
dī tàn jīnɡ jì
  • low-carbon economy
  1. 随着极端气候天气的频繁出现,低碳经济(low-carboneconomy)越来越受到国际社会的重视。

    As the high frequency of extreme weather , the low-carbon economy is paid attention by the international community increasingly .

  2. 基于MFA分析下的低碳经济发展战略

    Strategies for Low-Carbon Economy Development by Using MFA

  3. 第四章从理论上分析了FDI对我国低碳经济发展的积极和消极影响。

    Chapter IV analyzes positive and negative impact of FDI on low carbon economy theoretically .

  4. 低碳经济所要解决的问题实质上是有关高效利用能源、开发清洁能源、追求绿色GDP的议题。

    The key issue that the low-carbon economics focus is to use the energy with high efficiency , explore clean energy and pursue green GDP .

  5. 研究表明,在经济可持续发展的基础上,实现GDP与碳排放的相对脱钩或者绝对脱钩是达到低碳经济条件首要条件。

    Research indicates that , in the context of sustainable economic development , achieving the relative or absolute decoupling between GDP and carbon emissions , is the prerequisite to realize low carbon economy .

  6. 因此,为了减缓气候变化、确保人类社会可持续发展,亟需减少CO2排放、发展低碳经济。

    Therefore , in order to slow down climate change and ensure the sustainable development of human society , it is urgent to reduce emissions of CO2 and develop a low carbon economy .

  7. 现在正大力提倡节能减排、低碳经济的可持续发展目标以及国家对其相应政策的扶持,LED(发光二极管)作为新一代绿色光源势必会引起照明领域的一次重大变革。

    The target of sustainable development like the ideas of energy-saving and emission-reduction and low carbon economy which are vigorously supported by our government is widely promoted . As a new Green Light , LED will cause significant changes in the lighting area .

  8. 经济学教授尼古拉斯斯特恩(NicholasStern)发表了一份很有影响力的报告。他在报告中辩称,向低碳经济过渡是可以负担的,并与持续的经济增长没有矛盾。

    Nicholas Stern , a professor of economics , has issued an influential report arguing that the transition to a low-carbon economy is affordable and compatible with continued economic growth .

  9. 研究FDI、对外贸易与我国CO2排放强度之间的关系,对我国政府制定发展低碳经济、改善环境、经济的可持续增长的政策有重要的参考价值,因此本研究有重要的现实意义。

    Researching the relationship between FDI , foreign trade and carbon dioxide emission intensity is significant . It has important reference value for our government to develop low carbon economy , improve the environment and make the sustainable growth of policy .

  10. 随着联合国气候变化大会在哥本哈根的召开,低碳经济已经成为当前世界各国发展的共识,如何节能减排,降低单位GDP的能耗已成为衡量一个国家可持续发展的重要指标。

    With the holding of United Nations Climate Change Conference , low-carbon economy has become the consensus of the world . How to save energy and reduce the energy cost of unit GDP has become an important index for evaluating the sustainable development of a country .

  11. 建议政府应积极与日方交涉,促进中日两国FTA的建立,完善贸易壁垒预警机制,同时大力推进农产品标准化战略,发展绿色产业,实现农业的低碳经济。

    Recommendations that our government should actively negotiate with the Japanese side to promote the establishment of an FTA between China and Japan and early warning mechanism of the barriers , vigorously promote standardization agricultural strategy , the developments of green industries as well as agriculture in low-carbon economy .

  12. 低碳经济:国外发展的动向及中国的选择

    Low Carbon Economy : Overseas Development Trends and China 's Choice

  13. 沈阳市应借此机遇发展低碳经济。

    Shenyang City should take this opportunity to develop low-carbon economy .

  14. 低碳经济与清洁发展&理想·现实·行动方案

    Low Carbon Economy and Clean Development-Dream , Reality and Action Plans

  15. 珠三角;低碳经济;经济发展模式;

    Pearl River Delta ; Low-carbon economy ; economic development model ;

  16. 所以,我们必须采取一定的措施来发展低碳经济。

    Therefore , we must take certain measures to develop low-carbon economy .

  17. 低碳经济是一项立足于人类可持续发展的能源经济变革,提高能源效率是发展低碳经济的重要保证。

    Low-carbon economy is an energy revolution based on the sustainable development .

  18. 第二部分:我国税收政策促进低碳经济发展的相关理论。

    Part ⅱ: Theoretical review of taxation of the Low-carbon economy development .

  19. 第五部分:外商直接投资对我国低碳经济发展影响的实证分析。

    Part V : Empirical Analysis of low carbon economy in China .

  20. 国际低碳经济发展经验及对中国的启示

    International Experiences on Low Carbon Economy Development and the Lessons to China

  21. 推进两型社会建设的低碳经济之路

    Low-carbon Economy : Path to Boosting the " Two-oriented Society " Construction

  22. 人们对全球变暖问题的关注催生了低碳经济的理念。

    Concerning about global warming spawned the concept of " low-carbon economy " .

  23. 低碳经济的外部性决定了国际合作是其必然选择。

    Considering externalities of the low-carbon economy , international cooperation has become necessary .

  24. 低碳经济与江西省畜禽养殖业可持续发展

    Low Carbon Economy and Jiangxi Breeding Industry Sustainable Development

  25. 中国经济发展模式转变的必然选择&低碳经济

    China 's Inevitable Choice of Changing Economic Development Model & Low Carbon Economy

  26. 低碳经济:我国经济社会可持续发展的战略选择

    Low-Carbon Economy : Strategical Choice for Sustainable Development of Our Economy and Society

  27. 低碳经济:国外的经验启示与中国的发展

    Experience & Enlightenment of Foreign Countries and China 's Development of Low-carbon Economy

  28. 腐植酸对发展绿色低碳经济意义重大

    Humic Acid on the Development of Green Low-carbon Economy is of Great Significance

  29. 从可持续发展角度看,碳减排也是未来的低碳经济发展的必由之路。

    Carbon reduction is the only way for the development of low-carbon economy .

  30. 提出新的低碳经济发展思路和政策框架。

    Put forward new development ideas and policy framework of low carbon economy .