
  • 网络Choice Theory;theory of choice;The Theory of Portfolio Selection
  1. 按照公共选择理论(Publicchoicetheory),人都是经济人,因此,总是按照利益最大化来选择其行为方式。

    According to public choice theory ( Public choicetheory ), are " economic man " and , therefore , always maximize the benefits to choose their behavior .

  2. 新地区主义视野下的APEC经济技术合作&基于公共选择理论的分析

    APEC ECOTECH from the Perspective of the New Regionalism & An Analysis Based on Public Choice Theory

  3. 首先,给出NMR物理概念及数学模型,然后,用数学方法讨论其成象过程及断层选择理论。

    First , the physical concept and the mathematic model of the NMR are given .

  4. 社会情绪选择理论(SocioemotionalSelectivityTheory,简称为SST)是毕生发展心理学领域中的一个较新的理论。

    Socioemotional Selectivity Theory ( SST ) is a new theory in the field of life-span developmental psychology .

  5. 本文根据FDI区位选择理论,运用协整分析方法,对影响北京市吸引FDI的关键经济因素进行了实证分析。

    This paper makes an empirical study on the economical determinants of FDI in Beijing city , by exerting co-integration , according to the locational choice theory .

  6. 同时,作者尝试用时机选择理论、羊群效应理论和托宾Q理论来解释牛熊市长期并购绩效的差异,发现托宾Q理论能够更好地解释这一现象。

    At the same time , the author tries to apply timing theory , managerial herding theory and Tobin ' Q theory in explaining the long-term performance of M & A under different market status .

  7. 该部分作者采用市场营销学的市场细分与目标市场选择理论以及采用SWOT分析法对现代商业银行市场营销战略理论进行阐述。

    In this part , temporary commercial banks ' theory on marketing strategy is explained by means of market subdivisions and target market options of the marketing , SWOT analysis method .

  8. 交易费用经济学(TCE)被看成跨国公司进入海外市场时所有权模式选择理论中最重要的观点。

    Transactional Cost Economics ( TCE ) theory is perceived as the most accepted perspective to explain how MNCs make decisions on ownership mode when they invest in foreign markets .

  9. 第一部分介绍达尔文体系及Eigen模型,包括适应面概念、Fisher的自然选择理论、准物种模型的解析解、微扰近似和数值解。

    The first part deals with the Darwinian system and Eigen model , including the concept of fitness landscape , Fisher 's theory , and the analytical solution , perturbation approximation and numerical solution for quasi-species model .

  10. 首先说明研究的问题、相关的各类概念和研究方法,并且对产业集聚涉及的区位理论、FDI区位选择理论和专业化与分工理论相关文献进行回顾和评述。

    First , the text illuminates the problems being studied , correlative concepts and analytical methods , and has reviewed and specified the Location Theory , the Theory of location choice for FDI and interrelated literature about specification and distribution of work , which relates to industry agglomeration .

  11. 公共选择理论中的投票规则问题,尤其是简单多数规则中的选举悖论(Condorcet悖论)是近些年来争论很多的领域。

    The question of the rule for voting , especially the Vote Paradox in the majority rule , is a controversial domain in the theory of Public Choice .

  12. 科尔曼理性选择理论简析

    A Review of James . S. Coleman 's Rational Choice Theory

  13. 上述三种论点的依据都是自然选择理论。

    All base their arguments on the same tenets of natural selection .

  14. 延边地区中小企业产业选择理论与方法研究

    Study of theory and method of choice industries of Yanbian 's SMEs

  15. 不确定环境下的投资组合选择理论是金融经济中一个传统而又非常重要的问题。

    Portfolio selection is a classic and important problem in financial economics .

  16. 最后评述市场进入模式选择理论,对各个理论的主要内容及其特点进行了分析。

    Lastly , the chapter reviews the market entry mode selection theory .

  17. 数学期望与不确定性条件下选择理论的几个问题

    Several Problems about Expectation and Choice Theory on the Condition of Uncertainty

  18. 此时,不确定性条件下的选择理论奠定了经济学分析方法的更为一般的个体行为基础。

    Choice theory under uncertainty is the behavioral foundation of economic analysis .

  19. 国外企业兼并文化整合模式与选择理论及其启示

    Patterns & Theories Concerning Foreign Mergered Enterprises ' Cultural Integrity

  20. 公共选择理论的政治观分析

    Analysis of the Political Conception of the Public Choice Theory

  21. 中国行政效率的公共选择理论分析

    Analysis of public choice theory of China 's administrative efficiency

  22. 对海运业跨国经营投资区域选择理论与方法进行了研究。

    Study is made on investment theory and method of area selection .

  23. 基于预测风险最小化的模型选择理论与方法研究

    On Theory and Method of Model Selection Based on Predict Risk Minimization

  24. 汇率选择理论与东亚货币合作

    The exchange rate choice theory and the East Asia ′ s money cooperation

  25. 府际关系的公共选择理论分析

    An Analysis on Public Choice Theory of Inter-governmental Relations

  26. 公共选择理论分析框架解析

    Analysis on Analytic Framework of the Public Choice Theory

  27. 两结果均支持自然选择理论。

    The two results stand by the Natural Selection .

  28. 试论用户行为可近性选择理论

    The Accessibility Theory in the Users ' Selected Actions

  29. 自然选择理论在行为研究中的核心概念辨析

    Discriminating the Core Concepts of Natural Selection 's Behavior-research

  30. 联盟网络中基于实际选择理论的整合战略

    An Integrated Strategy Based on the Real Options Theory in the Alliance Network