
  1. 认为存在着由地理环境因素生成的地域文化心理结构。

    The writer thinks that there is structure of cultural mind in a locality , which is produced by the factor of geographical environment .

  2. 比喻作为一种重要的修辞方法,受到创作主体的审美心理、地域文化心理、通感思维等几方面的制约。

    As an important method of rhetoric , the parable is restricted by the aesthetic appreciation mentality of the creative corpus , the regional cultural mentality , the common thoughts and so on .

  3. 意识流小说是西方现代派文学的重要流派,中国古典诗词是我国古典艺术的精华,二者产生的时间、地域、文化心理背景截然不同,应无什么联系。

    The stream of consciousness novel is the important school of western modernism literature . Classic Chinese poetry is the cream of Chinese art . The both was totally different in emerging of time 、 region 、 cultural and psychological background .

  4. 第四章简要的阐释了共同的地域、文化、和心理素质造就了内蒙古油画创作的总体风格。

    The fourth chapter briefly explains the common geographical , cultural , and psychological qualities of Inner Mongolia created a general style of oil painting : reation .