
  1. 他们的房子大极了。

    Their house is massive .

  2. 那时我们的困难真是大极了,但是我们渡过了困难。

    We were indeed in dire straits.But we pulled through .

  3. ASE除了萃取低沸点的萜类外,还有高沸点酸类、萜类、醛酮类和大极性醇类。

    ASE can extract the substances such as acids . terpenes , aldehyde ketones and the big polar alcohols with low boiling point as well as the high boiling point .

  4. 你应该看看他们的新房子,真是大极了。

    You ought to see their new house-it 's enormous .

  5. 你的房子真是大极了。

    That 's one Helluva big house you 've got .

  6. 我们本事大极了。

    We have boundless abilities and potentialities .

  7. 你为什么不过来,这张床大极了。

    Well why don 't you come back here ? It 's an awfully big bed .

  8. 砾石坑大极了,坑口四周长着青草和野花。

    The gravel-pit was very large , with grass and wild flowers round the sides at the top .

  9. 国内哈代诗歌研究所取得的成绩与哈代诗歌数量之多、成就之大极不相称。

    There is a big discrepancy between the achievements of the studies in China and Hardy 's poetic achievements .

  10. 本子上写的满是打倒老大哥,字写得大极了,在房间另一端也看得清清楚楚。

    DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER was written all over it , in letters almost big enough to be legible across the room .

  11. 初级精母细胞质的量对重构卵的成熟率、大极体形成以及染色体的凝集都没有影响。

    The cytoplasm amount of primary spermatocytes had no influence on the proportion of maturation rates , large polar body formation and adequately condensed chromosome in reconstructed oocytes .

  12. 当今世界,美国、日本两国经济分别以世界第一、第二位次形成世界经济两大极。

    At present , U.S.A. and Japan have formed the two poles in the world , with their economy occupying the first and the second places in the world .

  13. 在LED路灯照明系统中,LED光源发出光的角度大且极不均匀,通过二次光学设计可以很好的解决这个问题,得到较均匀的照射路面。

    This problem can be solved through the method of second optical design , and to obtain the uniform irradiation of pavement .

  14. 目的总结食管静脉曲张破裂大出血极危重患者在急诊内镜下行硬化治疗(EIS)的经验。

    Objective To evaluate the effective of emergent endoscopic injection sclerotherapy ( EIS ) for lethal bleeding from esophagogastric varices .

  15. 在大漏极电压条件下,沟道电子易于注入到GaN缓冲层中,并被缓冲层中的陷阱所俘获,耗尽二维电子气,从而导致电流崩塌效应。

    Under high drain voltage condition , the results proved that channel electrons are easily ejected into GaN buffer layer and be trapped to induce current collapse .

  16. 其次是PET的抗静电性问题,由于PET的比电阻较高、摩擦电压大、极容易产生静电,而且静电半衰期长,在作为涤纶纤维和薄膜使用时,严重影响其加工性能和使用性能。

    Secondly , PET has a great resistivity , triboelectricity voltage and long time of electrostatic half life ; it can bring electrostatic charge easily to the membrane and fibre , influence badly to application and manufacture progress .

  17. 许多农产品量大而又极易腐败。

    Many agricultural commodities are bulky and highly perishable .

  18. 这个罪犯罪大恶极,广大群众要求处决他。

    The broad masses demanded the execution of the criminal for his atrocious crimes .

  19. 5.12汶川大地震极震区灾害致因初析

    Preliminary Studies on Causation of Catastrophes in Meizoseismal Areas of the 5.12 Wenchuan Huge Earthquake

  20. 基于物流经济联系的三大增长极演化特征比较研究

    A comparison study on three growth poles ' evolutionary features of the economic linkages of logistics

  21. 根据分析结果,12种模型的承载层压应力过大,极有可能发生破坏;

    According to this analysis , over stress for12 kinds of model bearing bed possibly causes damage ;

  22. 目的研究成年大鼠极快速减压致中枢神经损伤后脑组织内小胶质细胞的变化及其与损伤后神经元凋亡的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship of apoptosis of microglia and neuron in adult rats following fast decompression .

  23. 虎牙的尺寸和其他牙齿周围的空间相比,大的极不匀称。

    The size of the canine teeth is likewise disproportionately large compared to the space allocated to all others .

  24. 农牧交错带的生态环境具有很强的脆弱性和过渡性,其生态环境波动性大,极易受到干扰;

    Its eco-environment has quite a strong frangibility and vibration of agro-pastoral Zigzag Zone , It is liable to be disturbed .

  25. 气魄极雄大意境极沉郁&浅论辛弃疾豪放词的双重审美追求

    Great Boldness and Vision Mixed With Extreme Depression & Briefly on Xin Qiji 's dual aesthetic pursuit in his ci of powerful and free style

  26. 香果兰属的任何一种攀援性植物,有肉质叶子,花大且极香、白色、绿色或浅黄褐色。

    Any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers .

  27. 认为长株潭地区在今后的科技发展中,应充分发挥长沙市区、株洲市区两大创新极的示范辐射和扩散效应,带动全区域科技发展。

    It is considered that more attention should be paid to the demonstration and radiation from Changsha and Zhuzhou cities for promoting the Hi-tech development of regional development .

  28. 其罪大恶极者,可根据乡村农民团体的请求送到乡村处理。

    Upon the request of the village peasant organizations those who have committed the most heinous crimes may be sent back to the villages to be dealt with .

  29. 机车高速运行时,接触导线在受电弓上做快速滑行,如果导线位置偏差过大,极易造成供电网事故。

    The contact line over the pantograph slides fast when the locomotion operates at high-speed . It will tent to cause power accident if the location of the line deviates too large .

  30. 在中国各地理区域中,东北地区正在崛起并逐步成长为第四大增长极;同时,作为新中国的长子,东北老工业基地已为全国经济发展做出重大贡献。

    As the eldest son of new China , northeast old industrial base has made great contributions to the national economic development , and has been functioned as modern agriculture base and equipment manufacturing base .