
  • 网络Native advertising
  1. 这些所谓的原生广告就像普通的Facebook消息一样,会直接显示在用户的消息流中,而不是像传统的横幅广告一样显示在网页边缘。

    These so-called native ads look just like normal Facebook posts and show up directly in users ' news streams , not along the side of the page like traditional banner ads.

  2. BuzzFeed是美国知名的新闻聚合网站,最为人所知的是它各种被广为分享的榜单和原生广告实验。它的视频业务部办公室位于洛杉矶,虽然只成立了两年时间,但却像野草一样在悄悄地疯狂生长。

    BuzzFeed is known for its highly shareable lists and native advertising experiments , but the company 's two-year-old , Los Angeles-based video operation has been quietly growing like a weed .

  3. 他们的创作正在被原生广告所取代,那是一条条醒目的标题,看起来更像是新闻、而非广告。

    Their creations are being replaced by native ads – snappy headlines that look more like journalism than advertising .

  4. 与其他地区一样,中国原生广告日益增长,腾讯正帮助改写数字广告的业务规则。

    Native ads are increasing in China , as elsewhere , and Tencent is helping to rewrite the rules of engagement for digital advertising .

  5. 她设想以手机、社交、视频和原生广告为重心,对雅虎进行扩张,这既无法令人信服,她也无法付诸实践。

    Her vision for expanding Yahoo by focusing on mobile , social , video and native advertising was neither convincing nor something she was able to put into practice .

  6. 近年来在出版和广告行业中,关于“赞助内容”或曰“原生广告”、“软广告”的争论甚嚣尘上。顾名思义,“赞助内容”指的就是那些看起来很像网友的热心评论,实质上却是由广告主直接付钱打造的广告。

    In recent years , a debate has raged on among publishing and advertising industry insiders over " sponsored content " - more recently called " native advertising " and once known as " advertorial " - the sort of advertising that looks very much like editorial content but is , in fact , directly paid for by an advertiser .

  7. MaVeNS代表移动、视频、原生(广告)和社交。

    MaVeNS stands for mobile , video , native and social .