
  • 网络EGPA
  1. 工商行政管理组织机构重组探讨

    Discussion on Reorganization of the Structure of the Business Administration

  2. 东方区域行政管理组织

    Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration

  3. 构成存款保险制度的要素包括制度目标、行政管理组织方式及法律结构、存款保险对象与范围、投保机构及投保要求、存款保险最高理赔限额及保险费率管理等项目。

    The deposit insurance system consists of many elements such as objective of DIS , administrative organization , premium and compensation limit etc.

  4. 网络环境下高校行政管理机构组织传播新探

    The New Exploration of University Administration Organization Communication in Network Environment

  5. 行政管理型体育组织公共关系的危机管理策略&以现代队罢赛危机为例

    Strategies of administrative management type management of crisis of relation between sports organizations and the public & Analyzing the crisis in " The Modern Soccer Team 's Strike " as an example

  6. 第二部分:从教育经费、行政管理、学校组织、社会认识等角度分析了影响我国民办高校教育质量的因素。

    Part Two , the elements that influence the quality of education in private higher colleges or universities from the aspects of educating funds , administrative management , organizing of the schools and social recognition .

  7. 随后通过对弗罗斯特堡州立大学教师管理组织机构加以概述,阐述和总结弗罗斯特堡州立大学教师管理的内涵,从行政和学术管理组织两方面体现教师的管理职能。

    Followed by the organization to manage teachers Frostburg State University , overview , explain and summarize connotation Frostburg State University teacher management , reflecting the management functions of teachers from both administrative and academic management organizations .

  8. 近来,一些群众来信反映,有的工商行政管理机关在组织发布企业登记公告时,存在不规范的做法,如扩大法定公告的范围、变相收取公告费等,造成不良影响。

    Recently , some people sent us letters reporting that some administrative authorities for Industry and commerce , when issuing enterprise registration announcements , carry out non-standard acts , such as enlarging the scope of legal announcement and charging for announcement in disguised form , which cause bad effects .

  9. 第四十九条企业行政管理部门为组织和管理生产经营活动而发生的管理费用和财务费用,为销售和提供劳务而发生进货费用、销售费用,应当作为期间费用,直接计入当期损益。

    Article 49 Administrative and financial expenses incurred by enterprise 's administrative sectors for organizing and managing production and operation , purchase expenses on commodities purchased , and sales expenses for selling commodities and providing service , shall be directly accounted as periodic expense in the current profit and loss .

  10. 他在厚生省的高层责任包括注重行政、管理以及发展组织和立法。

    His senior-level responsibilities in the Ministry included a focus on administration , management , as well as organizational and legislative development .

  11. 行政区划是指国家行政管理的区域组织系统。

    Administrative partition denotes the regional organization system of national administration .

  12. 环境管理体制是国家行政管理体制的重要组成部分,是指国家环境行政管理组织机构的设置、管理权限的分配、各机构职权范围的划分与协调以及职权运行机制。

    Environmental management system is a key part of the administrative management system of a country , which includes setup of environmental administrative management agencies , distribution of environmental management authority , coordination of different agencies and operation mechanism of authority .

  13. 行政性垄断是指行政机关以及其他受权行使行政管理权的社会组织滥用行政权力排斥、限制竞争,破坏市场经济秩序的违法行为。

    The administrative monopolization means that the administrations and other social organizations which are authorized by the administrative departments abuse the executive power to ostracize and limit the competition and to destroy the market economy system .

  14. 行政主体可以界定为享有行政权、以自己的名义实施行政管理活动的组织,其包含行政机关、法律、法规、规章授权组织和非政府公共组织。

    It contains government , the organization authorized by law , laws , regulation and non-government public organization .

  15. 根据是否依仗行政权力来推动管理活动,可以把公共事业管理主体分为行政性公共事业管理组织和社会性公共事业管理组织,它们之间有着完全不同的活动方式和特点。

    According to whether or not it relies on the administrative power to carry out the management , the subject of public administration is divided into administrative organizations and social management organizations . They work in completely different ways and have different characteristics .

  16. 道路运政管理体制作为交通行政管理体制的一个重要组成部分,是政府对道路运输行业行使行政管理权力的基本组织形式,是职能、机构、人员以及运行机制的有机整体。

    The highway traffic management system , the basic organization that government take the reins of transport service and the organic integration composed of function , operation , staff , establishment and mechanism , constitutes the substantial part of transportation administration .

  17. 社会保障行政执法行为的主体是各级劳动和社会保障行政部门及法律授权行使社会保障行政管理职能的组织。

    The subject of the administrative enforcement of social security law includes labor department and the social security administrative department , and authorized organizations which exercise the function of the administrative management .

  18. 在行政法中,行政主体是指依法成立即享有国家行政权、以自己名义进行职权范围内行政管理活动的组织,在享有行政权力的同时,又能独立承担由其产生的责任。

    In Administrative Law , administrative subject means : it is an organization established by law which entitled to the national executive power and administrative activities within terms of reference with their own name . While enjoying executive power , it can bear its due independently .