
  • 网络Choice cost;Alternative cost
  1. 本文首先引入品牌经济学的选择成本的概念,通过对博弈论Hotelling模型的改进和运用,分析表明国外卷烟厂商在竞争中所具有的品牌优势会逐步提高其市场占有率。

    This article is its gradual achievement . Firstly , this article introduced the concept of alternative cost in Brand Economics . Through improving and utilizing Hotelling Model , the analysis indicated that the overseas cigarette manufacturers have the brand superiority , which will raise their market share gradually .

  2. 选择成本决定了消费者的选择效率(ChoiceEfficiency),进而决定了企业的生产效率。

    Choice cost decides the choice efficiency of the consumers , thereby determines the production efficiency of the firms .

  3. 您可以选择成本最低的查询,并可以从那个视图直接启动OptimQueryTuner。

    You can select the costliest query , and you can launch Optim Query Tuner directly from that view .

  4. 品牌的经济学本质就是作为排他性的品类符号来有效降低消费者选择成本。

    Brand is a category symbol to effectively reduce choice cost .

  5. 另一方面是通过选择成本较低的供应链合作伙伴从整个供应链范围内降低供应链成本。

    Cutting supply chain cost through choosing supply chain cooperative partners .

  6. 解禁后,逆向选择成本显著下降。

    After expiry , the adverse selection cost decrease significantly .

  7. 在选择成本动因时,下列因素应该认真加以考虑。

    When choosing cost drivers , the following factors should be considered carefully .

  8. 经研究发现,买卖价差随投资者对资产预期与逆向选择成本的增加而增加,当买卖双方力量对比相当时,买卖价差达到最大;

    The spread widens as the difference in valuation and adverse selection costs increase .

  9. 分析选择成本动因的人员必须权衡利弊,然后才能确定成本动因。

    The analysts of drivers must weigh the pros and cons , then identify cost drivers .

  10. 除了前面提到的两个重要原则之外,选择成本动因还必须考虑到合理性的问题。

    Apart form the preceding two main principles ; the reasonableness may be considered in choosing drivers .

  11. 选择成本动因最基本的原则是,成本动因必须反映前因后果之间的关系。

    In choosing cost drivers , the principal idea is that the drivers must reflect the cause-and-effect relationship .

  12. 高校在应用作业成本法时应从确定高校的主要作业、归集作业成本,选择成本动因并分配作业成本等几方面入手。

    Universities can start from such aspects as the classification of the main activities when applying the activity-based costing .

  13. 如果只挑选一个标准来衡量供应链的竞争力,人们通常都会选择成本标准。

    It is reasonable to choose cost as the main standard to evaluate the performance of a supply chain .

  14. 品牌信用可以降低顾客的选择成本,让顾客不假思索的做出购买选择。

    The brand credit can reduce the cost of making choices for customer , persuading them to purchase without hesitation .

  15. 品类创新强调单一利益点的创新,民艺在新的消费形势下进行利益点的创新且单一化,可有效降低目标顾客的选择成本。

    Brand-category-innovation emphasizes the innovation of unique profit point . It can decrease customers ' choice cost in the new consumer environment .

  16. 在研究中提出了品类内部选择成本的概念,建立了监督提供博弈模型、地理标志的品牌关联模型。

    The research has put forward the concept of category internal selection costs and established a monitoring game model and a GI brand association model .

  17. 而且当公司面临较高信息不对称情况下拥有利好消息时,倾向发行短期债务向市场传递其质量信号,以减少逆向选择成本;

    And firms with both good news and high asymmetric information tend to issue a short-term debt for signaling its quality to reduce adverse selection cost .

  18. 在不完全信息的市场上,由于信息的不对称,品牌通过降低消费者的选择成本而形成价值。

    On the market with incomplete information , because of asymmetric information of product , the brand makes value through reducing the consumers ' choice cost .

  19. 这五种逆向选择成本的估计模型是估计微观金融市场中逆向选择成本因素的主要模型,并且成为引用率最高的几种逆向选择成本估计模型。

    These models are the main models on the models of adverse selection components measures in the market microstructure and , have the highest rate in quotation .

  20. 对于网上教师来说,要从大量竞争产品中选择成本效益最好的教育软件和服务是非常困难的事情。

    For the online teacher , the selection of the most cost-effective educational software and services is complicated by the wide range of competing methods that are available .

  21. 最后经过外部环境和内部因素分析,得出公司应该选择成本领先战略的结论。

    In the end as a result of external environment and internal factors , the thesis has a conclusion that the company should choose a cost leadership strategy .

  22. 将品牌信用度引入到品牌与选择成本的作用机制的分析中,并进一步讨论了信用卡品牌的品类。

    Brand credit degree is introduced into the analysis of the mechanism between the brand and choice cost . And the paper further discusses the category of credit card .

  23. 此外,高价股买卖价差中的逆向选择成本所占比例高于低价股价差中的逆向选择成本比例。

    Finally , the proportion of adverse selection cost in bid-ask spreads of the stocks with high price level is higher than that of the stocks with lower price level .

  24. 目前,一般认为,不同方法的会计选择成本是不一样的,真实活动会计选择一般被认为对企业更昂贵,或者应计额比现金流量更容易操纵。

    At present , the general view is that the cost of accounting choice differs across these methods , with real accounting choice generally considered to be more costly for the firm .

  25. 汽车整车企业根据市场竞争的要求,为提高品牌系列整车的价格、质量等整体竞争力,需要选择成本更低、品质更好、响应速度快和服务更优的汽车零部件企业供货。

    As to raise the competition capability in the market , automotive companies prefer for automotive parts companies which can provide low lost , good quality , fast feedback and better service .

  26. 通过3个例子来比较制造成本法和变动成本法下的利润,得出结论:在业绩评价中应根据企业的实际情况谨慎选择成本计算方法。

    Compares the absorption costing method and the variable costing method by three examples . The conclusion is that it should be careful to select the costing methods in evaluating performance of management .

  27. 对于无法利用市场法、收益法等方法进行评估的生物资产,亦可选择成本法确定其价值。

    For the methods that cannot be utilised for the biological asset , such as market method and return method , it is suggested to choose the cost method to determine its value . 3 .

  28. 通过回归模型对买卖价差进行分解后,发现全体样本的逆向选择成本占整个价差的42.19%,且随着成交量的增加而增大;

    After decomposing bid-ask spread through the regression model , we estimate an adverse selection component of 42.19 % , a order processing component of 34.23 % and a order persistence component of 23.27 % .

  29. 分工带来的产量增加和产品多样化却会导致消费者的选择成本上升,从而降低消费者的选择效率从而降低资源配置效率,使生产和消费不能保持均衡发展,妨碍了经济增长。

    However increasing supply and product diversity will increase the costs of choice to reduce choice efficiency of consumers and resource distribution that leads to the unequilibrium development of production and consumption and hinder economic growth .

  30. 品牌的经济学本质是降低消费者的选择成本,进而影响消费者对品牌的选择,而消费者选择又决定了厂商的销售量和利润。

    We consider that the economic nature of brand is to reduce the choice cost of consumers and affect the choices of consumers , and the choices of consumer decide sales and profit of the firm .