
  1. 显示地位商品的状况、本土劳动密集型服务成本不断上升,以及缺乏有力竞争,则导致价格上涨。

    The status of positional goods , the rising cost of domestically produced labour-intensive services and the absence of vigorous competition push prices up .

  2. 这些图表由搜狐财经制作,从中可以看出中国高端人群人热衷于名牌商标和其它象征高档地位商品的时代已经过去了,现在“屌丝”成了中国主流消费者;

    This infographic , created by Sohu Business , posits that the time of the sought-after high-end Chinese consumer , drawn to high-end brands and other symbols of status , may be ending . In their place , the diaosi are poised to become the mainstream consumers in China .

  3. 合伙法律地位研究商品传销探视

    On Legal Status of Partnership Enterprise An Approach On the Chain-sale of commodity

  4. 丝绸是中华民族的瑰宝,是我国为数不多的占居世界垄断地位的商品。

    Silk , originating from China , has been a monopoly commodity in the world .

  5. 商品泡沫使得在新兴市场占主导地位的商品生产商的盈利被夸大了。

    The commodity bubble has exaggerated the earnings of the commodity producers that dominate emerging markets .

  6. 营销已经从单纯商品营销占主导地位转化为商品营销与服务营销相结合。

    Today , marketing has changed from simple commodity marketing into the combination of commodity marketing and service marketing .

  7. 新时期的经济安全带有鲜明的资源经济向知识经济过渡的特征。占领高科技优势地位与对商品市场和资源的保护具有同等重要的地位,是经济安全的重要内容。

    Today 's economic security has a remarkable characteristic of transition from resource economy to information economy , and therefore , an advanced position of high technology , as a main content of economic security , is as important as to protect the commodity market and resources .

  8. 对商品交易市场进行准确定位,确立其合法经营的法律主体地位,对于提升商品交易市场的地位、规范商品交易市场的经营管理和服务,完善我国企业法人体系具有特殊的意义。

    Suggestions are proposed as to how to establish the legal corpus position in commodity exchange market .

  9. 当时赋予巴西吸引力的是其国内市场的庞大,以及它作为大宗商品重要供应国的地位,这些大宗商品是其它国家经济增长所需的,比如铁矿石和大豆。

    What made Brazil attractive was the power of its domestic market that , and its status as a big supplier of the commodities that other countries need for growth , such as iron ore and soyabeans .