
  • 网络Odontomachus bauri;Odontomachus rixosus
  1. 研究者们注意到,大齿猛蚁有时会利用它那壮硕无比的下颌把自己弹向高空。

    Researchers had noted that the ants would sometimes flick themselves into the air with their incredibly strong mandibles .

  2. 大齿猛蚁下颌的咬合力极强,其上下颌闭合速度可达40米/秒(90英里/时)。

    Trap-jaw ants have shears for mandibles and can snap them at 40 meters per second ( 90 mph ) .

  3. 此外,当落入陷阱的大齿猛蚁的下颚被黏住时,它们仅有一半的机会能够避免成为其他生物的“盘中餐”。

    Furthermore , the ants that had their jaws glued together were only half as likely to escape their fate as dinner .

  4. 可以肯定的是,大齿猛蚁有时也会落入沙土陷阱,而它们的下颌则有助于帮其脱离险境。

    Sure enough , trap-jaw ants that were at risk of sinking into the sand sometimes used their mandibles to propel themselves away from danger .