
dì yuē fānɡ
  • Parties;contracting party;party to a treaty
  1. 缔约方选定的、有关注册的申请日期或有关注册的注册日期;

    At the option of the Contracting Party , the filing date of the application which resulted in the registration concerned or the registration date of the registration concerned ;

  2. 欧共体不是GATT缔约方,GATT也从没有确立过EC在其中的法律地位。

    EC was not the contracting party of GATT .

  3. 参加第二十一届缔约方会议的国家注重量化减排承诺。

    The   nations   participating   at   COP   21   are   focusing   on   quantitative   emissions-reduction commitments .

  4. TRIPS标准框架下缔约方现行知识产权保护的研究

    Under TRIPS Standard Frame State Present Intellectual Property Rights Protection Research

  5. 关键是UDP的使用,它是TCP的缔约方传输协议。

    The key is the use of the UDP , which is the parter transport protocol to TCP .

  6. GPA协定是WTO框架下的诸边协定之一,只适用于各缔约方和加入方。

    The GPA is one of the plurilateral agreements within the framework of the WTO and applies only to the contractual Parties and accessory members .

  7. WTO是对各缔约方之间的贸易关系提供体制性框架,并负责监督其实施的国际组织。

    WTO is an international organization which provides the systematic frame for the trade relationship among all the WTO-member countries and which takes responsibility for the supervision of the law enforcement of WTO .

  8. WTO的规则首先是对政府行为的规范,而规范政府行为包括两方面的要求:一是缔约方的政府承诺遵守WTO规则,并且在实践中履行所作的承诺;

    The regulations of WTO are rules for government action , including two requirements : first , signatory government to the treaty promises to undertake WTO regulations and to fulfill promises in practice ;

  9. 委员会应每年将审议所涉时期的发展情况通知GATT缔约方全体。

    The Committee shall annually inform the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT of developments during the period covered by such review .

  10. 与此同时,美国及其它国家还可以根据现有规则,在wto内采取行动wto规则禁止缔约方“通过外汇措施而使本协定各项条款的意图无效”。

    Meanwhile , the US and other countries have a possible course of action at the WTO under existing rules which forbid " frustrating the intent of the provisions of this agreement by exchange action " .

  11. 对于作为世界贸易组织成员也是协议缔约方的中国,TRIPS协议必须遵守重要法则之一。

    Regarding China , one of the WTO members and also signatory state of the TRIPS , the TRIPS is one of the most important statutes that must be observed .

  12. 《框架公约》下的历次缔约方大会均致力于限制和减少CO2等温室气体的排放,一些低碳贸易措施相继被提出。

    Under the framework convention , every party congress is committed to limit and reduce CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases ; in the other hand , some low carbon trading measures are put forward .

  13. 世界资源研究所(WRI)本周一在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的京都议定书第11次缔约方大会上介绍了他们编纂的这份题为《在温室中增长》(GrowingintheGreenhouse)的报告。

    Growing in the Greenhouse was prepared by the World Resources Institute ( WRI ), and presented on Monday at the11th Conference of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Montreal , Canada .

  14. TRIPS协议在知识产权保护方面的要求(即TRIPS标准)在其缔约方内的适用必然与其已存在实行的知识产权保护标准有一致也有冲突。

    The requirements in the intellectual property rights by the TRIPS ( namely the TRIPS standard ) inevitably have similarities and conflicts with the intellectual property rights protection standards already implemented in the signatory states .

  15. 利用WTO贸易政策审议机制对一缔约方国际收支平衡提前作出指导和评估。IMF加强自身改革,以适应全球贸易自由化的发展趋势。

    It is proposed to use WTO inspecting mechanism to direct and evaluate the promise of one party 's balance of international income and pay , to strengthen IMF reform to adapt the developing tendency of the global business freedom .

  16. TPP的国家已同意包括新的承诺,以加强国内各缔约方的经济和区域竞争力和促进本地区的经济一体化。

    The TPP countries have agreed to include new commitments to enhance the domestic and regional competitiveness of each Party 's economy and promote economic integration in the region .

  17. 根据关贸总协定第23条第1(b)款,一缔约方的措施即使不与协定相冲突,只要对另一缔约方依协定享有的利益造成抵销或损害,后者便可诉诸争端解决程序。

    Under Article XXIII : 1 ( b ) of the GATT , a member state can raise claims against measures by another member state , even if the measures do not conflict with the GATT , if these measures nullify or impair any benefit under the Agreement .

