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  • founder;architect
  1. 现代新加坡的缔造者李光耀在80年代曾预测,澳大利亚人注定是“亚洲贫困的白人渣滓”(thepoorwhitetrashofAsia),他的话似乎有根据。

    And when the founder of modern Singapore , Lee Kuan Yew , forecast in the1980s that Australians were destined to become " the poor white trash of Asia ", he seemed to know what he was talking about .

  2. 今年早些时候,现代新加坡的缔造者、现年88岁的李光耀(LeeKuanYew,李显龙之父)向新加坡人敲响警钟,提醒他们:提高生育率是新加坡面临的最大挑战。

    Alarm bells were rung earlier this year by his father , the 88-year-old founder of modern Singapore , Lee Kuan Yew , who warned that increasing the birth rate was the country 's biggest challenge .

  3. 人们预告设计是社会变革的缔造者:《真好》(Good)等杂志给我们展示了设计对人类和政治的影响;

    Design was heralded as a creator of social change : Magazines like Good spread the word about its impact on humanity and politics ;

  4. 就奢侈品牌缔造者而言,很少有谁比LVMH做得更好。

    And as luxury brand builders go , few do it better than LVMH .

  5. 在对格罗夫的悼念中,风险投资家本•霍罗威茨(BenHorowitz)将他誉为“硅谷的缔造者”。

    In a tribute to Mr Grove , venture capitalist Ben Horowitz dubbed him " the man who built Silicon Valley . "

  6. 从哲学家亚当·斯密(AdamSmith)、大卫·休谟(DavidHume)到彼得·潘(PeterPan)、夏洛克·福尔摩斯(ShelockHolmes)的缔造者,苏格兰是英国知识与文化遗产的重要组成部分。

    From the philosophers Adam Smith and David Hume to the creators of Peter Pan and Sherlock Holmes , Scotland features prominently in Britain 's intellectual and cultural heritage .

  7. 上周宣布的大卫彼得雷乌斯将军(GeneralDavidPetraeus)被任命为中情局局长的消息,加大了上述可能性。彼得雷乌斯将军是一个帝国缔造者,在国会拥有一大批支持者。

    This possibility is increased by the news announced last week that General David Petraeus , an empire-builder with a following on Capitol Hill , has been appointed as head of the CIA .

  8. facebook的年轻缔造者、美国人马克祖克伯格(markzuckerberg)去年推出了“newsfeed”功能,提高了该网站对观察者和希望被观察的人的吸引力。

    Last year , Mark Zuckerberg , the young American creator of Facebook , made the site even more attractive for watchers and those who want to be watched when he launched a " news feed " feature .

  9. 同时,考虑到英国大选后的不确定性,FSA也不应草草批准保诚新帝国缔造者们制定的疯狂时间表。

    Nor , as it ponders an uncertain future after the UK election , should it be railroaded by the frenetic timetable of Prudential 's new empire builders .

  10. 正如新总统常常指出的,他的当选并没有建成马丁路德金(martinlutherking)所梦想的无种族歧视社会,更没有使美利坚合众国的缔造者所设想的联盟变得完美。

    As the new president has often pointed out , his election does not build the colour-blind society dreamed of by Martin Luther King ; still less does it perfect the union that the founders of the United States envisaged .

  11. 布什不能被视为金融危机和经济衰退的主要缔造者,它们很大程度上归因于跨越数位总统任期的艾伦•格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)时代的宽松的货币政策和监管。

    Mr Bush cannot be cast as the principal villain for the financial meltdown and recession that resulted in good part from the loose monetary policies and regulation of the Alan Greenspan era spanning several presidencies .

  12. MEAs的缔造者们希望借助环境贸易措施这一手段,直接有效地控制有害环境的贸易,以此促进协定目标的实现。

    The makers of MEAs hope to control trade harmful to the environment directly and effectively by environmental trade measures ( ETMs ) thereby promote to realize goals of MEAs .

  13. 所有伟大的时装品牌都得超越自己天才的缔造者。要知道,可可·香奈儿(CocoChanel)已经去世,克里斯托瓦尔·巴伦夏卡(CristobalBalenciaga)和伊夫·圣·洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)也一样。

    All the great houses had to move beyond their founding geniuses : Coco Chanel died , one must remember , and so did Cristobal Balenciaga and Yves Saint Laurent .

  14. 如果下一个Skype或LogMeIn的缔造者家住巴勒斯坦拉姆安拉,而不是瑞士或匈牙利,会是一件好事吗?

    What if the next Skype or Logmein was started by a Ramallah-based entrepreneur instead of a Swede or Hungarian , respectively - would that be a good thing ?

  15. 《滚石》杂志将Diplo形容为“潮流缔造者的领班”,是“电子乐的守护者”。而这位DJ不仅才华横溢,而且机敏帅气,个人爱好也涉猎广泛。

    Described by Rolling Stone magazine as the " tastemaker 's tastemaker " and " the ultimate sonic curator , " Diplo is talented , savvy and good-looking , with unusually diversified skills and interests .

  16. 他是该国独立的真正缔造者。

    He was the real architect of the country 's independence .

  17. 杜鲁门是北大西洋公约组织这个联盟的主要缔造者。

    Truman had been the prime architect of the NATO alliance .

  18. 贝文是英国国民保健制度的缔造者。

    Bevan was the architect of the British National Health service .

  19. 他也是欧洲一体化的缔造者之一。

    He was also one of the architects of European integration .

  20. 英属印度的缔造者克莱夫于1774年自杀身亡。

    The founder of British india , clive , committed suicide in1774 .

  21. 硅谷最捣蛋的公司没了它的缔造者还能成功吗?

    Can Silicon Valley 's most disruptive firm prosper without its maker ?

  22. 并成为罗马历史上无敌帝国的缔造者。

    And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome .

  23. 学术特色的缔造者&论新时期高校社会科学学报编辑的素质

    On the Creator of Academic Features of Journals of Universities

  24. 我国的缔造者是用子孙后代的眼光来审视自己的。

    Our Founders saw themselves in the light of posterity .

  25. 他是这个共和国的缔造者之一。

    He was one of the architects of the republic .

  26. 父母离婚成了你的事业缔造者,真是不错。

    Divorce as a career builder . That 's nice .

  27. 历史所能颁赐的最大荣耀,就是和平缔造者这个头衔。

    The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker .

  28. 查韦斯主义的寿命毫无疑问会超过其缔造者的寿命。

    Without doubt , chavismo will outlive its founder .

  29. 乔治华盛顿是他的国家的缔造者。

    George Washington was the father of his county .

  30. 人是自己未来的缔造者。

    Man is the architect of his own future .