- 名Parties;contracting party;party to a treaty

At the option of the Contracting Party , the filing date of the application which resulted in the registration concerned or the registration date of the registration concerned ;
EC was not the contracting party of GATT .
The nations participating at COP 21 are focusing on quantitative emissions-reduction commitments .
Under TRIPS Standard Frame State Present Intellectual Property Rights Protection Research
The key is the use of the UDP , which is the parter transport protocol to TCP .
The GPA is one of the plurilateral agreements within the framework of the WTO and applies only to the contractual Parties and accessory members .
WTO is an international organization which provides the systematic frame for the trade relationship among all the WTO-member countries and which takes responsibility for the supervision of the law enforcement of WTO .
The regulations of WTO are rules for government action , including two requirements : first , signatory government to the treaty promises to undertake WTO regulations and to fulfill promises in practice ;
The Committee shall annually inform the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT of developments during the period covered by such review .
Meanwhile , the US and other countries have a possible course of action at the WTO under existing rules which forbid " frustrating the intent of the provisions of this agreement by exchange action " .
Regarding China , one of the WTO members and also signatory state of the TRIPS , the TRIPS is one of the most important statutes that must be observed .
Under the framework convention , every party congress is committed to limit and reduce CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases ; in the other hand , some low carbon trading measures are put forward .
Growing in the Greenhouse was prepared by the World Resources Institute ( WRI ), and presented on Monday at the11th Conference of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Montreal , Canada .
The requirements in the intellectual property rights by the TRIPS ( namely the TRIPS standard ) inevitably have similarities and conflicts with the intellectual property rights protection standards already implemented in the signatory states .
It is proposed to use WTO inspecting mechanism to direct and evaluate the promise of one party 's balance of international income and pay , to strengthen IMF reform to adapt the developing tendency of the global business freedom .
The TPP countries have agreed to include new commitments to enhance the domestic and regional competitiveness of each Party 's economy and promote economic integration in the region .
Under Article XXIII : 1 ( b ) of the GATT , a member state can raise claims against measures by another member state , even if the measures do not conflict with the GATT , if these measures nullify or impair any benefit under the Agreement .
However , the Cites ban only covers logs , sawed timber and veneers , a loophole in its enforcement that the Environmental Investigation Agency has urged Cites parties to close .
Many of the B2B e-commerce portals are developed and hosted by third parties who serve as infomediaries that bring buyers and sellers together in catalog , exchange , and auction markets .
The clause referred to by Mr Bergsten says contracting parties shall not , by exchange action , frustrate the intent of the provisions of the Gatt , and refers judgments on such matters to the IMF .
The withdrawal shall take effect upon the expiration of twelve months from the day on which written notice of withdrawal is received by the Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT .
The government or citizens of a contracting party can require the establishment of a Binational Panel to review the final decision made by anti-dumping and countervailing investigation body of the other contracting party .
And at the second , the Biodiversity Summit scheduled for October in Nagoya , Japan , CBD signatories are due to agree a new set of targets & and hopefully a more realistic strategy for achieving them .
Chinese authorities say all parties to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership are pushing forward with a legal document review so the agreement can be signed this year .
UNESCO is supporting a comprehensive platform of Non-Governmental Organizations to raise the profile of ocean issues in the run-up the Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( COP ), in Lima in 2014 and in Paris next year .
At the end of this paper , suggestions on the development of LULUCF rules for the second commitment period are proposed .
The protocol reaffirmed the precautionary principle , that permits contracting parties to prohibit or limit the entry of LMO , and the shipments containing LMO are to be clearly labeled .
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ), which was replaced by World Trade Organization ( WTO ) set up on January 1 , 1995 , was established in 1947 and the agreement itself was mainly the common principles in cargo trade regulations .
NAFTA treaty makes a positive contribution in the international investment treaties to take care of the environment of the host states , it considers environmental protection , stipulates that all parties should not attract and encourage foreign investment through relaxing domestic healthy , safety and environmental standards .
Insurance is deemed as one of the measures to facilitate adequate adaptation under the initial guidance from the Conference of the Parties on adaptation ( Decision 11 / CP.1 ) .