
dì biāo
  • landmark
  1. 帝国大厦是人们熟悉的纽约高楼大厦中的地标。

    The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline .

  2. 国宾大饭店是洛杉矶的地标性建筑之一。

    The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark .

  3. 这条船的航线清楚地标在地图上。

    The ship 's route is clearly delineated on the map .

  4. 我们驱车前行时,他指给我们看各种各样的地标。

    He pointed out various landmarks as we drove along .

  5. 这个城市不切实际地标榜自己为国际都市。

    The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status

  6. 埃菲尔铁塔是一个著名地标。

    The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark .

  7. 总督岛是全国历史性地标区,长期以来一直用于军事目的。

    Governor 's Island is a national historic landmark district long used for military purposes .

  8. 斯坦福最高的建筑是胡佛大厦,它是这所大学的地标性建筑。

    The tallest building in Stanford is Hoover Tower , which is the landmark of the university .

  9. 首钢园位于北京市石景山区,曾经是一处空置的工业园区,如今是北京市的一个城市新地标。

    Apart from the traditional venue , once a vacated industrial site in Shijingshan district , Beijing .

  10. 你可能会觉得是因为返程时你已熟知路线,在返回的途中,你看到的一些地标物可以帮助你估计距离目的地还有多远。

    You might guess that it has something to do with knowing the route -- on the way back , you see landmarks when you ’ re close to your destination .

  11. 国内其他旅游景点,比如武汉的黄鹤楼和青岛的天主教堂等地标,也陆续加入了这场社交媒体狂欢,推出各自的产品,吸引游客纷纷拿着他们的冰棍产品在对应的景点前拍照。

    Other tourist destinations in China soon joined the social media carnival with their own offerings , from Wuhan 's Yellow Crane Tower to the catholic church in Qingdao , attracting tourists to take pictures of the ice pops in front of their prototypes .

  12. 其实英文中有一个单字landmark(地标)蛮好用的,你只要问“Whatarethelandmarksaroundthere?”我保证老美一定听得懂啦!

    What are the landmarks around there ?

  13. 由于Web站点通常使用URL标识,因此地标可以被指定为根据URL来匹配Web站点。

    As Web sites are usually identified by URLs , a landmark could be specified to match Web sites by their URLs .

  14. 例如,显示Web站点的GenericBrowser容器可以具有一个具体的地标表示,该表示匹配当前显示的Web站点。

    For example , the Generic Browser container that displays Web sites can have a specific landmark expression that matches the currently displayed Web site .

  15. 选择Landmarks选项卡,为这个容器组件配置一个地标。

    Select the Landmarks tab to configure a landmark for this container component .

  16. Ins十大地标中的另外6个景点都在欧洲,人们对此可能并不意外。

    It probably comes as no surprise that Europe is home to six of the top spots .

  17. 在上世纪90年代中期,通用汽车将其总部搬到底特律市底特律河最著名的地标建筑——复兴中心(RenaissanceCenter),这个名字可谓恰如其分。

    In the mid-1990s it moved its headquarters to the city 's most prominent landmark on the Detroit River , known appropriately as the Renaissance Center .

  18. 荷兰卓越的自行车交通网络都清晰地标有荷兰皇家旅行俱乐部的红白标记以及蘑菇形状的柱子图形,标明A、B两地间的最快路线。

    Holland 's excellent bicycle path network is clearly marked with the ANWB 's ( Royal Dutch Touring Club ) red and white signs and mushrooms-shaped posts , indicating the quickest route from A to B.

  19. 对于GenericBrowser容器,内容完成事件是在地标匹配当前Web站点并且页面完成加载后触发的。

    In the context of the Generic Browser container , the content complete event is activated when a landmark matches the current Web site and the page finishes loading .

  20. 报道还称,网飞一开始想买洛杉矶地标剧院(LosAngeles'LandmarkTheatres),该剧院的是共同拥有者是MarkCuban。

    The report claims that Netflix executives originally wanted to buy Los Angeles ' Landmark Theatres , co-owned by Mark Cuban .

  21. 该系统基于MonteCarlo定位方法,分别利用了人工地标和自然地标的高噪声的传感器信息,结合无反馈的里程计信息来完成自身定位。

    Based on Monte Carlo localization , the system makes use of high-noised sensor data of artificial and natural landmarks , along with odometry data without feedback .

  22. 担忧主要集中在穿行于大运河(GrandCanal)中的游轮身上,它们遮蔽着一处处地标,就如同月球的影子遮蔽着太阳。

    The majority of the anxiety has centered on the cruise ships that pass through the Grand Canal , blotting out the landmarks like an eclipse blocking out the sun .

  23. 当这样一种状态(对GenericBrowser容器而言指的是Web站点)与地标表示匹配时,容器组件就会触发某种事件。

    When such a state ( or Web site in terms of the Generic Browser container ) has been matched by the landmark expression , the container component can fire certain events .

  24. 维京之星拥有9层甲板,驶过了伦敦地标,包括金丝雀港口、O2竞技场和格林威治皇家海军学院。

    The nine-deck passenger ship sailed past London landmarks including Canary Wharf , the O2 Arena , and Greenwich 's Royal Naval College .

  25. 在Landmarks页面中,可以定义地标配置,这些配置指的是一些与容器组件状态相匹配的模式。

    On the Landmarks page , you can define landmark configurations that are patterns that match states in the container component .

  26. 让我们顺道去圣克里斯托巴尔(SanCristóbal)一游,这处住宅区内拥有自己的地标酒吧——创建年代可以一直追溯到1915年的BardeCao。

    Make the journey to San Crist ó bal , a residential neighborhood with its own landmark bar that dates back to 1915 , Bar de Cao .

  27. 5月11日,布朗克斯出生、布鲁克林长大的酒店经营人伊恩·施拉格(IanSchrager)揭幕了自己的最新地产——纽约艾迪逊酒店(NewYorkEdition)。它坐落在麦迪逊大道的地标建筑大都会人寿保险大楼(MetropolitanLifeTower)里。

    Ian Schrager , the Bronx-born , Brooklyn-raised hotelier , will unveil his latest property , the New York Edition , in the landmark Metropolitan Life Tower on Madison Avenue on May 11 .

  28. 例如,由谷歌公司提供的goggles服务便能识别诸如书籍封面、地标或绘画等物体。

    For example , goggles , a service offered by Google , can recognise things like book covers , landmarks and paintings .

  29. 注:文本转自UNSV美国最著名的纽约曼哈顿大厦中有了一个新的地标建筑,即Gehry的“纽约”。

    American 's most famous skyline has a new architecture icon , New York by Gehry .

  30. 本文提出了一种基于单个地标的快速定位方法,在INS的辅助下利用单帧图像即可实现定位,较大程度上缩减了定位时间。

    A fast localization algorithm based on single landmark was presented , which can locate the vision system using only one frame image by the assistance of INS within less time .