
  • 网络the east asian model
  1. 超越东亚模式:金融危机中的东亚与中国

    Transcend the East Asian Model : East Asia and China under the Financial Crisis

  2. 东亚模式的争议与我见

    On Controversies over the East Asian Model

  3. FDI的特质与东亚模式

    The Unique Qualities of FDI and the Asian Model

  4. 对东亚模式的几点政治经济分析

    An Analysis of the Eastern Asian Model from Political Economy Perspective

  5. 东亚模式与中国长期经济增长

    The East-Asian Pattern and the Long-Term Economic Growth in China

  6. 东亚模式的基本特征分析

    Analysis of basic characteristics of " East Asia mode "

  7. 创新体系与东亚模式的精髓

    Innovative System : The Quintessence of East - Asian Model

  8. 新世纪初东亚模式探析

    Analysis of the East Asia Pattern at the Beginning of the New Century

  9. 东亚模式与东南亚金融动荡

    The Model of East Asia and the Financial Turbulence in South east Asia

  10. 建构共同体的东亚模式知识建构共同体视角下网络课程的开发与实践

    The Exploiture and Practice of Web-based Course under the Knowledge Building Community Perspective

  11. 二是东亚模式。

    The second one is the East Asian pattern .

  12. 金融危机后对东亚模式的再思考

    Reflections on East Asian Mode after the Financial Crisis

  13. 东亚模式的历史局限和调整及其走向

    The Historical Limitation , Adjustment and Developing Trend of the East Asia Model

  14. 东亚模式下银行不良贷款的博弈分析

    A Game Theoretical Analysis on Unhealthy Loans by Banks under East Asian System

  15. 东亚模式和政府主导型旅游发展战略

    Eastern Asia Mode and the Tourism Development Strategy

  16. 东亚模式本质上是一种政治经济综合发展模式。

    The Eastern Asian Model is a political and economic general developing model in essence .

  17. 亚洲金融危机爆发后,儒家资本主义学说阵营应对失措,东亚模式也受到学界质疑。

    After the breakout of Asian financial crisis , post-confucian thesis loses its way as well as Asian ways .

  18. 东欧转轨国家可以借鉴东亚模式的“强政府”吗?

    Is it possible for transitional East European countries to draw lessons from the East asian " strong government model "?

  19. 东南亚金融动荡的主要原因是实施了东亚模式。

    The chief reason causing the financial turbulence in Southeast Asia lies in the implementation of the model of East Asia .

  20. 内容提要本文提出了一个自洽的逻辑,全面地分析了东亚模式的政治经济学。

    This paper presents a coherent framework to fully characterize dynamics of economic development and institutional changes in East Asian Development Model .

  21. 但这并不能说明东亚模式的失败,也不能说明亚洲经济时代的终结。

    But this accident does not show the defeat of ` South Asia Model'and the end of ` Asian Economy Times ' .

  22. 在传统的发展社会学中,学术传统主要有两个,一个是以发达国家的现代化为研究对象的现代化理论,一个是以拉丁美洲、非洲和东亚模式为研究对象的发展理论。

    There are two academic traditions in sociology of development , one is theories of modernization which focuses on modernization of Western developed countries ;

  23. 东亚模式的基本特征可分经济、政治、文化三种类别,每一类模式中均有诸多不同于西方模式的特征。

    Characteristics of East Asian model can be classified into economic , political and cultural ones . Each one is different from that of the Western counterpart .

  24. 通过对东亚模式的历史局限的分析及重新概括,提出了东亚发展应有的政策模式。

    Through the analysis on and re-summarization of the historical limitation of the East Asia Model , this paper puts forward the political model for the development of the East Asia .

  25. 英美模式的独立董事在董事会中能发挥重要作用,东亚模式的独立董事主要起约束家族大股东行为和维护中小股东权益的作用。

    However , in the institutions of East-Asia model , an independent director can only play the function to restrict large stockholders ' behavior and take care the interest of small stockholders .

  26. 本文最后分析了东亚模式对中国的启示,认为它为中国社会发展带来了机遇,在此基础上提出了中国的对策。

    Finally , it analyses the influences brought from the pattern on China , believing that it brings China the chance , as well as urging for suitable countermeasures for China to make .

  27. 接着探讨了亚洲金融危机对东亚模式的挑战,包括不利因素和有利因素,肯定了东亚模式发展的前景依然光明。

    Secondly , the thesis studies the challenge of the East Asian Pattern , including both unfavorable and favorable factors , and affirms that the developing prospect of the East Asian Pattern still sunshine .

  28. 本文首先论述了东亚模式的内涵和东亚模式的基本特征,并在此基础上比较了东亚模式和拉美模式的不同。

    At first , the thesis discusses the meaning and basic features of the East Asian Pattern , on basis of which it compares the difference between the East Asian Pattern and Latin American Pattern .

  29. 东亚模式是一种现实存在,是东亚地区在实现现代化过程中体现出来的共同特质,它在东亚经济的起飞和发展中起了导向作用。

    The East-Asian Pattern refers to common characteristics manifested in the course of the modernization of the countries and regions in East Asia , which has functioned as a guide to the economic prosperity this area .

  30. 本文根据各国在养老保险制度模式和改革路径上的相似性,将世界范围内养老保险制度的改革分为四种:欧美模式、拉美模式、经济转轨国家模式和东亚模式。

    According to the similarity on the patterns of institution and reform routes , this paper divides the reform of Endowment Insurance Institution to 4 types : Pattern of Europe and America , Pattern of Latin America , Pattern of economy transition countries and Pattern of East Asia .