  18. 不过,Cites的禁令只涵盖原木、锯好的木材和木板,环境调查署已经敦促Cites的各缔约方弥补这个漏洞。

    However , the Cites ban only covers logs , sawed timber and veneers , a loophole in its enforcement that the Environmental Investigation Agency has urged Cites parties to close .

  19. 很多的B2B电子商贸门户的发展和主办的第三次缔约方者充当信息媒介,使买家和卖家一起在型录,交流,拍卖等市场。

    Many of the B2B e-commerce portals are developed and hosted by third parties who serve as infomediaries that bring buyers and sellers together in catalog , exchange , and auction markets .

  20. 伯格斯登提到的《关税和贸易总协定》那条条款称:缔约方不得通过外汇措施而使本协定各项条款的意图无效,并指定IMF对此类事件做出判断。

    The clause referred to by Mr Bergsten says contracting parties shall not , by exchange action , frustrate the intent of the provisions of the Gatt , and refers judgments on such matters to the IMF .

  21. 退出应在GATT缔约方全体的总干事收到书面退出通知之日起12个月期满后生效。

    The withdrawal shall take effect upon the expiration of twelve months from the day on which written notice of withdrawal is received by the Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT .

  22. NAFTA缔约方政府或者国民均可以请求设立第19章双边专家组,由双边专家组对另一缔约方反倾销或反补贴调查机构所作最终裁决进行复审。

    The government or citizens of a contracting party can require the establishment of a Binational Panel to review the final decision made by anti-dumping and countervailing investigation body of the other contracting party .

  23. 在10月于日本的名古屋举行的生物多样性峰会上,CBD的缔约方将达成一组新的目标&而且有望达成实现它们的更现实的策略。

    And at the second , the Biodiversity Summit scheduled for October in Nagoya , Japan , CBD signatories are due to agree a new set of targets & and hopefully a more realistic strategy for achieving them .

  24. 中国有关部门表示,《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(简称RCEP)的所有缔约方都在推进法律审查,以便于今年签署该协定。

    Chinese authorities say all parties to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership are pushing forward with a legal document review so the agreement can be signed this year .

  25. 教科文组织正在为一个全面的非政府组织平台提供支持,以便在联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议(COP)2014年利马会议和明年的巴黎会议之前,提高人们对海洋问题的认识。

    UNESCO is supporting a comprehensive platform of Non-Governmental Organizations to raise the profile of ocean issues in the run-up the Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( COP ), in Lima in 2014 and in Paris next year .

  26. 最后,针对附件一缔约方在第二承诺期利用LULUCF活动规则,提出了我国应采取的对策建议。

    At the end of this paper , suggestions on the development of LULUCF rules for the second commitment period are proposed .

  27. 该《议定书》确认了预先防范原则,允许缔约方禁止或限制LMO进境,并要求含有LMO的货物附有标签。

    The protocol reaffirmed the precautionary principle , that permits contracting parties to prohibit or limit the entry of LMO , and the shipments containing LMO are to be clearly labeled .

  28. 世界贸易组织的前身是关贸总协定(GATT)。关贸总协定最早于1947年签订,主要是对缔约方在货物贸易方面规定的共同准则。

    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ), which was replaced by World Trade Organization ( WTO ) set up on January 1 , 1995 , was established in 1947 and the agreement itself was mainly the common principles in cargo trade regulations .

  29. NAFTA条约在关注投资中的环境问题方面做出了积极贡献,其在国际投资条约中兼顾环境利益,规定所有的缔约方都不应该通过放宽国内的健康、安全和环境标准来吸引和鼓励外资。

    NAFTA treaty makes a positive contribution in the international investment treaties to take care of the environment of the host states , it considers environmental protection , stipulates that all parties should not attract and encourage foreign investment through relaxing domestic healthy , safety and environmental standards .

  30. 在气候公约缔约方会议适应相关协议中(第11/CP.1),保险被视为便利充分适应的制度措施之一。

    Insurance is deemed as one of the measures to facilitate adequate adaptation under the initial guidance from the Conference of the Parties on adaptation ( Decision 11 / CP.1 ) .