
  1. 你说自己感觉是在被迫作选择,确实如此,而这样的选择是自由的附带品。

    You say you feel that you 're being made to choose , and so you are . Such choices as this are a by-product of freedom

  2. 跳槽别做上司附带品关于反力式制动试验台测力能力的分析

    Not to be Boss 's Supplementary Performance of Brake Tester

  3. 该功能是泛型的附带品,也是集合的伴生物,这最终为添加便利功能带来了巨大的压力。

    But it was the addition of generics , and the attendant generification of collections , that finally generated enough pressure to add this convenience feature .

  4. 附属担保物,抵押品银行可根据借款者的意愿,收取或不收取附带担保品。

    Depending on the borrower , a bank may or may not require a collateral security for the facility .

  5. 浅议刑事附带民事诉讼当事人的确定跳槽别做上司附带品

    An Elementary Discussion on the Determination of Parties of Supplementary Civil action in Criminal Proceedings Not to be Boss 's Supplementary