
  1. 我国北方大量性建筑中推广中庭的必要性

    The Necessity of Popularizing Atriums in Northern Buildings of China

  2. 幼儿园属于一种大量性建筑,在城市中分布比较广泛,不管是旧有的还是新建的、是大规模的还是小规模的托幼机构,都应该重视其声环境问题。

    Whether old or new , large-scale or small-scale , should attach importance to the acoustic environment .

  3. 大空间公共建筑作为以大量性建筑为底的图,从古至今备受关注,占据了与其数量不成比例的资源配额。

    As the figures on the background of great many buildings , long-span public buildings are paid more attention in all time and take up resource quota which is out of their proportion .

  4. 而居住建筑属于大量性建筑,能量消耗在建筑总能耗中占据重要地位,加强居住建筑节能研究意义重大。

    As we known , there are so many inhabitation buildings in every cities , its energy consumption has taken a large share in construction sector , so it is important to enhance research for building energy conservation .

  5. 本文主要介绍常用的大量性民用建筑的墙体饰面装饰装修做法。

    In this paper , a large number of commonly used wall facing civil decoration practices are introduced .