
  • 网络low carbon enterprise
  1. 第三部分,低碳背景下企业文化绩效维度研究。

    The third part is research of enterprise culture performance dimension in low carbon background .

  2. 第四部分,低碳背景下企业文化绩效评价体系的构建。

    The fourth part constructs an evaluation system of enterprise culture under the low carbon background .

  3. 分组后的检验结果表明,高碳排放强度企业的碳排放量与企业价值显著负相关,而低碳排放强度企业的碳排放量与其企业价值的相关性并不显著。

    After grouping , carbon emissions information and firm value are negative correlated significantly in the high carbon emissions group , but not in the low carbon emissions firms .

  4. 我国各地也针对高耗能企业实行差别电价、差别水价,而对低碳环保的企业实行税收优惠、贷款利率优惠。

    Local governments throughout China also implement different pricing of electric power and water against some high-energy consumption enterprises , and adopt tax preferences and loan interest rate preferences policies for low-carbon environmental friendly enterprises .

  5. 而基于平衡计分卡(BSC)的低碳战略执行与企业社会责任关系的实证研究尚未发现,相关的文献资料也较少,这对本文深入研究这一课题提供了巨大的空间。

    But the empirical studies of the low-carbon strategy implementation based on Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) and Corporate Social Responsibility have not been found , relevant literature is also less , it provide a huge space to research on the subject of this paper in-depth .

  6. 与此同时,低碳产品、低碳企业、低碳产业也正朝着主流方向迅速发展。

    At the same time , low-carbon products , low carbon businesses , low-carbon industries are rapidly moving towards the mainstream direction .

  7. 围绕并针对上述情况,分别提出了辽宁省钢铁企业应采取的具体策略,特别是钢铁企业低碳金字塔管理模型、低碳企业发展路径、发展方式及全面发展策略。

    Over and above , respectively , made of iron and steel enterprises in Liaoning province should take specific policy , in particular iron and steel enterprises " low carbon pyramid " management model , the development of low-carbon development path , and a comprehensive development strategy .

  8. 我国有必要对总体来说处于低水平的低碳技术和弱势的低碳企业进行低碳补贴。

    China needs to subsidize its low-level low-carbon technology and subsidize weak and small business .

  9. 建立财政补贴支持低碳经济发展的长效机制,对从事低碳技术研发的企业进行补贴;建议二,完善绿色政府采购制度,支持环保企业发展。

    Establish a long-term mechanism for low-carbon for economic development , subsidy the low-carbon technology research and development enterprises . Two , Perfect the green government procurement system , to support environmental protection enterprises .

  10. 近年来,低碳经济的发展成为世界范围内的热点,低碳供应链是企业向低碳经济转型的重要步骤。

    In recent years , the development of low carbon economy has become a hot spot all over the world , and low carbon supply chain is the important step for enterprises to become low carbon economy .

  11. 低碳经济毕竟是高技术含量的新兴行业,所需资金量巨大,仅靠企业内部资金供给和国家财政支持,远远满足不了需求,国内资本市场的不成熟使众多低碳企业将目光转向了国外。

    After all , low-carbon economy is an industry of high technology , we need a huge amount of funds , enterprises can not satisfy the demand only by internal capital supply and national financial support .