
  • 网络large business;large enterprise;Corporate;Large-scale
  1. 联机分析处理(OLAP)是一种组织大型企业数据库的方法。

    On-Line Analytical Processing ( OLAP ) is a way to organize large business databases .

  2. 出现问题之前,曾有大批资金涌入宝莱坞,大型企业也纷纷进驻,其中包括印度亿万富翁安尼尔安巴尼(anilambani)旗下的信实娱乐(reliancebigentertainment)。

    The problems have come after Bollywood saw an influx of funds and the entry of large business houses , such as Reliance Big Entertainment , controlled by Anil Ambani , the billionaire businessman .

  3. 大部分大型企业在战争初期都转为了公有。

    Most large businesses were collectivized at the start of the war

  4. 我们的研究将使用来自一个大医疗公司的大型企业数据集来检验科技是如何延长我们的工作时间,从而干扰了必要的认知恢复,导致了巨额的医疗费用和企业营业成本。

    Our study will use a large corporate dataset from a major medical company to examine how technology extends our working hours and thus interferes with necessary cognitive recovery , resulting in huge health care costs and turnover costs for employers .

  5. 大型企业PDM系统的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of PDM System in large-scale Enterprises

  6. 当前,在国内实施ERP项目的多为国有大型企业或者具有国外投资背景的企业。

    At present , ERP projects in China are mainly adopted by large state-owned enterprises or enterprises with foreign investment .

  7. SAS数据挖掘技术是众多数据挖掘方法中的佼佼者,它在大型企业中得到很好的应用。

    The SAS data mining technique is applied in to a wide application in the sizeable enterprise .

  8. 一种基于SAML的大型企业统一认证模型

    A SAML-Based Federated Authentication Model For Large Enterprises

  9. 当大型企业网络由封闭的、基于电路交换的系统向基于开放、IP数据业务转型中,安全及管理问题更加暴露。

    When the closed , based on circuit-switched network changes to an open , based on IP-data-services network in a large-scale enterprise , security and management problems become even more exposed .

  10. 网络流量和延迟会影响性能,特别是在上千个客户机与EJB服务器交互的大型企业应用程序中更是如此。

    Network traffic and latency impact performance , especially in a large enterprise application where thousand of clients interact with the EJB server .

  11. 为了将这种方法和传统的“只面向内部”或“由内向外”的特定于大型企业的SOA方法区分开来,我们将其称为“由外向内”的SOA。

    To distinguish this approach from the traditional " internal only " or " inside-out " approach to SOA specific to large enterprises , we call it outside-in SOA .

  12. 为了解决我国大型企业供应商选择和评价问题,文章提出了一种基于层次分析法(AHP)的供应商评价指标体系和多级模糊评判模型。

    To solve the problem of supplier evaluation , this paper presents a supplier evaluating index system and fuzzy multi-objective evaluating model based on analytic hierarchy process .

  13. 加入WTO在即,我国的大型企业如何提高自己的竞争力,迎接这严峻的挑战,成为我们迫切需要解决的问题。

    Now our country is going to join in WTO , how to increase competition power and receive furious challenge becomes a problem that our country 's big enterprises cry for to resolve .

  14. 面对国际化竞争的要求,中国大型企业设立CEO职位(首席执行官的领导体制),是大型企业公司治理结构体制创新的产物。

    Facing international competition , China establishes its leadership of CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) in large-sized enterprises , which is necessary in the improvement of the company management structure for large companies .

  15. RBAC克服了DAC和MAC这两种策略的一些缺点,在解决大型企业的统一资源访问控制的问题上得到了较为灵活的体现。

    RBAC conquers some weakness and shortage of DAC and MAC , and incarnates flexibly the resolve of the problem of the large enterprise 's access control on the unification resource .

  16. 这对于为大型企业级应用程序编写智能手机应用程序来说是至关重要的,比如说,SAP或SugerCRM(ERP或CRM应用程序),因为没有公司使用现成(outofthebox)的架构。

    This is critical to enable smartphone apps to be written for large enterprise applications such as SAP or SugarCRM ( ERP or CRM apps ), because no company uses an " out of the box " schema .

  17. 近年来,ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)的理念从理论进入实际应用,ERP软件已经发展的比较成熟,特别是在大型企业里,已经有了不少成功的案例。

    In the past few years , the ideas of ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) has come from theory into practical application . The software of ERP has been well-developed , especially in big enterprises , where there have been lots of successful cases .

  18. 此外,大型企业的形象战略已做的比较充分,人们耳熟能详的都是沃尔玛、海尔、TCL等等大型企业。

    Besides , large enterprise is good at corporate image so that large enterprise is famous in the world , say , TCL , Haier and so on .

  19. 1999年在马云公寓里成立的阿里巴巴,如今已成为一家科技业巨擘,它的价值已超过eBay和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)等美国大型企业。

    Alibaba , a company started out of Mr. Ma 's apartment in 1999 , is now a technology colossus worth more than American stalwarts like eBay and Hewlett-Packard .

  20. BF集团是国内摩托车行业的大型企业,和国内大多数同行一样面临困境,正确的品牌战略能保证BF集团立足当前,面向未来,为企业和品牌的持续发展提供支持和动力。

    BF Group is an large enterprise in national motorcycle industry , faces difficulty as most other enterprises . Correct brand strategy can guarantee BF Group positioning present , facing future , provide support and force for enterprise and brand continued developing .

  21. 然而,随着股票市场受一波大型企业交易浪潮的抬升而屡创新高,更多的经济学家转而认为,美国经济的强劲程度足以承受更高的利率。美联储(FederalReserve)预计将在今年提高利率。

    Still , as equity markets hit new highs , lifted by a wave of large-scale corporate deal making , more economists are coming around to the view that the American economy is strong enough to absorb an expected increase in interest rates this year by the Federal Reserve .

  22. 伴随着大型企业ERP系统的引入,烟台南山学院对信息化数据处理的要求也日益迫切,并着手建设信息化管理体系,开发切合自身需求的信息系统。

    With the introduction of EPR system for large corporations , the requirements for information data processing of Yantai Nanshan University also becomes urgent . And as the information management system is under construction , Yantai Nanshan University starts to develop an information system that could meet its needs .

  23. 当前大部分文献资料要么集中在对大型企业采用AMT的研究上,要么避开企业规模偏重于研究AMT的概念分类、实施环境、AMT的实施效果评价等理论分析上。

    Most of the current literature focus on the research of the large-scale enterprises to use the AMT , or emphasize on the classification of the concept of AMT , the implemental environment and performance evaluation of AMT , avoiding the enterprises ' scale .

  24. 大型企业的设备管理与设备维修管理

    The Equipment Management and Equipment Maintenance Management in the Large-scale Enterprise

  25. 扶持大型企业与培育中小型企业的关系;

    Supporting large enterprises and nurturing medium and small-sized enterprises ;

  26. 全球采购:大型企业发展战略中重要的一环

    Global Sourcing , a Key in Large-sized Enterprise Development Strategy

  27. 大型企业最终意识到,情况已经发生了改变。

    The big guys have finally realised that the landscape has changed .

  28. 关于大型企业信息化建设的调研方法研究

    Research on Informatization Requirement Investigation of Large Scale Enterprises

  29. 我国企业面临的挑战&管理国有大型企业发展模式的探讨

    The discuss for the problem of the development pattern the national big corporation

  30. 发展战略&大型企业制胜的法宝

    Development strategy-magic key to the success of large-sized enterprises