
xínɡ zhènɡ qiǎnɡ zhì cuò shī
  • administrative coercive measure
  1. 交通行政强制措施问题探析

    Discussion and Analysis of Traffic Administrative Coercive Measure

  2. 治安行政强制措施对于保障治安行政法所调整的社会关系和社会秩序,实现治安管理的目标有着十分重要的作用,它属于行政强制措施的一种。

    As a kind of administrative coercive measure , administrative coercive measures for public order play very important role in safeguarding the community relation and public order . In recent years , there are quite a lot of writings on the administrative coercive measures , as well as disputes .

  3. 对限制人身自由的行政强制措施不服提起的诉讼

    A suit against compulsory administrative measures restricting freedom of the person

  4. 第一章是行政强制措施的基本理论。

    Chapter one is the basic theory about compulsory administrative measures .

  5. 治安行政强制措施与公民权利

    Administrative Compulsory Measures for Public Order and Rights of A Citizen

  6. 第三部分对几种争议较大的治安行政强制措施分别加以分析。

    The third part analyzes the most controversial administrative coercive measures respectively .

  7. 消防行政强制措施的设定和构想

    Settlement and conceiving of compulsory administrative measures of fire control

  8. 关于税务行政强制措施的可诉性问题,本章主要从追诉时效上和税务行政强制执行的比较来说明。

    The second chapter is about tax administrative compulsion enforcement .

  9. 论治安行政强制措施的价值定位

    Value Orientation of Compulsory Administrative Measures for Public Order

  10. 交通警察行政强制措施初探

    On some difficulties in traffic police administrative compulsory measures

  11. 第一部分关注突发事件中警察行政强制措施中存在的问题。

    The first chapter focuses on the problems and causes in police administrative enforcement measures .

  12. 警察行政强制措施研究

    Research on Police Administrative Enforcement Measures

  13. 保障措施是一种行政强制措施,是用来保护本国的经济利益免受外来冲击的一种贸易保护措施。

    Safeguard measure is a kind of administrative compulsory measure to protect its own interest from outer impact .

  14. 目前我国精神病患者的医疗行政强制措施存在着政策性、行政性过强而程序性、司法化不足等缺陷。

    At present our country psychotic medical compulsory administrative measures exist policy and administrative overpowered procedural , judicial insufficiency defects .

  15. 行政强制措施及调查取证手段不能适应执法需要;

    Compulsory administrative measure and means of investigating and collecting evidence can 't meet the needs of enforcing the law ;

  16. 1993年确立的收容教育制度,立法者是把它当做一种行政强制措施看待的。

    The system of detention education was established in 1883 , which legislators regarded as one of administrative mandatory measures .

  17. 违法拘留或者违法采取限制公民人身自由的行政强制措施的;

    Where there is unlawful detention or an unlawful compulsory administrative measure to restrict the personal freedom of a citizen ;

  18. 违法对财产采取查封、扣押、冻结等行政强制措施的;

    Taking a compulsory administrative measure in violation of the law such as sealing up , distraining or freezing of property ;

  19. 收容遣送已演变成限制公民人身自由的行政强制措施和行政处罚措施。

    The system of take-in and repatriation has transformed into an administrative compelling and punishing measure which limits the citizens'personal freedom .

  20. 违法对生产设备、货物、物品、运输工具等财产采取扣留、封存等行政强制措施的;

    Illegally taking administrative enforcement measures such as detaining or sealing up the production equipment , goods , articles and vehicles etc ;

  21. 最后,论文对目前治安行政强制措施在立法、执法方面的状况以及存在的问题进行了探讨并提出了相应的对策。

    The fourth part discusses the state and problems of legislation and enforcement of administrative coercive measures for public order , and puts forward with the countermeasures .

  22. 第三部分为我国行政强制措施制度的立法与实践分析,介绍了我国现行的行政强制措施模式和几种有争议的行政强制措施,分析并提出了我国现行模式中存在的主要问题。

    Chapter Three introduces the present mode of the Administrative Enforcement Measure and some contentious measures and points to the main problems of the present mode in China .

  23. 应当及时采取对全部药品予以查封、扣押的行政强制措施,并在7日内作出行政处理决定。

    It shall adopt mandatory measures to seal up and detain all the drugs in time , and shall make a decision of administrative handling within 7 days .

  24. (二)对限制人身自由或者对财产的查封、扣押、冻结等行政强制措施不服的;

    A compulsory administrative measure , such as restricting freedom of the person or the sealing up , seizing or freezing of property , which one refuses to accept ;

  25. 目前,我国对行政强制措施的定义、内容、性质、分类等问题认识混乱,有待于澄清。

    Currently there is ambiguous cognition of the conception , content , property and classification of the forcible measure of administration in China , which should to be clarified .

  26. 作为一种行政强制措施,交通管制在有效的疏导交通,改善道路交通的通行秩序方面发挥着重要的作用。

    As a kind of compulsory administrative measures , traffic control plays an important role in the flow of traffic , to improve the passage of road traffic order .

  27. 第三章分别介绍了德国、日本、英、美、法等国以及我国台港澳地区的行政强制措施制度。

    Chapter three separately introduces the system of compulsory administrative measures in Germany 、 Japan 、 the United Kingdom 、 the United States , France and Taiwan , Hongkong , Macao area .

  28. 精神病患者的医疗行政强制措施是一项重要的社会防卫措施,既涉及到精神病患者的人身自由和健康权利,又涉及到社会安全和治安秩序。

    Psychiatric patients ' medical compulsory administrative measures is an important social defense measures , which involves psychotic personal freedom and health right , and related to social security and public order .

  29. 行政强制措施亦不等同于即时强制措施,它应该包括即时强制措施和行政调查与检查中的强制措施两个概念。

    Furthermore , compulsory administrative measure can 't be equated with immediate force as it consists of immediate force and the compulsory administrative measure in the process of administration investigating and checking .

  30. 第十八条对限制人身自由的行政强制措施不服提起的诉讼,由被告所在地或者原告所在地人民法院管辖。

    Article 18 A suit against compulsory administrative measures restricting freedom of the person shall be under the jurisdiction of a people 's court in the place where the defendant or the plaintiff is located .