
  • 网络Single enterprise;Single Business
  1. 根据波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)的数据,在美国,上市企业集团的估值相对于单一企业会折让10%—15%,不过欧洲的这种估值差距要小一些,而亚洲的企业集团往往会溢价交易。

    Public conglomerates in the US are valued at discounts of 10 to 15 per cent to single-sector companies , according to Boston Consulting Group - though the discount is lower in Europe , and Asian conglomerates often trade at a premium .

  2. 供应链管理专家斯坦福大学教授HaulLee指出:市场的竞争,不再是单一企业之间的竞争,而是供应链之间的竞争。

    The supply chain management ( SCM ) expert Haul Lee from the Stanford University once said : ' Market competition is no longer a competition between enterprises , but the competition between Supply Chain .

  3. 基于此,本文从单一企业、内部供应链营销/运营界面间和外部供应链节点企业间三个层次对MTO供应链承诺交货期问题展开研究。

    Therefore , this dissertation studies this issue from three levels , the single enterprise , the marketing / operation interface in internal supply chain and each enterprise in external supply chain .

  4. 竞争的层次也由单一企业的竞争转化为企业价值网的竞争。

    The form of competition has changed into the Value Net of enterprise .

  5. 以单一企业为标准,将失去什么,得到什么?

    What are you giving up and getting by standardizing on a single software vendor ?

  6. 因此,企业集团的财务控制就有别于单一企业的财务控制。

    So , the financial control of the enterprise group is different from single enterprises to control .

  7. 质量管理也从传统的单一企业观念,转变为全球供应链观念。

    The focus of quality-based paradigm has shifted from the traditional company-centered setting to complete supply chain systems .

  8. 并从单一企业市场结构出发,直至引入上下游企业这一结构。

    It starts from the single market equilibrium until the model of upstream and downstream enterprises is introduced .

  9. 集团资金从数量到结构都比单一企业的更加雄厚和复杂。

    Group funds are more powerful and complex than a single enterprise whatever on the quantity or the structure .

  10. 传统单一企业质量管理模式已不适应时代发展,逐渐转变为多企业协同质量管理模式。

    Quality management of sole enterprise has been unsuitable time development , gradually transformed for quality management of multi-enterprises coordination .

  11. 工作流技术在协调与线性化业务流程方面得到了成功的应用,但只限于单一企业而言。

    Workflow technology has been successfully applied in coordinating and streamlining business process but is so far limited to a single enterprise .

  12. 企业集群的信用优势是企业集群的重要优势,也是企业集群超越单一企业与市场的显著表现之一。

    Credit advantage is important advantage to enterprise cluster , and it is remarkable represent to exceed of the enterprise and market too .

  13. 但是,由于单一企业、特别是中小企业的规模及信誉有限,团体贷款成为有效的贷款策略之一。

    However , since the size and credit of single enterprise is limited , applying the loan in group becomes an effective strategy .

  14. 传统的计划系统都是考虑单一企业的资源利用,都限于单一企业的活动体制。

    The traditional planning systems only think about the resource utilization of single enterprise and they are limited to activity system of single enterprise .

  15. 现代制造企业的物流管理已由单一企业内部的活动逐渐演进为当前的企业之间的协调活动。

    The logistics management in modern manufacturing enterprises has evolved into the collaborative activity between some enterprises from the independent activity in single enterprise .

  16. 从理论上给出供应链的合作管理机制,不同于以往研究将产品质量责任归于供应链中单一企业。

    This mechanism is different from previous studies that attribute the responsibility of product quality cost to a single enterprise in the supply chain .

  17. 市场的竞争不再是单一企业的竞争,而是联盟之间的竞争,即物流之间的竞争。

    Meanwhile , market competition varies from one enterprise competition into the competition of enterprises alliance , in another word is the competition of logistics .

  18. 随着全球经济的发展,市场竞争不在是单一企业的竞争,而是企业群之间的竞争。

    With the development of the global economy , market competition is no longer the competition among single enterprise , but that among the enterprise alliances .

  19. 本文的局限在于只选取了单一企业进行调查研究,导致研究结果可能缺乏普遍适用性,研究成果的应用条件是与本研究所调查企业相具有相似问题的中小型民营软件外包企业。

    The limitations of this paper is that it selected only a single enterprise to research thus findings may lack universal applicability conditions of application of research findings .

  20. 它不仅是一种现实存在,而且是一种理想的企业组织形态,与单一企业相比,它更具有规模性和竞争性。

    It is not only a reality , and is an ideal form of business organization , compared with a single enterprise ; it is more large-scale and competitive .

  21. 论文作者从精益物流运送普及化入手,运用物流管理系统化理论解决单一企业以外的各种物流问题,以追求经济效率解决区域商贸物流合理化。

    The writer of this thesis started from popularization of logistics , solved various logistic problems for enterprises except single enterprises to chase the rationalization of territorial business logistics .

  22. 由于企业集团复杂的组织结构以及隐蔽的内部交易,使得企业集团信用风险度量比单一企业复杂得多。

    Because of the complexity of enterprise groups , as well as the organizational structure of covert insider trading , Enterprise Group Credit Risk is much more complicated than a single enterprise .

  23. 既可对单一企业纵向监测,又能对类别企业如分行业、分所有制、分地区横向对比分析。

    The system can get not only longitudinal monitoring of a single enterprise , but also the comparative analysis of different categorical enterprises , such as sub-sectors , sub-ownership , sub-regional horizontal comparative analysis .

  24. 为了解决单一企业的技术资源、管理资源、设备资源等方面的不足,松散的建筑联合体&虚拟建筑企业应运而生。

    For the sake solution of the business in technical resources , management resources and equipment resources and so on , Lax building unite-virtual construct enterprise is emerged with the tide of the times .

  25. 公司治理已由股东至上的产权治理演进为利益相关者的超产权治理,由单一企业的内部法人治理结构治理向网络关系的公司治理演进。企业价值评价也由财务指标逐渐转向非财务指标。

    The corporate governance has been become non-property governance of stakeholders from the property governance of shareholder uppermost , and has become the governance of networks relationship from the internal governance structure of single enterprise .

  26. 然而由于联盟中的企业分布全球且具有不同的资源约束和目标,使得适用于单一企业的传统生产计划方法已经不能满足联盟供应链环境下生产计划的需求。

    However , enterprises in the alliance are distributed worldwide and have different resources and goals , which make the old production planning method unable to meet the demands of supply chain based production planning .

  27. 或许说不上是最顶级的奖金,但是长年来由单一企业全额支持负担,任谁都应该肯定这是一项很伟大的举动。

    Even though the prize money awarded by this tournament is not of the biggest in Asian tours , the fact a single firm singly bears this expense for20 years is worthy of reverence and praise .

  28. 因此,企业必须通过合作或联盟来满足顾客的需求,企业间的竞争已经从单一企业间的竞争全面升级为企业网络的竞争。

    Therefore , the enterprise must through cooperation or alliance to meet the needs of customers , the competition between enterprises has already from the competition between single enterprise comprehensive upgrade to competitions among enterprise network .

  29. 此外,将提出的模型应用于单一企业多产品情况,分别得到团购和个体购买各种策略组合下,最优的价格和数量。

    Under the MIX strategy GB is complementary and substitutable for IB. We extended these models to multi-product business cases , and obtained the optimal price and quantity under various combinations of Group Buying and Instant Buying .

  30. 然而,将工作流超越单一企业进行扩展也面临新的挑战。

    The extension of workflow management systems to manage Virtual Enterprise business processes therefore seems to be a promising solution . However , the extension of workflows beyond the borders of a single enterprise raises new challenges .