
dì yuē
  • Contracting;conclude a treaty;conclude (sign) a treaty;sign a treaty
缔约 [dì yuē]
  • [conclude (sign) a treaty] 缔结、订立条约

  • 缔约国

缔约[dì yuē]
  1. 合同承运人一方具有强制缔约义务,合同的内容受到较为严格的约束。

    A contract carrier side has forces to conclude a treaty the duty , the contract content receives a stricter restraint .

  2. 危险增加是指保险合同当事人在缔约时预料的保险标的的危险在合同的有效期内程度增强。

    Danger increases is the insurance mark that shows insurance contract party expects when conclude a treaty danger increases in the degree inside the period of efficacy of the contract .

  3. 参加第二十一届缔约方会议的国家注重量化减排承诺。

    The   nations   participating   at   COP   21   are   focusing   on   quantitative   emissions-reduction commitments .

  4. 但是,如果这种收益不是发生于缔约国另一方,应仅在转让者为居民的缔约国征税。

    However , such gains do not arise in the other Contracting State they shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident .

  5. Powers提出了不同的观点。欧共体明示与隐含缔约权力浅析

    On EC 's Explicit and Implicit Treaty making powers

  6. 中国已于2001年12月11日正式成为WTO的缔约国。随着中国的入世,外国商品在华倾销将会越来越频繁,给我国经济发展带来的负面影响也必然会随之越发严重。

    China has joined WTO on December 11, 2001.After China 's accession to WTO , more foreign products will be dumped into China .

  7. 欧共体不是GATT缔约方,GATT也从没有确立过EC在其中的法律地位。

    EC was not the contracting party of GATT .

  8. 关键是UDP的使用,它是TCP的缔约方传输协议。

    The key is the use of the UDP , which is the parter transport protocol to TCP .

  9. 造成国际投资仲裁裁决损害东道国主权的主要原因在于缔约国签订了高度自由的BIT,让渡了过多的主权。

    International investment arbitration awards causing damage on the sovereignty of the host country is mainly because that the host country has transferred too much sovereignty in signing BIT .

  10. WTO是对各缔约方之间的贸易关系提供体制性框架,并负责监督其实施的国际组织。

    WTO is an international organization which provides the systematic frame for the trade relationship among all the WTO-member countries and which takes responsibility for the supervision of the law enforcement of WTO .

  11. WTO的规则首先是对政府行为的规范,而规范政府行为包括两方面的要求:一是缔约方的政府承诺遵守WTO规则,并且在实践中履行所作的承诺;

    The regulations of WTO are rules for government action , including two requirements : first , signatory government to the treaty promises to undertake WTO regulations and to fulfill promises in practice ;

  12. 反倾销是WTO赋予缔约国抵制不公平贸易行为的主要措施之一,现已日益成为世界各国极力谋求贸易保护的武器。

    Anti-dumping is one of the main countermeasures against the unfair international trading , which is authorized by WTO treaties and being used by various countries as the international trade protection weapons day by day .

  13. 对于作为世界贸易组织成员也是协议缔约方的中国,TRIPS协议必须遵守重要法则之一。

    Regarding China , one of the WTO members and also signatory state of the TRIPS , the TRIPS is one of the most important statutes that must be observed .

  14. 经济政策是应随着经济环境和经济需求进行完善和变化的,中国加入WTO后,WTO的有关条款要求作为缔约国一方的中国坚持和完善出口退税政策。

    The economic policy should perfect and transform along with economic environment and economic request . After China join the WTO , the WTO relevant item requests China as one of signatory state to persist and perfect tax rebate for exports policy .

  15. TPP的国家已同意包括新的承诺,以加强国内各缔约方的经济和区域竞争力和促进本地区的经济一体化。

    The TPP countries have agreed to include new commitments to enhance the domestic and regional competitiveness of each Party 's economy and promote economic integration in the region .

  16. 很多的B2B电子商贸门户的发展和主办的第三次缔约方者充当信息媒介,使买家和卖家一起在型录,交流,拍卖等市场。

    Many of the B2B e-commerce portals are developed and hosted by third parties who serve as infomediaries that bring buyers and sellers together in catalog , exchange , and auction markets .

  17. 教科文组织正在为一个全面的非政府组织平台提供支持,以便在联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议(COP)2014年利马会议和明年的巴黎会议之前,提高人们对海洋问题的认识。

    UNESCO is supporting a comprehensive platform of Non-Governmental Organizations to raise the profile of ocean issues in the run-up the Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( COP ), in Lima in 2014 and in Paris next year .

  18. 当宏观社会资本足以使人们产生普遍信任时,资产专用性也要求契约双方采用关系缔约,因为资产专用性的诱惑是如此之大,以至于普遍信任也不足以阻止敲竹杠(hold-up)的机会主义行为。

    Even if macro social capital is enough to produce general trust , relational contracting is indispensable to both parties because the lure from asset specificity is so big that general trust cannot prohibit the hold-up opportunist behavior .

  19. 从微观上来讲,CAFTA争端解决机制是为在CAFTA内所签订的协议作的一个法律保障和法律基础,为保护各缔约国的合法利益作了有效的保障。

    From the micro terms , CAFTA dispute settlement system is a legal protection and legal basis for CAFTA agreements signed among the contracting states . In protecting the lawful rights and interests of parties , it makes an effective safeguard .

  20. 我国是SOLAS公约的缔约国,为履行国际义务和保证在我国海域航行的中外船舶的航行安全,中国海事AIS工程建设是十分必要和紧迫的。

    Our country is the contracting party of SOLAS , and for performing the international duty and pledging navigation safety the China and foreign shipping of china 's sea area navigation , China 's maritime affairs build of AIS is very necessary and urgent .

  21. 中国只有一个正式缔约的盟友&朝鲜。

    China only has one formal treaty ally – North Korea .

  22. 我国缔约过失责任制度之不足及其改造

    The Deficiency and Reform of Contracting Fault Responsibility in Our Country

  23. 论合同中的缔约责任和免责条款及其法律关系

    Signatory obligation , exception clauses and the legal relation between them

  24. 浅议缔约过失责任的认定及其在我国的适用

    Determination of Treaty-making Liability for Fault and Its Application in China

  25. 评联邦体制下的欧共体缔约权

    On Contracting Rights of the European Community under the Federal System

  26. 观察员也可参与缔约方会议的工作。

    Observers may also participate in the work of the COP .

  27. 国家间交易成本包括国家间治理成本与国家间缔约成本两个部分。

    Interstate transaction costs include interstate governance costs and interstate contracting costs .

  28. 第二,缔约地法主义;

    Secondly , the principle of the place of contract ;

  29. 缔约过失责任的法理基础研究

    The Study of the Basis of Fault Liability to Contract

  30. 对合同法中缔约过失责任制度的思考

    Thinking on the System of Fault Liability in Conclusion Contract