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  • 网络Action Plan;action;PLAN;plan of action;strategy;game-plan;path
  1. 或者可以是利用问题解决办法A3程序来分析影响绩效的问题,以及解决问题来应用行动计划。

    It could be person ( s ) utilizing Problem Solving A3s to analyze problems impacting performance and solving them to root with implemented action plans .

  2. 该组织计划在成立后与国际能源机构(IEA)和国际标准化组织(ISO)合作,共同制定具体的行动计划。

    The organization plans to set up after the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) and the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) in collaboration with specific action plans .

  3. 她开始向小组讲解她的行动计划。

    She began to explain her plan of action to the group .

  4. 她周密地制订了达到她职业巅峰的行动计划。

    She had carefully charted her route to the top of her profession .

  5. 不要让他把你卷进他的行动计划。

    Don 't let him draw you into his strategy .

  6. 从孩提时代起,她就有了一个行动计划,而且是个不容他人干预的计划。

    From childhood on , she 'd had a plan of action , one that would brook no interference

  7. APEC马尼拉行动计划

    Manila Action Plan for APEC MRA

  8. 好。听起来我们有行动计划了。

    A : All right . It sounds like we have a plan of action .

  9. 第五届丝绸之路国际博览会5月11日举办。根据会上发布的三年行动计划,为促进跨境电商的发展,我国将提升中欧班列货运服务水平。

    The China-Europe cargo service will be improved to spur the development of cross-border e-commerce , according to a three-year action plan released at the Fifth Silk Road International Exposition that opened on May 11 .

  10. 据法国一家英语报纸theLocal报道,这三家慈善团体上周末进行了碰面,力求制定一份行动计划。

    The three charities met last week to try to work out a plan of action , according to English-language French newspaper The Local .

  11. 在会谈期间,柯克介绍了他的办公室发起的一个叫做“贸易促进普及医药”(TEAM)的新的战略行动计划。

    During the meeting , Kirk introduced a new strategic initiative from his office , called Trade Enhancing Access to Medicines ( TEAM ) .

  12. 去年,国会通过了支持“提高美国竞争力行动计划”(AmericanCompetitivenessInitiative)的法案,但一直未能提供资金。

    Last year , the Congress passed legislation supporting the American Competitiveness Initiative , but never followed through with the funding .

  13. 非洲国家通过参加“采矿业透明度行动计划”(ExtractiveIndustriesTransparencyInitiative)已经开始接受这一观点。

    African countries are starting to embrace this view through participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative .

  14. 领导人们通过了东盟-美国五年行动计划(Five-YearASEAN-UnitedStatesPlanofAction),这是扩大我们的战略合作的路线图。

    Leaders adopted the Five-year ASEAN-United States Plan of Action , a roadmap for expanding our strategic cooperation .

  15. G20领袖说,首尔行动计划将使全球经济得到进一步强化。

    G-20 leaders say their Seoul Action Plan will help further strengthen the global economy .

  16. 第三章通过对武汉水上旅游的SWOT进行了综合分析,在此基础上提出了武汉水上旅游发展的战略定位、发展目标、商业模式及行动计划;

    Chapter 3 put forward the strategic position , the development target , and the development mode and space layouts of Wuhan aquatic tour through SWOT analysis ;

  17. 领导人们同意,建立一个融入更大方案中的基金,用来资助《非洲科技整体行动计划》(ConsolidatedPlanofAction),这个基金将由现有机构管理。

    They agreed on a fund that would piggyback onto a wider plan to finance the Consolidated Plan of Action ( see Support urged for US $ 160m plan for African science ) managed by an existing organisation .

  18. 石油交易可能将面临新的披露规则,这是因为《采掘业透明度行动计划》(extractiveindustriestransparencyinitiative,简称eiti)已开始讨论如何将国有石油公司和交易商之间的交易纳入披露范围。

    Oil trading is likely to come under new disclosure rules as the industry-backed Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative discusses how to include deals between national oil companies and traders .

  19. 会议可能通过第四届东京非洲发展国际会议(TICADIV)《行动计划》(其中包括一个监控机制)来解决这些问题。

    Ticad-storyA TICAD IV Action Plan , including a monitoring mechanism , is expected to address these issues .

  20. 作为美国和欧盟新法基础的《采掘业透明度行动计划》(extractiveindustriestransparencyinitiative)以及其他相关努力,迄今已经把矛头对准了燃料和矿物开采。

    The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative , on which new US and EU laws are based , and other efforts have so far targeted the activity of taking fuel and minerals out of the ground .

  21. 据NPR新闻的山姆·桑德斯报道,这项判决对依据“对童年时期来美者延期采取行动计划”而避免被驱逐出境的移民产生了影响。

    NPR Sam Sander reports the ruling affects immigrants who have avoided deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program .

  22. 社区首席谈判代表托利o托马斯回忆道,在Vantage公司第二天正式宣布行动计划之前,一切都处于保密状态。

    All this was to be kept secret until Vantage officially announced its action the next day , recalls Tolli Thomas , the neighborhoods " lead negotiator .

  23. 首先是七国集团(g7)增强银行弹性的行动计划,以使银行恢复其做市商的作用。

    The first is the action plan of the group of seven leading industrialised nations to make banks resilient so that they can resume their market-making roles .

  24. 在五年的行动计划中,中国国务院承诺在2017年之前中国主要城市的PM2.5值至少降低10%。

    In its five-year action plan , China 's State Council pledged to reduce the level of airborne particulate matter by at least 10 % in major cities by 2017 .

  25. 在谈判代表们准备投入官员们认为将会通宵达旦的会议之际,20国集团正在寻求加强一项已经拟定的促进增长和就业的行动计划,为国际货币基金组织(imf)安排更多任务和资金。

    As negotiators prepared to go into what officials thought would be all-night sessions , the G20 was seeking to augment an action plan for growth and jobs that was already on the table with additional tasks and funds for the International Monetary Fund .

  26. 支持NARBO成员改善水治理工作,包括有利于水资源综合治理的政策、体制和法律框架,以及制订行动计划等;

    Supporting NARBO members to improve water governance , including the enabling policy , institutional , and legal framework for IWRM , and the formulation of action plans ;

  27. 纽约的PlaNYC与芝加哥气候行动计划相比更多的关注于湿地和海岸,因为纽约比芝加哥有更长的海岸线和更多的水路航道。

    New York 's PlaNYC pays more attention to wetlands and coastal issues than CCAP does , because New York has more coastline and waterways than Chicago .

  28. 我们有明确清楚的行动计划来支持这个策略。

    We have well defined action plans to support the strategy .

  29. 奥运绿色食品工程行动计划构想

    Conception of action plan for the olympic green food engineering program

  30. 这一行动计划于2008年获得世界卫生大会的批准。

    This Action Plan was endorsed by the2008 World Health Assembly .