
sī fǎ jiù jì
  • judicial remedy
  1. 其中司法救济是主要途径。

    Judicial remedy is the main way to protect it .

  2. 司法救济是保障公民基本权利的最终途径,宪法的法律属性决定了它的直接法律效力。

    Judicial remedy is the last resort in safeguarding citizen 's basic rights .

  3. 鉴于我国现行法律对于商业秘密侵权民事司法救济制度规定得不很规范和具体,有些规定还与WTO有关规则相冲突,因此,有必要进一步完善之。

    In view of the fact that civil judicial system on trade secret by China 's current laws is not concrete and perfect , including that some provisions in the said laws conflict with WTO 's related rules , it is necessary to go further to upgrade it .

  4. 内部行政行为司法救济之理论建构概略

    The outline of theory construction for judicial succor in Inner-administration behavior

  5. 论行政合同违约责任与司法救济

    On the Liability for Breach of Administrative Contract and Judicial Relief

  6. 受教育权的司法救济

    Judicial Protection to Education Right through Constitutional Procedure or Administrative Procedure

  7. 我国股权司法救济法律研究

    Study on the Judicature Safeguard of the Right of Shareholder in China

  8. 在司法救济中理应对新闻权予以特别保护。

    The news right should be specially protected in the judicial relief .

  9. 这就要求从立法和司法救济两方面来进一步完善。

    This requires legislation and judicial relief to further perfection .

  10. 本文围绕公司僵局的司法救济这一核心问题展开。

    This thesis focuses on the judicial relief of the corporation deadlock .

  11. 教育惩戒不应成为侵犯大学生权利的借口,对大学生提供司法救济可以规范高校的办学行为。

    Providing students with judicial remedy can normalize higher education .

  12. 刍议流动人口子女受教育权的司法救济

    A Discussion On judicial relief of The Transient Population Children Educated Power

  13. 关于完善不作为行政违法司法救济的思考

    Reflections on the Perfection of Judicial Remedy of the Omission of Administration

  14. 司法救济是权利得以实现的最后屏障。

    Justice relief is the last guarantee of the realization of right .

  15. 我国商业秘密司法救济制度初探

    Studies on China 's Legal Protection System of Business Secrets

  16. 论欧洲联盟的行政责任及其司法救济

    On the Administrative Liability and Its Legal Remedies of EU

  17. 诉讼契约的法理学思考行政契约的司法救济

    Jurisprudential Thoughts on Litigation Contracts The way of action of administrative contract

  18. 证券欺诈侵权受害人司法救济机制研究

    On How to Judicially Remedy Investors Victimized by Securities Deception

  19. 略论民商事仲裁的司法救济制度

    A Study on the System of Judicial Remedy for Civil and Commercial Arbitration

  20. 我国弱势群体权利的司法救济

    Judicial Relief of the Rights of Chinese Vulnerable Group

  21. 解决诚信档案争端的司法救济模式

    On the judicatory relief mode of the salvation of the credit archive issue

  22. 浅谈对检察机关不起诉决定的司法救济

    On Judicial Relief to the Procuratorate 's Nolpros Decision

  23. 最后是警察圈套司法救济机制。

    Finally , the entrapment mechanism for judicial relief .

  24. 司法救济的限度&教育诉讼可诉性范围分析

    The Limits of Judicial Remedy : Analysis of Suable Field of Educational Litigation

  25. 股东盈余分配权的司法救济与立法完善

    Judicatory Intervention and Perfection of Legislation of Surplus Allotment

  26. 第二节分析了我国侦查行为侵权司法救济制度缺位的原因。

    Paragraph II analyzes the reasons of the domestic judicial relief system absence .

  27. 然后,分析了反垄断司法救济的基本制度。

    Then , the analysis of the basic anti-monopoly system of judicial relief .

  28. 论大学生受教育权利的司法救济

    On the Administration of Justice of Right of University Students ' Receiving Education

  29. 提高奥林匹克标志侵权司法救济效率。

    Enhance the efficiency of juridical relief for infringement of the Olympic logo .

  30. 宪法诉讼是受教育权司法救济的根本途径。

    It is the basic way through constitutional procedure to protect education right .