
fù shǔ pǐn
  • accessory;appendage;ancillary
  1. 一个附属品?在他身边,就是附属。

    Just an accessory ? Chuck : Next to him , yes .

  2. 我觉得那个女朋友被当作了附属品。

    I think that girlfriend should have been tried as an accessory .

  3. 麦克米伦肯定极不喜欢只被当成国内政治的附属品。

    Macmillan must have loathed being judged as a mere appendage to domestic politics .

  4. 引进所有的智力资本(IC)并在早期经验的基础上构建一套相一致的附属品,将局域顾问看作参与者。

    Bringing all of the intellectual capital ( IC ) and building a consistent set of collateral based on those early experiences , leveraging regional mentors as participants .

  5. 所有你所需要的是S60的智能手机和任何类型的附属品。

    All what you need is S60 smartphone and a garniture of any type .

  6. 当我们讨论要是Olga是单身,她可能会做什么的时候,她开始重新把自己定义为一个个体,而不是一个附属品。

    As we discussed what Olga might do if she were single , she began redefining herself as an individual , not an appendage .

  7. 一些更大的轻型载货汽车和SUV,像雪佛兰HHR,看起来就好像他们用轮胎打气泵和注入大量附属品弄成的夸张样。

    Some of the bigger " light trucks " and SUVs , like the Chevrolet HHR , look as if they have been inflated with tyre pumps and injected with large quantities of lard .

  8. 缝线是一种异物,但是一种在手术中必要的附属品。

    Sumres are foreign bodies but a necessary adjunct in surgery .

  9. 从绘画艺术的附属品走向独立的现代壁挂艺术

    From the Art of Painting Accessories Wall to Separate Modern Art

  10. 她再也不愿意当丈夫的附属品了。

    She 's fed up with being her husband 's stooge .

  11. 筒望远镜,望远镜,显微镜,照相机及附属品。

    Binoculars , telescope , microscope , photographic camera and equipment .

  12. 韵律并不只是诗的附属品。

    Meter and rhyme are not mere adjuncts of poetry .

  13. 她将自己与自己同性的女人看成男人的附属品。

    They treat themselves and their fellows as the accessory of men .

  14. 城市污水污泥是城市污水处理过程中的附属品。

    Sewage sludge is scrap in the process of urban sewage treatment .

  15. 仅在经我们事先书面同意的情况下,该附属品才可被复印或复制。

    Accessories may be copied or duplicated only with our prior written consent .

  16. 不仅仅因为宗教信仰是总统的一件不可缺少的政治附属品。

    not least because religious belief is an indispensable political accessory for presidents .

  17. 女人永远不是附属品,她们有自己的精彩。

    Women are never a kind of belongs .

  18. 附属品加于另外的更重要的事物上的事物;

    Something that is attached , joined , or added ; anappendage or addition .

  19. 741.他对钟摆的附属品的全面的理解是很明显的。

    741 . His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious .

  20. 下议院决不能只是行政部门的附属品。

    The house of Commons must not be only an appendage of the executive .

  21. 妈妈说,女孩子要独立,不要当附属品。

    Mom said that girls should be independent and not be treated as accessories .

  22. 再加上女人仍被看作是男人的附属品这一事实。

    The fact that the woman is still regarded as the man 's dependant .

  23. 妇女们希望被视为独立的力量,而不是男人的附属品。

    Women want to be seen as independent forces , rather than adjuncts of men .

  24. 他认为这是他所向往的那种生活不可或缺的附属品。

    He regarded it as an indispensable adjunct to the kind of life he wanted .

  25. 我有一个装鞋子、皮带和其他附属品的包;

    I have a bag for shoes , belts , handbags , and other accessories ;

  26. 但是购买它的附属品如键盘、写字笔和MateDock将会额外花费277美元。

    To purchase its keyboard , MatePen and MateDock will cost an additional $ 277 .

  27. 抑郁是爱的附属品

    Depression is the flaw in love .

  28. 我没有给那孩子第二种选择;他只是一个附属品。

    I didn 't give that boy a second thought ; he was just collateral damage .

  29. 但蒲柏本人似乎并非金钱、权力或者名望的附属品。

    But it seems that Pope herself is not subordinate to money , power or fame .

  30. 供应商无权以任何理由主张附属品保留。

    The supplier shall not have any rights of retention on whatever basis to the Accessories .