
  • 网络Judicial resources;English
  1. ADR具有灵活解决纠纷、合理分配司法资源、降低纠纷解决成本等功能。

    ADR to resolve disputes with flexible and reasonable allocation of judicial resources and reduce the cost of dispute resolution functions .

  2. 其在国外称为ADR(AlternativeDisputeResolution),对于降低当事人的诉讼成本、减少当事人之间的对抗、节约国家司法资源以及缓解诉讼迟延具有重要意义。

    In foreign countries , as ADR ( Alternative Dispute Resolution ), it is of great significance to reduce the costs of legal proceedings of the parties , to reduce confrontation between the parties , to save the national judicial resources and alleviate the delay in the proceedings .

  3. 然而,为了适应法治社会价值多元化、社会主体纠纷解决需求的多元化、合理分配利用司法资源,就必须建立一个以司法诉讼为核心,非诉讼纠纷解决方式(ADR)为辅助的多元化纠纷解决机制。

    The diversified dispute resolution system , however , is much more suitable for the social needs and better to distribute the judicial resources . It is composed of the judicial litigation as the core and alternative dispute resolution ( ADR ) .

  4. 替代性纠纷解决机制(ADR),泛指美国近30年来逐渐发展起来的各种诉讼外纠纷解决方式和方法,具有灵活解决纠纷、合理分配司法资源、降低纠纷解决成本等功能。

    Alternative Dispute Resolution ( ADR ) refers to various dispute-resolving means and methods except litigation that have gradually developed in America since 30 years ago . It serves to resolve disputes with flexibility , reasonably distribute judicial resources and reduce the cost in the course of dispute-resolving .

  5. 第二,繁简分流,优化司法资源的配置。

    Second , simplified diversion , optimize the judicial resources allocation .

  6. 司法资源困境下法院立案调解制度构建之探析

    A Research on Establishment of Pre-trial Mediation Regulation with Limited Judicial Resources

  7. 法院监督模式具有非专业性、司法资源有限性、监督方式的局限性等缺憾。

    Court supervision model is limited by professionalism , judicial resources limitation .

  8. 法院获取司法资源的局限;

    The limitation of the judicial resources to courts ;

  9. 二是司法资源分配的不合理。

    It is judicial resource allocation is not reasonable .

  10. 第三是民事司法资源的损益和拓展。

    The third is the civil justice resources , profit and loss and expansion .

  11. 这些现象的出现,直接导致了司法资源的紧张,引发了许多难题。

    These phenomena appear , led directly to the judicial resources tension , causes many problems .

  12. 同时,减缓监狱的压力,使司法资源得到更为合理的分配。

    At the same time , reduce stress , make prison justice resources more rational allocation .

  13. 有效配置司法资源实现诉讼效益这四个方面进行分析。

    And disposing judicial resources effectively .

  14. 开辟新的合作途径,实施司法资源共享制度;

    Open up new cooperative channel and implement the system to share with the judicial resources ;

  15. 从经济分析思路去考虑,刑事诉讼是一种稀缺的司法资源,其所有者是国家。

    Considered from economic analysis , criminal lawsuit is a scarce legal resource whose owner is the state .

  16. 这不但浪费了大量的司法资源,同时不利于区别对待。

    This is not only a huge waste of judicial resources , and is not conducive to discrimination .

  17. 但随着改革在实践中的推行,很多矛盾随之而出,主要体现为人民法院二审案件递增率与司法资源有限性的冲突。

    The main question is that the clash between the number of increasing case and limited judicature resources .

  18. 提高诉讼效率,节约司法资源已成为各国诉讼活动追求的目标之一。

    The efficiency of the proceedings and Conserve judicial resources litigation activity has become one of the objectives .

  19. 这种模式既借鉴了权衡理论的优点,又克服了其容易造成司法资源浪费的现象。

    This pattern has profited from the balance theory , and overcame the phenomenon of wasting judicial resources .

  20. 阐述法院调解的主要社会功能,包括纠纷解决功能、节约司法资源功能和人际关系调整功能。

    Main functions of court-conciliation are dispute-settling , saving of judicial resources , and coordinating the interrelations between peoples .

  21. 这一制度的确立确实极大地提高了诉讼效率,节约了司法资源。

    The establishment of this system is indeed greatly improved the effectiveness of the proceedings , saving judicial resources .

  22. 暂缓起诉制度具有节约司法资源,有利于实现刑罚目的的作用。

    The prosecution reprieve system helps to save the judicial resources and to achieve the purpose of punishment function .

  23. 轻伤案件因其在现实生活中的多发性而必然耗费大量的司法资源。

    Cases of minor injury inevitably consume large quantity of litigation resources due to its frequent occurrence in practical life .

  24. 建立这种制度的立法本义是基于更好的保护公民的合法权益和节约司法资源。

    Establishing this system is to protect more lawful rights and interests of citizen , economize more resource of judicatory .

  25. 一方面,刑事二审简化审虽然在形式上贯彻体现了审判公开原则,但是它也直接导致了诉讼效率的降低及司法资源的紧张。

    Firstly , it embodies public hearing system , but it also reduces the efficiency of litigation and judicature resources .

  26. 这一制度对于慎重启动追诉程序,保护公民权利和节约司法资源等方面都起到了明显的作用。

    This system have played a significant role to start seriously recourse procedures , protect civil rights and save judicial resources .

  27. 第三是此罪实践中还存在刑罚效益与司法资源的投入不协调的问题。

    Third , the practice of this sin there are penalties effectiveness of judicial resources put into the issue of incoherence .

  28. 另一方面,它能节约诉讼成本与司法资源,有利于案件执行。

    On the other hand , it can save litigation costs and judicial resources , and be helpful for cases execution .

  29. 司法资源的有限性、市场经济的效率性与知识产权纠纷的矛盾难以调和。

    The contradictions of limit of judicial resources , efficiency of the market economy and intellectual property disputes are difficult to reconcile .

  30. 提高民事诉讼的效率,就是要科学地配置有限的司法资源和合理地设计诉讼程序。

    Improve the efficiency of civil proceedings , is to scientifically rational , allocation of limited resources and to design judicial proceedings .