
  • 网络army ant;Eciton burchellii;Dorylus orientalis
  1. 说来说去,没有什么动物的相对攻击能力比行军蚁强了。

    Gram for gram , no animal exceeds the relative fighting strength of the army ant

  2. 应该用一只行军蚁。

    It should be an army ant .

  3. 但在冋一幅画中,她把行军蚁和切叶蚁错误地混在了一起。

    But in the same drawing , she incorrectly lumped together army and leaf-cutter ants .

  4. 如果你想到了白蚁丘或者是行军蚁,

    So if you think about mound-building termites or you think about army ants ,

  5. 在南美,它们被叫做行军蚁。而在非洲则称矛蚁。

    In South America they are known as army ants , in Africa as drivers .

  6. 或是像我的团队一样,你完全着迷于行军蚁,

    Or if , like my group , you are completely obsessed with army ants ,

  7. 行军蚁所到之处都会留下化学痕迹以便让其他蚂蚁追随。

    Wherever army ants go , they leave a chemical trail for other ants to follow .

  8. 食肉蚁也称行军蚁,是澳大利亚当地一种极具领土意识的动物。

    Meat ants , also known as gravel ants , are an incredibly territorial species native to Australia .

  9. 行军蚁、树蛙、蜘蛛、甚至蛇,经常伴随同属其热带家园的水果、蔬菜和其他植物一同来到温带地区吓消费者们一跳。

    Army ants , tree frogs , spiders , even snakes , often arrive with fruit , vegetables and other plants from their tropical homes to startle consumers in temperate zones .