
  • 网络Collateral obligation;Subordinated Obligation;attached duty;nebenpflicht
  1. 附随义务与合同对第三人的保护效力第三章森林保护

    Subordinated Obligation and Contract Protecting the Third Party ; Chapter Three Forest Protection

  2. 附随义务内容随合同关系发展而有不同的体现。

    The content of subordinated obligation presents differently according to the development of contract relationship .

  3. 讨论了附随义务的归责原则和责任的承担方式。

    Discussed criterion of liability and methods of bearing civil liability .

  4. 第一章合同附随义务的法律界定。

    Chapter 1 : Contractual collateral obligation of the legal definition .

  5. 第二章为附随义务理论的基本问题。

    The second chapter is the basic questions of collateral obligation .

  6. 论开证行拒绝信用证付款时的附随义务

    On the Attached Duty of Issuing Bank when Refusing Credit Payment

  7. 第五章我国合同附随义务的现状及其完善。

    Chapter V is about our contractual obligations and its accompanying sound .

  8. 论合同附随义务违反的归责原则与法律后果

    Study on doctrine of liability fixation and legal effects of violating incidental obligation

  9. 剖析合同附随义务的概念、内涵及其性质

    On the Concept , Connotation and Nature of the Collateral Obligation of Contracts

  10. 第四,违反医疗合同附随义务的法律后果。

    The fourth ," legal responsibility of violates medical contract collateral obligation " .

  11. 第四章合同附随义务的实务分析。

    Chapter IV is about the contract accompanying analysis of the substantive obligations .

  12. 违反附随义务的法律效果研究

    Study on the Legal Effect of Breaching Collateral Duty

  13. 论合同附随义务

    On Collateral Duty Discussion on the Collateral Obligation

  14. 合同附随义务理论与实践研究

    Theory and Practice of Concomitant Obligation of Contract

  15. 论合同附随义务的不当扩张问题

    On the Improper Expansion of Contract Collateral Duty

  16. 附随义务起源于德国。

    Enclose it with originating from Germany voluntarily .

  17. 因此,本文研究附随义务具有重要的理论意义与实践价值。

    Therefore , the research of collateral obligation is valuable for theory and practice .

  18. 附随义务是合同世界里十分活跃的因素。

    Obligation followed is a very living factor in the space of contract world .

  19. 试论合同的附随义务

    On the Affiliated Obligation of the Contract

  20. 针对我国合同附随义务的缺陷,提出了完善的措施。

    In view of the contractual collateral obligation the defects , by improving the measures .

  21. 以基础义务为主,附随义务为辅;

    It is emphasized on the basic obligation , and the accessory obligation is auxiliary .

  22. 第二部分:附随义务在合同义务群中的地位及与其他义务的区别,论述了附随义务与先合同义务、后合同义务及给付义务等的关系。

    Part two says something about difference between obligation followed and other obligations in contract .

  23. 浅议合同履行中的附随义务

    Study for incidental obligation in executing contracts

  24. 应从合同附随义务的界定出发,解决附随义务的不当扩张问题。

    This article aims to solve the problem on the basis of defining properly collateral duty .

  25. 论合同法上的附随义务

    Collateral Obligation in the Contract Law

  26. 在住宿合同中,旅馆经营人主要负有给付义务和附随义务。

    The lodging contract , the hotel agent holds the obligation of offer and attached duty .

  27. 至今,附随义务已是大陆法系合同法上重要的法律制度。

    Today , contractual incidental obligation has become an important legal mechanism in continental legal system .

  28. 合同附随义务有关问题探讨

    Discussions on Bundled Obligation of Contract

  29. 因此,很多合同法中的制度是否适用于附随义务需要进行论证。

    Accordingly , a lot of the system is suitable for collateral obligations need for demonstration .

  30. 本文经比较认为,在汉语中宜使用附随义务一语。

    After the comparison , this article considers that " collateral obligation " is suitable in Chinese .