
  • 网络social solidarity
  1. 法律的存在有助于社会连带关系需求的实现。

    Law existed to ensure fulfilment of the needs of this social solidarity .

  2. 论作为社会保障法基础的社会连带

    Social Solidarity serving as the Foundation of Social Security Law

  3. 弱势群体保护的法哲学诠释&以社会连带为视角

    Philosophical Analysis Of Protection For Weak Classes & From Social Related Visual Angle

  4. 试论环境法上的社会连带责任

    On the Social Joint Liability in Environmental Law

  5. 管理者社会连带影响企业绩效的机理:以组织创新为中介变量

    Exploring the Link between Managerial Ties and Firm Performance : Take Organizational Innovation as Mediating Variable

  6. 社会连带主义法学派

    Social solidarist school of law

  7. 社会连带理论视角下的见危不助犯罪化思考

    Pondering on Criminalization of Not Giving Help with Others ' Peril under the View of the Theory of Social Implicative Relationship

  8. 由于涉及国家道德、社会连带思想、个体德性等伦理因子,社会保障因而具有了丰富的伦理意蕴。

    Thanks to its involvement of the ethical memes including national morality , social joint thought and individual ethics , social security is abundantly ethical connotative .

  9. 以服务为行动指南的公共行政,首先要破除的就是主权行政观念,社会连带法学在这方面给了我们有益的启示。

    Public service oriented to service should first abolish the idea of " sovereignty administration "; In this aspect , society - related law has given us useful enlightenment .

  10. 在主观法权思想和社会连带思想等不同语境中证成公权力限制私权的正当性不无必要。

    It is necessary to prove the reasonability of limiting private rights by public power under the different background right idea , such as subjective right and social attachment right .

  11. 它建立在社会连带思想的基础上,以保障人的基本生存权为目的,追求分配上的正义。

    The social insurance is based on the thought of social related , which aims at the guarantee of the human basic right of existence , and pursues the right on the distribution .

  12. 理论原因的影响因不同的阶段而分别不同:国家无责任阶段,主要有致贫原因个人因素论、社会连带思想、守望相助思想。

    The theoretical reasons , respectively , due to the different stages of . In the un-liability phase , the mainly reasons were the personal factors on the cause of poverty , solidarity thinking , the " neighborhood watch " thought .

  13. 发展权是连带的权利,具有社会的连带性。

    The right to development is a joint right , associated with several nature of the society .

  14. 老龄化社会的代际连带与社会保障&兼论日本的老龄化对策

    Intergenerational Solidarity and Social Security in the Aging Society & Reflections on the Japanese Aging of Population

  15. “社会契约”到“社会连带”&思想史中的卢梭和狄骥

    From Social Contract to Social Joint

  16. 这五大农村社会保障法律制度,均应当以生存权理念、社会公平权理念和社会连带理念以及法治之内核思想作为构建其全部内容的基础。

    These five rural social security legal institutions should all base their entire contents on the thoughts of survival right , social equity right , social association right and rule of law-centeredness .

  17. 社会基础是指信赖原则是根据人的相互信任情感、共同责任心以及社会连带感产生的。

    Social basis of reliance is the principle of mutual trust is based on human feelings and common sense of responsibility and the " sense of solidarity ," generated .

  18. 社会法起源于西方资本主义社会,以国家垄断资本主义时期出现的社会矛盾为时代背景,以实质正义理论、社会连带责任思想等学说为思想基础而产生。

    Social Law originated in Western capitalist society , which produced on the background of the period of state monopoly capitalism . The Ideological Basis of Social Law is Substantive Justice , Social Joint and so on .