管CT检查对任何个体的危险不大,但不断增长的人群受照造成的群体危害,却日益成为重要的公共卫生问题。

    Although the risks for any one person are not large with no doubt , the growing radiation exposure from CT to population worldwide has become a public health issue in recent years .

  24. 《国际肝病》:丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染是一个重要的公共卫生问题,目前还没有有效的预防性疫苗。

    Hepatology Digest : Hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) infection is a major public health problem and no effective prophylactic vaccine is available at present .

  25. Marelli认为,CHD是北美的一项主要的公共卫生问题,可目前它被大大忽视。

    Marelli considers CHD a major public health problem in North America that is largely under-recognized .

  26. 卡梅伦和财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)展现出政治魄力,去解决公共财政问题、缩小政府规模,而克莱格也支持他们的做法。

    Mr Cameron and his chancellor George Osborne , supported by Mr Clegg , showed political courage to tackle the public finances and shrink the state .

  27. 此番评论给财政大臣GeorgeOsborne先生将于11月29号发表的关于经济和公共财政问题的秋季演说奠定了基调。

    His comments laid the ground for the chancellor , George Osborne , who makes his autumn statement on the economy and public finances on November29th .

  28. 目的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染是慢性肝炎、肝硬化和肝细胞癌的主要病因,已成为全球性的公共卫生问题。

    Objective Hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) infection is a major cause of chronic hepatitis , cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma , which has been a worldwide health crisis .

  29. 随着ENR的大量使用,残留于畜禽可食组织中的ENR及其代谢产物环丙沙星(CIP)引发了严重公共卫生问题。

    It has been increasingly used in veterinary medicine to treat microbial infections , however , the ENR residues in animal edible tissues could cause serious public health problems .

  30. 原发性高血压(ESH)是世界上许多国家的重要的公共卫生问题,也是心脑血管疾病的主要危险因素之一。

    Background : Essential hypertension ( ESH ) is a major public healthy problem in many countries . It is also one of the most important risk factors of cardiovascular diseases ( CVD ) .